View Full Version : New symotom I need help with

04-30-2013, 10:01 PM
Just had the worst symptom I've never experienced this before in my life and its scared the life out of me!!!
I was asleep and it woke me up this morning baring in mind I had no anxious time because I was asleep! it felt like my heart totally lost track for about 5 seconds and it felt like a muscle twitch in my lower chest more near to my ribs, I was half asleep but I knew something was wrong I grabbed my pulse but I missed it I'm sure it was my heart but I am absolutely petrified now, I got no pain or no shortness or breath, I get skipped beats and flutters but this was different its scared me and my anxiety will be sky high now

04-30-2013, 10:06 PM
This maybe irrelevant but 5 mins after I have really bad wind maybe this was just trapped wind I don't know

04-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Just had the worst symptom I've never experienced this before in my life and its scared the life out of me!!!
I was asleep and it woke me up this morning baring in mind I had no anxious time because I was asleep! it felt like my heart totally lost track for about 5 seconds and it felt like a muscle twitch in my lower chest more near to my ribs, I was half asleep but I knew something was wrong I grabbed my pulse but I missed it I'm sure it was my heart but I am absolutely petrified now, I got no pain or no shortness or breath, I get skipped beats and flutters but this was different its scared me and my anxiety will be sky high now

You PROBABLY had a panic attack in your sleep (which happens, believe me, even if you were calm), but at the same time, be sure to tell your dr. about. You don't want to just disregard it as nothing, and I'm not trying to scare you, it's probably just a panic response from your subconscious, but a dr. would better be the judge. What are your vitals like? Heart status? Have you had an EKG recently. It seems more and more, that's the standard in assessing heart quirks and separating the anxious from the more severely afflicted.

Check your BP and pulse when you can. If they're in the normal range, you're probably fine. I hope this helps, and I'm really sorry if it doesn't. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

04-30-2013, 10:20 PM
You PROBABLY had a panic attack in your sleep (which happens, believe me, even if you were calm), but at the same time, be sure to tell your dr. about. You don't want to just disregard it as nothing, and I'm not trying to scare you, it's probably just a panic response from your subconscious, but a dr. would better be the judge. What are your vitals like? Heart status? Have you had an EKG recently. It seems more and more, that's the standard in assessing heart quirks and separating the anxious from the more severely afflicted.

Check your BP and pulse when you can. If they're in the normal range, you're probably fine. I hope this helps, and I'm really sorry if it doesn't. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

It's never happened before, when it woke me up 5 mins after it happened I had very had wind so could that of been the cause maybe? I will go speak to a doctor about it, I hate going complaining! My vitals are all fine from what I know of, I am a 16 year old girl had 5 standard ECG and they have been brilliant and I have had a 24 hour monitor that was also fine! No trouble with blood pressure etc, my last ECG was around 6-7 months ago and it was the 24 hour monitor. I have a pulse oximeter I keep locked out the way incase I need it that measures your pulse and oxygen level, I used to use it a few months back when I was sky high with anxiety! Anyway that was at the side of my bed so I monitored myself, and my sats where fine, 99% 02 level and it done nothing but raise my pulse to 100+ with shock and panick! But when I have skipped beats and flutters I feel them in my throat they make me cough and tickle my throat, if this was my heart wouldn't I feel it like I do with the skipped beats? And would it effect my oxygen level etc etc

05-01-2013, 11:58 AM
My skipped beats feel two diff ways. A flutter and a pain. The flutter usually makes me cough while the pain scares me and causes anxiety. I try not to worry about them anymore bc I've had so many and nothing has ever happened and been told I'm fine.