View Full Version : Post op anxiety

05-01-2013, 10:41 AM
I had my left ovary removed on Friday. No real pain more discomfort. Monday I started with the minimal anxiety feelings. Tuesday a little more anxious and now today I'm having a full blown anxiety attack. I have not cried and I have tried talking to close friends. I am not sure if it is from not being able to do anything or if it is because of hormone fluctuations. I don't know. All I do know is that I hate this feeling. Please help

05-01-2013, 11:06 AM
I expect it is hormonal problems causing you to be distressed.

I have had clinical depression because of hormonal imbalance since March 2011 and have had post natal depression several times over the past 28 years.

Hormones cause a lot of problems and have ruined many years of my life on and off.

This time my depression has lasted over 2 years because of age, not because of miscarriage etc, so hormones are taking longer to go back to normal, whereas post natal usually only last 5-6 months.
Also worse this time because they have not been able to find an anti depressant to give me a lift during the hormone imbalance. Have been in hospital for 7 weeks this time.

I had a gynae operation last Tuesday and get my biopsy results next Friday. They are hoping that what they did will sort my hormone imbalance, if it doesn't the gynae doesn't know what to do. Until get biopsy results I don't think I will stop having the worry in the back of my head.

So now patches for oestrogen and coil for progesterone, new anti depressant at full dose plus diazepam plus sleeping tablets, and hopefully it will all come together at last and I will get better.

Sorry told you all my problems, but hope it makes you realise that you are not alone in struggling with problems over hormones. The depression and anxiety side of it is terrible, because it is like having PMT increased fourfold every day.

05-01-2013, 12:51 PM
I read thru my tony Robbins book and watched the I love anxiety video. I am trying very hard to get a grip on this. I go back to work tomorrow and originally planned this time off for spring cleaning. Then surgery came up.

05-01-2013, 01:16 PM
Not to make light of this thread but I saw the name Tony Robbins and it reminded me of a funny story, or at least a strange one

This guy I know bought his wife and her best friend a weekend seminar series with Tony Robbins for her birthday

When she came home, she told my buddy she was leaving him because Tony had enlightened her and she realized she didn't really love him

How screwed up is that?

05-01-2013, 02:06 PM
Omg I read the chapter about relationships. I am going to apply what I have learned in the book to my relationship. I hope ur friend has gotten over that little bump.
I always think of him in shallow Hal.

05-01-2013, 03:06 PM
I think anxiety might be a normal thing after major surgery? I don't know, I'm just going by what I've seen in my own family.. when my grandma had a knee replacement she got terribly anxious and said she felt like she wanted to jump out of her own body... same with my mother-in-law when she had a hysterectomy. Could be hormonal, could just be your reaction to your surgery. Either way you'll be okay!

05-01-2013, 03:07 PM
Perhaps at work tomorrow you can think about the film and relationship bit and it will help you relax.

05-01-2013, 03:45 PM
Thank you all. I know that anxiety is a struggle and I find that I am a creature of habit. Any little thing off my norm and it throws me.

05-02-2013, 09:05 AM
Well at work. Anxiety minimal and then increases and then goes away. Kind of like a roller coaster.

05-02-2013, 01:29 PM
I suffer from a post op anxiety

I had an operation on my lung last sep
I still remember that I was anxious the same day I was admitted into hospital
They were trying to fit a chest drain in A&E and I was trembling and telling my husband I m dying
The day I was having the surgery I crumbled on my hospital bed I could see a photo sequence of my life since I was a kid till that same day
I was convinced that I won't make it
Got out of hospital and started having similar pain to before and I thought it s happening again
I m still the same till today the only difference is that is I m having the pain in different places which reinforce the feeling of having a wide range of diseases
( before I thought I had something wrong in my lung now I think there s something wrong with every organ in my body)