View Full Version : burning

07-28-2007, 01:04 PM

I have this symptom and stressing about it...I even pictured my next to happen death because of it.

When I go urinating (i'm a boy not girl!), I have this new burning sensation. Now the burning happens when I sit down in a certain position, of walk. This is new, happened a hour ago for the first time but I thought of posting it in order to stop being convinced I have something serious.

I know the burning is common, but what is it caused by, how should I control it? I'm tired of going to the doctor all the time. It takes a lot of time.

Any thought is welcome.

Oh, I forgot to say: for few days I also had pain to the testicles, it comes and goes...
I also had a sort of anal discomfort. All this is new and was waiting to see what happens before going to the doctor.

It sounds like a totally medical post but since I'm anxious about it, and hypocondriac...

07-28-2007, 08:06 PM
Sounds sketchy, but i'm a girl, so i wouldn't really know. You have options.. 1- wait a few days to see if it clears up (most things will) 2. Call your doctor tomorrow and get an appointment (take action).

Worrying won't help anything. The symptoms are out of your control.

if you already know you have anxiety disorder/hypochondria, you should probably wait to see if it clears up after a few days (your anxious mind might forget about it and move on to something else).

Good luck


07-29-2007, 03:59 AM
Thanks, I also read through your site and got some useful tips there.

07-29-2007, 06:23 AM
You have Urinary Tract Infection or you could just have thrush that should subside with cream. Please go see your doctor and he will give you some antibiotics if it UTI.

I should know because I have this problem myself for well over 2+ years. Nothing I try works. The longer you wait to see the doctor, the more your anxiety will grow.

You have nothing to worry about. I know it does your head in but try to keep calm.

07-29-2007, 07:53 AM
The worry is caused by thinking an eventual infection can become something more serious and threatening...and therefore I should treat it urgently.

I am so very scared of illness at this time.