View Full Version : Fear of death

05-01-2013, 03:11 PM
Hi. In the past few months, times have been rough. The family has been in all kinds of turmoil, with one of our family members in hospital. I won't go into too much detail as to what happened, but it's been hard to get through. I've started seeing a therapist recently, but he had to cancel our appointment this week. I seem to have developed a fear of death at the minute. The prospect of eventually ceasing to exist terrifies me at the minute. I've thought about it before, but usually it's just a brief passing thing. This has been going on for at least two weeks, maybe more. I think it may be due to shock at one of the recent events. I'd had my suspicions, but when I was told it still hit hard (sorry for the lack of detail). Even though said family members is now out of hospital, I'm still feeling this looming depression about death that has emerged recently. I really hate the idea of ceasing to be. I've just been so terrified of dying, never having the chance to live again, wondering what the hell have I actually DONE in my eighteen years. I don't really know what to do at the minute, I'd just like to settle down again, I'm tired of this looming feeling that I seem to be getting every day lately.

05-01-2013, 03:24 PM
Hope things get better for you and your family, whatever the situation is. I'm guessing that is what triggered how you are feeling at the moment? It is a sad thing to think about.. but you are still so young and have so much more life to live, and i'm sure there are so many things you want to do that you haven't done yet, and you have plenty of time for all of it. Those are all things to look forward to and to get excited about, right?? Living in constant worry isn't living at all. That's what makes me angry about anxiety, i feel like it's taking away from my ability to enjoy life. Life should be about being happy! Hope these things have helped... not sure what else to say.. keep your head up

05-01-2013, 06:32 PM
I can totally relate with you on fearing death!! My grandpa passed away very unexpectedly due to an aneurysm in spring 2011 and that's when ALL my anxiety, panic attacks, and severe fear of death began! Before then I didn't really even know what anxiety or panic attacks entailed. I was happy and carefree. Now I am always scared, think I'm dying, etc. it's awful.

05-02-2013, 05:40 AM
You are 18 and have plenty of time to make good with your life. Your anxiety is probably all related to all the stresses but I do believe this life is not the end. Death is just moving from on realm to the next and is beyond our current comprehension. It's a process universal to every living thing. It always has and always will be so every living thing is in the same boat. Try not to focus on the fact we don't live forever but we are here now and should make the best of it by helping others, searching for happiness, wellness and a meaningful, loving life. Er..well..that's what I try to do anyway. :)Alankay.