View Full Version : constant need for bowel and bladder movement

05-01-2013, 02:58 AM
Hi all
I'm new here.

I have the constant feeling of a need to have a bowel and bladder movement .....despite the fact that my bowels and bladder are empty.

Also there is a feeling in my groin area [testicles,anus/buttocks] that I have just finished a long bike ride.......not painful but a mild, slightly hot soreness and discomfort.

I have no pain or any stomach problems and normal bowel and bladder evacuations.

I have anxiety issues but never experienced these sensations previously.

I would be most grateful for anyone's comments.


05-02-2013, 12:46 PM
Thank you damavandi for your pm.

05-02-2013, 01:50 PM
I think wanting to go to the toilet lots is a sign of anxiety. At the moment I have to go to the toilet about five times before I go out of the house, sometimes because I hate toilets outside, but also just the feeling of wanting to go is there. It is often just because I am going somewhere I am not sure I want to go to and I am worried about going so it comes out as wanting to go to the loo.
My husband does not get anxiety or depression but he struggles with this too. As soon as he sits down in a meeting or lecture room he feels like he needs to go so he starts fidgeting - he is a nightmare to sit next to. it is always in his mind and just that feeling he can't do something so he wants to.

05-04-2013, 12:47 AM
Thank you Lin.
Do you or your husband have this feeling when relaxing at home; without any timetable or schedule needed to be met?

This feeling is with me throughout the day during all circumstances but does not affect my sleep at night[apart from my normal visit to the loo].

05-06-2013, 12:23 AM
Yes we sometimes have it during the evening and during the night.

I think we both get it when we have something on our minds and it is really hard to stop the feeling even if you don't cave in and keep going.

05-08-2013, 01:09 AM
Maybe this feeling/sensation is an unconscious side effect related to anxiety because at the moment I don't feel anxious but I still have this uncomfortable feeling.