View Full Version : still anxiety driving me nuts now

04-30-2013, 03:50 PM
Anxietys been driving me nuts since january probly nithing compared to some people my stomachs took the worst of it but now im starting to worry im loosing weight as im 6ft1 11 stone 5 say n im constanlty on the scales lol I say to myself when I look in the mirror that bone wernt pocking out before n I get all paranoid and say should i be able yo feel these bones in my chest or arms or back or legs ide never taking that much notice before all y anxiety troubles and now I start feeling my body to see if I can feel any more bones that ide not noticed before can anxiety make your mind more aware of little things that maybe you hadnt noticed before? Also I used to lift weights nothing major but I earned a fair bit of muscle mass and I stopped lifting december so that's five months off the gym surley im just loosing the muscle I earned while lifting and im returning to my normal skinny self? Anybody could help shed some light ide appropriate it akot thabks Josh

04-30-2013, 04:07 PM
I should go talk to Dr because could be anxiety causing weight loss but if drastic weight loss might be start of eating problem.
Get checked and then can work on getting better.

04-30-2013, 04:42 PM
What about your stomach is bothering you? Are you nauseous, feeling pains, vomiting, not eating?

I have had stomach issues since the beginning of March. It started with smells bothering me, then nausea, then I completely lost my appetite and could not bring myself to eat anything. I would have to force myself to eat, and in a day i'd probably only have a banana and a few slices of bread when I was at my worst. In 5 weeks I lost 15 pounds. I am 5'4", weighed 140lbs but dropped down to 125lbs.

Have you been to the doctor to rule out any health issues? Or is this what you usually experience when you go through anxiety? I have had just about every test done, bloodwork, urine, xrays, CT scan, upper endoscopy, and they have not found anything wrong with me, so my stomach doctor has come to the conclusion that anxiety is causing my stomach problems. I'm doing a little better now, eating better and not as nauseous. I was put on Klonopin for anxiety that I take every once in a while when I feel I need it. But yes, your stomach issues may definitely be caused by anxiety.

I found that stepping on the scale made me feel worse, because I would panic about the weight loss, it really scared me and just added to my anxiety. So I stopped weighing myself. I would suggest you try to stop weighing yourself and fight the urge to feel your body. Doing those things will not make you feel any better, and they serve no purpose other than make you more anxious. Try to eat bland foods, smaller meals throughout the day, whatever you can tolerate. It's really a "mind over matter" thing. One day I just said to myself "you're going to sit down and eat, and keep eating, because you have to!" I eventually got over being afraid of the nausea. The nausea was so intense it made me afraid to eat because I just felt so crappy... but I felt crappy because I wasn't eating! It's a vicious cycle you need to break.

05-01-2013, 12:11 AM
Hibthabks for the reply yes I have been doctors had various twsts done ultrwscan of abdomen stool tests bloodwork and its bowrl movements thats my problem he put it all down to anxiety and ibs no I have no nausea when my anxiety first flared up I was like ypu bread and a banna all I could eat for 2 maybe 3 weeks then I got over the loss of appetite witch wad a reliefe and now I am eating fine and yeah I do try and stop by keeping myswlf busy im going to go back to lifting again seee if it makes me feel better thanks for your reply Josh

05-01-2013, 03:04 AM
Hope you are feeling better.

Remember try whatever possible you can access to find the thing that will work for you personally. Even if something only gives you one little bit of advice which helps it is worth looking at.
Keep an open mind, try anything and persevere with things to see if they work and you will hopefully find something which will help you.
Good luck and keep posting on forum as loads of people on here with good advice that will help you.