View Full Version : Fustrated!!

04-30-2013, 07:51 PM
Just got in an agreement with my dad for the 2nd time. Last night we got in one and tonight. Tonight's was worse though. We fight over my anxiety he tries to tell me he understand and then tells me that its mind over matter and that I just need to suck it up and not listen to my anxiety. He doesn't understand because if he did he wouldn't say the things he says to me. He thinks its easy to just get over and not listen to my anxiety but its not. I am taking the steps I need to get better but I'm just not getting better. I'm going crazy. I'm washing my hands more and I'm stressed out all day everyday. I think it's because I have a puppy and I constantly have to watch it and don't get much sleep. I don't know what to do. I'm on Paxil so far it hasn't helped and I go see a therapist also.

04-30-2013, 07:57 PM
Sorry your having a hard time. Most people don't understand anxiety and its really frustrating.
((( hugs))) try not to worry that makes anxiety worse

04-30-2013, 08:05 PM
I'm trying but getting into fights with my dad and with my boyfriend yesterday just doesn't help. I hate that everyone either tells me they understand when they don't or that they judge me and think that I'm some crazy person that has mental problems. No one around me understands and I can't explain it. It's just how my brain is working right now. I'm so done with this bullshit anxiety, I just want to be my normal self again. I hate how I am, I hate how I think. I just hate it all. I hate how anxiety takes over my life and makes me feel and think this way all the time. I'm so over it.

04-30-2013, 08:33 PM
Lets kick anxietys ASS lol!! I'm so over it to I want to be able to go out and enjoy things but I can't. I'm sick of my boyfriend too all we do is fight. It's not fair. Don't stress yourself everyone here understands and your not crazy ;) unless all of us are

04-30-2013, 08:35 PM
Clear your inbox ;)

04-30-2013, 08:35 PM
Lets kick anxietys ASS lol!! I'm so over it to I want to be able to go out and enjoy things but I can't. I'm sick of my boyfriend too all we do is fight. It's not fair. Don't stress yourself everyone here understands and your not crazy ;) unless all of us are

Welcome to the path to healing. You just found it.

04-30-2013, 08:37 PM
Clear your inbox ;)

Just cleared it

04-30-2013, 09:40 PM
Welcome to the path to healing. You just found it.

I'm with ya! Lets do it!

04-30-2013, 10:25 PM
Hey Samantha. Goodness you are beautiful! Sorry I just had to say it! Thats a bummer that you and your dad and boyfriend (oh jeeze) are fighting. The thing is nothing you say to him or explain in detail is going to make him change his mind or his opinion on what anxiety is and how to get over it. Until people experience it its just impossible for them to understand. Its not a quick fix and its a slow process. The mind needs to heal and so does the CNS. (mind body connection) It seems that this argument did nothing more but cause you more anxiety. In situations like these (to avoid anymore potential fights) its best to to just walk away when the argument comes on. Nobody wins. I have had my fair share and when I argue with someone I constantly have the argument in my head all day. Its not worth it and only makes problems worse. If you have any built up aggression or anxiety from this I recommend hitting the gym. Just start hitting the punching bag and just get loose! A strategy I do when I work out when lifting weights in I pretend every rep I do that my anxiety is decreasing. I vision it in my mind decreasing the harder I workout. I picture a meter in my mind. It actually works and I feel better after words.