View Full Version : Only Physical Symptoms

07-28-2007, 10:33 PM
Hello all,
This is my first post. What I'm wondering is can you have the physical symptoms of anxeity without any mental effects. What is happening to me, is that my heart rate will increase, my back will hurt and I lose my appetite. What is weird is that I don't mentally panic or feel worried about anything in particular. Just physical effects. My doctor wants to put me on Lexapro to treat the problem along with zanax to control the "attacks". i'm just concerned because mentally I feel fine, but don't want to take an anti-anxeity drug for what seems to me only physical problems.

Thanks for reading

07-29-2007, 01:21 PM
I'm not really sure about that. I know that there have been times in my life (like when I was pregnant) when I had a lot of anxiety symptoms but was actually very POSITIVE mentally. I did not feel worried or upset - but did feel excited. You can have stress and anxiety during positive times as well as negative.

There's also the possibility that these symptoms could be caused by a physical problem. I'd suggest that you be sure to talk to a regular doctor if you haven't - be sure to tell them all of your symptoms - including backache (since that's where your kidneys/adrenal glands are).

07-29-2007, 05:58 PM
I agree. Lexapro and xanax when you feel fine mentally? Yuck. I wouldn't risk it. They can have nasty side effects. I would get a second opinion. Usually you will feel a little off mentally if it is anxiety. At the very least, you will notice yourself worried a lot. This could be something physical.

Do you have anything going on in your life that would be giving you stress?

I wouldn't jump on the meds if I were you. Plus you should probably be seeing a therapist if you are going to be on meds anyways, which it sounds like you don't need to.

07-30-2007, 06:45 PM
In cases like these I would rule out physical before excepting mental. Get a second opinion or even a third. There are so many other things that can cause that.

You have listed 3 symptoms.
Rapid heart beat. How fast? Hard or regular?
Back pain. Where on back? Sharp, dull, ect?
Loss of appetite.

It can be as simple as food or as complicated as your heart, or possibly anxiety and so many other things in the middle. Many doctors say anxiety when they can't figure it out. Try another doctor. Also one symptom can cause another. I couldn't even begin to guess.