View Full Version : i've found amazing guided meditation vids

05-01-2013, 03:38 PM
so i stumbled across a channel on youtube with tonssss of videos to help you all meditate
they are called 'the honest guys'
try out their guided meditation videos. helped me so much and i fall asleep to these every night.
really recommend it to all of you! meditation doesn't only help on the spot when you're feeling anxious, simply by knowing that you can always do meditation if you were to panic really helps you be less fearful.
i've had chronic anxiety for 5 years and i used to take medication but i stopped them because i've been wanting to fight it without meds. and as much as i know that meds do help and are necessary sometimes, i refuse to take them now and instead rely on meditation, yoga and breathing techniques to better myself and i can say that it has worked. i still get anxious a LOT but i do know how to control it now and knowing that i have the ability to control it has decreased anxiety levels.
but yeah definitely check out the honest guys on youtube.

05-01-2013, 03:54 PM
I listen to them at least twice a day, they are very good. There are also apps you can download for meditation. I have an android, and there's one i downloaded called "Sleep Easily", it's free (the icon is pink and yellow) I find the woman's voice to be very calming and she says nice things, helps me fall asleep. I'm sure there are other apps out there too.. but yeah on youtube, that channel is the one that I happen to like too.