View Full Version : I'm so depressed

04-30-2013, 03:27 PM
Well along with anxiety comes depression but I don't think the anxiety is causing the depression right now. It's real life stuff. I really regret quitting my job, everyday now is very unproductive and looking for a new one is very hard especially when I just will not accept anything. I find myself crying and just feeling so down, I have a fiance that works and is paying everything well he pretty much paid all of the regular household bills when I worked and I paid my own car insurance and for my phone. Well now i'm just so worried on how the hell we will even afford my stuff. I will not just accept a minimum wage job because it will not benefit me! Summer is about to be out and I have a seven year old daughter that will need care and that does not come cheap. And I have lots of family but were all spread out and my mom who died five years ago I know she would do it if she were here but shes not. So basically I would have to pay for my daughter to be in daycare which estimated is 60 a week! One major problem I have is I lack so much confidence in myself, its like I don't have any confidence and I have been told this many times in the past by therapist and people in my life. Some days I feel motivated to get a job but it quickly diminishes when I get denied for a job I wanted. Other things are I feel alone sometimes. Even though I have a great man and daughter in my life, I find myself wishing almost everyday I had my mama to talk to. We were so close and she passed away from a brain tumor. My dad remarried and I barely ever talk to him or see him which is sad since he lives 30 minutes away. I don't ever call him. Why don't I ever call him? I guess thats for me to answer. We have had some problems in the past. I talk to him today though and it actually made me happy. I think alot of the reason I don't talk to him much is he has always been really hard on me. I know thats because he has always wanted the best for me but sometimes I just need someone to listen not criticize me! Anyway I started up this paxil about a week ago I just been taking 10mg i'm suppose to go up to 20mg now. And I have been on anti-depressants most of my life but the past couple years I neglected them. So my system seems to not be used to them as much. Im not too much getting them now but I was getting horrible headaches and I do notice i'm a little jittery in the morning but paxil has always been that way for me in the mornings. I hope things start looking up for me. Sitting here day after day is making me more depressed.

04-30-2013, 04:17 PM
Pleased you had good talk to your dad today and if continue with help from him it will help you. Not worry about fiance covering bills at moment, one day in future you might have to do it for him.
Keep trying about job and keep positive, it is always harder to find a job when not got one than if already got one and looking. I should stop worrying about past decisions and try be positive about future. I know what like not to have your mum to talk to, and I always find I miss my mum worse when I am ill. Keep positive, try not to worry, and keep trying - it wiil come good in the end.