View Full Version : Feel Like fainting. racing thoughts :P /

05-02-2013, 11:26 AM
I HATE this feeling. I feel like I will faint. I become dizzy all of a sudden and I start becoming aware of everything, how I feel, any discomforts, what I'm thinking, will somthing happen? It usually happens at work. I'm a substitute teacher. I HATE this feeling.

05-02-2013, 12:36 PM
I hate that the most when driving - I feel your pain....it will pass.

05-02-2013, 12:48 PM
I hate that the most when driving - I feel your pain....it will pass.

oh yeah, ive had it while driving too. i just hate anxiety all together, i swear i have everyone of those symptoms of an anxiety attack.

05-02-2013, 01:08 PM
Do you sometimes almost fall over like a head rush and have to hold on to something or have any head pressure or tension in the front of head or around your head.... If so.... I'm on the same boat.... Speaking of boat do you sometimes feel like your on one... Like either your head or the ground is shifting?..... Welcome to anxiety.... :(

05-02-2013, 01:10 PM
Yeah I get an " off -balance " feelin ... I also wk in a Skool and that's where it's been happening but thankfully I havnt had it for last 2wks as I was getting it most days

05-02-2013, 02:11 PM
I have the same problem at work or going to stores and driving. Dizzy and very lightheaded I called in sick or gone home a lot because of this. I was blaming it on my sinus but I know this is anxiety related

05-02-2013, 02:32 PM
Yep I get this ALL the time. It's awful.

And sometimes I feel like my legs won't work, like I can't walk...

05-02-2013, 02:50 PM
Something as little as a head rush sure can get the cycle started

The thoughts of "why " go racing through your head and you never ever decide that it was caused by getting up too quickly

You always land on the heart attack or brain aneurism, because really, what else could it be?

Then here we go again. Panic and adrenaline go racing through your body

Then you calm down a little and the panic stops but now you start to worry when it will happen again so now you start to feel physically ill

Now you can start the whole cycle over again. Yeah!!!!

I miss the days of being dizzy just meant I smoked too much weed.

05-02-2013, 03:27 PM
Lol yeah but mine doesn't just happen cause I got up too fast... It happens while standing

05-02-2013, 03:40 PM
Lol yeah but mine doesn't just happen cause I got up too fast... It happens while standing

Mine happens whilst standing too and even sitting!! Do you get this a lot of the day even when you don't think you are anxious??

05-02-2013, 03:46 PM
Yeah.... It really sucks and is scary.... Because of head pressure

05-02-2013, 04:07 PM
Yeah.... It really sucks and is scary.... Because of head pressure

Yes it's the one symptom that I can't shake and it's frightening. Always thinking "will this be the time I actually do faint??"

05-02-2013, 05:18 PM
In the past, I would sometimes be sitting watching tv in bed and I'd get this feeling in my head that would make me fall over, like not able to hold myself up and I'd have to hold onto the bed like the room was spinning for a split second. Very weird sensation, and it would happen when I wasn't even feeling anxious.. just random.

05-02-2013, 05:36 PM
In the past, I would sometimes be sitting watching tv in bed and I'd get this feeling in my head that would make me fall over, like not able to hold myself up and I'd have to hold onto the bed like the room was spinning for a split second. Very weird sensation, and it would happen when I wasn't even feeling anxious.. just random.

Yep I get the same thing. How did u get rid of it??

05-02-2013, 06:02 PM
It was never a reoccurring thing.. it would happen once or twice, and then never again.. just very random.. hasn't happened in a few years for me. I never had to do anything to get rid of it, just didn't last long.

05-02-2013, 08:22 PM
Yeah I get either standing or sitting. It's very scary. And yes I also think to myself "will this be the time that I actually do faint" . And I get even more anxious or worried because I'm in front of a classroom. I know I would be super embarrassed if that happened. Closing my eyes sometimes helps . It also comes at times when I don't even think I'm feeling anxious . It's all very unsettling

05-02-2013, 09:18 PM
I am sooo the same. I will be feeling fine then all of a sudden I start to feel it then bang I can't shake it.... It used to set off massive panic attacks but I've learnt to keep them at bay lately.
I just hate feeling like I'm going to fall over all the time. It makes me worry something seriously is wrong with me and it's a never ending cycle day after day

05-02-2013, 09:46 PM
Mine happens whilst standing too and even sitting!! Do you get this a lot of the day even when you don't think you are anxious??

Yup. :( But I don't know if mine is anxiety, my hyperthyroidism, the increase in thyroid drugs, the increase in Prozac, allergies, blocked ear, etc. I pretty much try to just ignore it because I know it will eventually pass and even if I KNEW what was causing it there's nothing I can do to change it at this point.

I remind myself that my problems could be much worse, but I get very angry and defeated when these attacks rob me of too much of my day.

05-03-2013, 12:35 AM
Think this us why I get scared more as I'm not stressed / anxious etc .. .. Believe it or not , although I get panic disorder and health .. I'm not an anxious person & dnt really get stressed over things

05-03-2013, 12:59 AM
Locksey even if not usually an anxious person when you have any form of depression or anxiety, you will get these anxiety and panic attacks.

Our brains are not working properly and see fear in things which would not normally worry us one bit, and although these anxiety and panic attacks can't help us, they are horrible.

We just have to learn our own ways of getting through them and different ways for when have them in different places.

I use breathing exercises,meditation, mindfulness, essential oils on a tissue, and some CD relaxation tapes, water on my lips - all depending where I am when attacks happen and what I can do where I am without showing myself up or showing family up, or if I can go for a walk or go to toilets to get space.

At work I also have two good colleagues who will tell me when manic and I need to calm down, they will tell me during meetings so others don't know, but I do and I calm down and stop talking too much.

05-03-2013, 03:26 PM
I don't think it's good but for some reason when I blow my nose it seems to bleed sometimes and it's happened more then 3 times throughtout this week alone.... Kinda worries me... And I'm dizzy and I got head pressure sometimes with the boat rock sensations.... Not helping

05-03-2013, 05:04 PM
It at least happens ounce a day

05-04-2013, 05:14 AM
I don't think it's good but for some reason when I blow my nose it seems to bleed sometimes and it's happened more then 3 times throughtout this week alone.... Kinda worries me... And I'm dizzy and I got head pressure sometimes with the boat rock sensations.... Not helping

I get the feeling like I'm on a boat sensation too.
I get it a lot when I go to the loo when I'm at work lol... 😉