View Full Version : Hey people needing some help here :)

05-01-2013, 06:07 AM
Alright so my mother and my stepfather decided to go on vacation for a week and even though the weather is not like the best to go on vacation right now I still felt like going just to enjoy being somewhere different for a while, turns out this was one of the worst decisions of my life...

We left on sunday night and everything was just fine, the next day was sort of okayish as well, we went to the beach with this crappy weather but still I felt like if I'd let myself go down because of the weather, this vacation wouldn't be enjoyable at all (not for me or anyone else) so I just "pretended" it was a hot, sunny day and kinda enjoyed it, but at night I just felt a bit off, like a slight depressive mood that I couldn't shake off but I thought it was just some temporary crap as usual and slept on it.
Next day, possibly one of the worst in my life, my mood was not the best and neither was my stepfather's , since he's also been kinda stressed out for no reason and we had quite a nasty arguement over something extremely stupid, he just felt like he had the right to do what he did and let's just say that it's not the best idea to go against me like that when I'm totally not in the mood. Anyways, the rest of the day was extremely horrible, depressing, anxiety filled and even some scary thoughts came to mind, my guess here is that I still have to work on some issues from the past since I just go berserk whenever there's little confrontation, the only good thing about that day was the Champions League game (soccer) , after that I went straight to bed just to avoid contact with anyone, and that's how it has been today as well, avoiding contact and trying not to get even more anxious or depressed over what my mother tells me, as she kinda freaks out when I get depressed...

So yeah it's a bit complicated and to be honest, I have no idea on how to deal with this because it has been a looong time since I had issues like this, I was doing just fine overall in my life and it's quite amazing that a single disturbing event can turn everything around for the worse, so I'd be extremely grateful if you guys could give me a few tips just on how to "survive" these last days of vacation and on how to lift my mood, if I manage to do that everyone else around me will see that I'm making an effort and feel better as well :)

05-01-2013, 06:36 AM
We all have occasional days from hell. You'd be amazed at what difference a day can make if you don't make too much of it. Alankay

05-01-2013, 06:44 AM
I agree with the above. Don't beat yourself up,too much for having a bad day

I have days like that too and I just tell my wife that I am uptight and probably will be a dick most of the day

We all have them and are entitled. Taking them out on others is what you shouldn't do, but hard sometimes

To me, it's not that you are having a bad day but how you are reacting to your bad day

So you got an argument with pops. Big deal

Then you feel guilty because of it and makes you sad. Then you dwell on it and makes your thoughts focus.

Now you feel the anxiety.

Remember, anxiety doesn't come from your thoughts but how you react to your thoughts or physical symptoms

That is what feeds it

Have fun on your vacation. Don't let yesterday bother you

There's a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror.

Move forward.

05-01-2013, 06:47 AM
I think you should make sure that you give yourself some me time during the rest of the holiday, but also try to interact when you are feeling OK. Also try to be mindful about the lovely place you are on holiday, and even if the weather is not good it can still be good for you to be out in it for a nice walk.
Try relaxing when you get some time to - meditation just concentrating on your breathing even for 5 minutes can make you calm and able to handle things again.
Try suggesting doing something with the others that you would like to do and where there is no chance of confrontation, or if necessary just do something with just one or two of the people with you.
Everyone finds family time difficult, no matter whether you usually get on as a family or not, it is an unusual thing to be away together and can cause new pressures.
Just take yourself away from the pressure when you need to, calm down, and start again.
Try to enjoy some of the holiday or it will be a shame, so you need to calm down and interact so that you can enjoy the holiday.
We all have these trying times, I have the worse times possible sometimes with my sister, so you are not alone, but you just have to find a technique of handling it best for you.
Hope you manage to enjoy some of the rest of your holiday.

05-01-2013, 07:07 AM
I agree with the above. Don't beat yourself up,too much for having a bad day

I have days like that too and I just tell my wife that I am uptight and probably will be a dick most of the day

We all have them and are entitled. Taking them out on others is what you shouldn't do, but hard sometimes

To me, it's not that you are having a bad day but how you are reacting to your bad day

So you got an argument with pops. Big deal

Then you feel guilty because of it and makes you sad. Then you dwell on it and makes your thoughts focus.

Now you feel the anxiety.

Remember, anxiety doesn't come from your thoughts but how you react to your thoughts or physical symptoms

That is what feeds it

Have fun on your vacation. Don't let yesterday bother you

There's a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror.

Move forward.

^^^^^ Excellent advice here. Clear up the issue with your stepdad, I'm sure that's contributing to your mood, and look for something fun (possibly indoors, if the weather isn't cooperating) to do, let all the other stuff go, and enjoy your vacation.

05-01-2013, 10:16 AM
Super grateful for all the replies! I managed to work some stuff around today right after I posted this, I just told myself there was no reason to be upset or depressed about this and went to the beach (even though the weather is kinda sucky at the moment) , I had tons of fun and things are kinda back to normal, and you're absolutely right it's all about how I react to my thoughts, I decided that I wouldn't let them take over and ruin my vacation and some willpower is all I need :)