View Full Version : Is this a cluster headache or something else PLEASE HELP

04-30-2013, 03:22 PM
Hi all, Im getting real stressed at the moment and finding it real hard to cope. I know everyone who has anxiety will have times when things just get on top of them and they can not cope with things, well now im having one of them moments.

Basically in the last quarter of 2011 i got a few headaches around my eyes they lasted for about 3 weeks and they went for about month and then came back in jan 2012. This time i had them for about 6 weeks. I went to the doc who said they are tension headaches. I was stressed around the times of getting headaches so i put it down to anxiety and that the stress was causing the headaches. Ive had a few health issues since then and i have had to have a few tests etc done and i have been worrying about the tests as well as the results. Then about 6 weeks ago out of the blue i started to get them again. I went to the doc who checked me over and said things looked ok but to go and get my eyes tested. The eye test revealed that i had pressure in my eyes which could indicate a glaucoma. ( i did put a post on here about this last week) Anyway when i was leaving i said to the lady what else could the pressure be her reply was i cant see into your head without a MRI so i dont know if you have a tumor. Well i only heard that TUMOR i didnt hear anything else!

I came out of there in shock thinking its not going to be glaucoma it will be the worse thing ever thats wrong with me. Now im still having these headaches everyday. Sometimes i feel pressure in my eyes like there being pushed in, then i get pain around the eyes and sometimes around the hair line. The pain can be in both eyes but never at the same time. Ive also noticed ringing and popping in the ears and ive been getting jaw ache and my eyes & nose are sometimes watery. Within the last few weeks ive started to have numb lips on and off

The pain can be like 1-5 seconds long and i might have this for 10 minutes or it will go on for hours then stop out of the blue and then come on again just like that. Not looking at bright lights or watching too much tv, reading etc does help ease it. Ive been walking around the house with sunglasses on. Im waking up through the night but the pain is not waking me up i think its stress thats doing it. Medication takes the edge of the pain but it never goes away.

I started to panic about the pain im having thinking something is spreading or getting bigger. Im waiting for a date to see the hospital for them to confirm things, however they might want a MRI and then i know its something bad. This is making me feel so sick inside, i cant relax i worry about dying and leaving my children behind. It just feels like i have one health problem after another.

I know i should not of done it but i went on Google and typed in all the symptoms and one of the things that came up was a cluster headache. However i think if i am suffering with a cluster headache would that show up with pressure in the eyes. If its glaucoma im worrying i also may have something else and i have so many symptoms.

I went to a funeral not long ago of someone who had a brain tumor he didnt have headaches he just passed out and they thought he had a stroke but died two weeks after he found out it was a tumor, as nothing could be done.

I really do try not to think about it but because it will ache just out of the blue, sometimes its as soon as i open my eyes in the morning. This is what makes me think about it so much. I know if they thought i had a tumor i would of been made to go straight up the hospital but they might have missed something.

I just wondered if anyone else had anything similar to this or knew if they thought this was a cluster headache.

Many thanks for taking time to read this long thread.

Sarah x

04-30-2013, 04:27 PM
I am sure they would let you know immediately if you had something serious.
Headaches as bad as you having can be caused by many things - caffeine, stress and worry, or trapped nerve in shoulder or neck.
So once sorted if physical you can get it put right.
If definitely not physical then make sure not having too much caffeine.
Then if none of these accept it is anxiety and depression and then get help for this - tablets which help mood and get rid of headaches, meditation, acupuncture, hypnosis, essential oils and herbal remedies. I would steer clear of Google until told what you have and best website on the subject - Google can worry you unnecessarily others I use if find bad sure and too much info.

04-30-2013, 04:37 PM
I have the exact same thing!! Google 100 signs of anxiety you will be amazed!

04-30-2013, 05:00 PM
I started with serious stomach issues all through March and April, which are slowly starting to ease up a little.. but now that that's going away, I feel like my breathing is off and I am also getting headaches with the pain mostly around my eyes, sometimes lasting all day, sometimes off and on. Anxiety changes. At least for me, I feel like when one symptom starts to go away, my mind looks for something else for me to worry about and I get pains somewhere else. The mind is very tricky like that.

If you've had tests done and they aren't finding anything serious, then there's probably 100% chance that there isn't anything serious. They would have found it. I know it can be hard to accept even when you get good test results, but try to tell yourself to believe it.

I remember when I went for my CT scan, they had to give me an IV, and I'm alright with needles but IVs freak me out. The nurse kept saying "you don't look so good, are you going to be okay? you're scaring me" I said no no i'm fine I just don't like getting IV's. Why would the nurse say that to me! As soon as she left the room I felt like I was going to pass out, so I got up to get help and they gave me a wet towel and put me in this special chair for people who get light headed. Some people don't have the best bedside manner. Her comments threw me into a panic. So I know how you feel. Stay positive, wait it out, if you get more tests done don't obsess over the results, you'll get them when you get them, and they'll likely come back good. Stay positive! Hope you get better soon!

05-01-2013, 01:04 AM
Hi thankyou all for your imput.

I really cant help going off in my head and starting to worry about something else. Since everything started i have lost a baby when i was 5 months pregnant, ive headaches, stomach aches, a swollen stomach ,swelling on my stomach, ovary pain, chest pains, arm pains , water infection. I have had 5 doctors look at my stomach they cant find a thing, they dont know what the swelling/ lump is on the stomach. They think the swollen stomach is IBS. So i had an ultra sound on all organs but they couldnt look at the stomach and bowel - Blood test for helicobacter , celiac disease, Ovary cancer, full blood count, blood clotting - An ECG - Smear - Endoscope & biopsy - Eye test.

I do at times feel im going a little mad because as soon as i try and sort out one problem i get another. I dont think im looking for things but it may appear like that to others. I had ovary pain and then i had spotting on and off.On the tv they said it was ovarian cancer month and kept giving symptoms to look for ........well i had some of them symptoms so that is i had convinced myself thats what i got.

The lump/ swelling on my stomach under my right rib just appeared. Its been there now for over a year. Doctors have pressed it and ive had an ultra sound and theres nothing in it, they dont know what it is.

So within all this time , i still have a swollen stomach - the swelling on my stomach - Ovary pain - headaches - Pains in my stomach and under my ribs - chest pain . I just live with them all they havnt gone away. Its just at the moment the headaches are the worst so im worrying about them.

Im worried they are going to ask me for a MRI scan because they think i may have something, i know its also to rule things out but i just think the worse.

I dont drink alot of coffee / coke etc. I might try something to relax me im going into town today so i will go and ask which medications or oils are best.

I try not to Google but when i want something answered and its 10pm i cant ring my doctor so i Google. I have been good and have not done it for a long time, but the other night got the better of me.

Once again thank you.
Sarah x

05-01-2013, 03:00 AM
Dear Majored
I hope that our posts have helped and that you will keep and open mind and persevere with all types of help you can access to see what works for you. Everyone individual so have to find what is best for you.
Keep an open mind and try anything mentioned to you, if only get small bit of advice or help from something it will help.
Just keep trying and definitely watch the googling - keep on good sites, so only good advice and not something to continue your worry and stress.
Please try lots of things to find what helps you.

05-01-2013, 12:27 PM
Dear Majored
I hope that our posts have helped and that you will keep and open mind and persevere with all types of help you can access to see what works for you. Everyone individual so have to find what is best for you.
Keep an open mind and try anything mentioned to you, if only get small bit of advice or help from something it will help.
Just keep trying and definitely watch the googling - keep on good sites, so only good advice and not something to continue your worry and stress.
Please try lots of things to find what helps you.

Thanks Lin for your support. As the day has gone on my left eye and cheek started to swell and go red. I had a few comments at work that i looked like i had been in the sun as well as looking ill. My eye is still puffy now. I rang the docs to ask if i could speak to someone and they said to go in. So at 3.50 i went to see the emergency doc, i always tell them straight away that i suffer with health anxiety just so they can be warned that i might panic/ cry etc.

Well he thinks with the eye test results that it is a Glaucoma, as well as having a migraine. I asked if he thought i had a brain tumor and he said no as i dont have the symptoms. If he thought i had anything to worry about he would send me straight to the hospital. He said im doing the right thing and should just now wait for my hospital appointment to come, they should be able to tell me what the problem is and if any luck should be able to have some medication to sort it out. He made it sound like a piece of cake and its relaxed me. So ive calmed down a bit to until the next storm. Funny my headache has eased off a lot today but my face , eye and lip seem to have the problem. He also gave me some pain killers and told me to try these when it becomes unbearable.

I just hope once this is sorted it one less worry out of the way.

Many thanks

05-01-2013, 02:58 PM
So glad to hear he eased your mind a little! Your headache probably lessened because your anxiety lessened.. so that's great! As for the eye issue, he told you what that was all about and you are taking the right steps to take care of it. You're doing great, keep thinking positive!

05-02-2013, 01:15 AM
Thanks missmello. I know if i panic my blood pressure will go up which will make the pressure behind my eye worse and then in due course i will have eye/headache. He did relax me however what seems to happen is im ok for a few days then the anxiety starts again and i cant always get the reassurance i need from the people around me.

Thanks for your comments

05-02-2013, 03:18 AM
Symptoms got worse after hearing about a tumour which really does indicate it's probably anxiety. Your anxiety is feeding off the fear and worry you bestow upon it. I believe brain tumours have a lot more serious symptoms and headaches are often one of the last symptoms. I've had very long lasting headaches from anxiety too. It can be difficult when pain killers don't help and dr's aren't concerned.


05-03-2013, 03:01 AM
Raggamuffin i do agree with what you said. Its like curtain trigger words which may indicate death/pain/illness/ would start most people worrying. I then find i dont listen to the rest i just hear the trigger word. I find that pain killers may take the edge of the pain but dont get rid of it. Thats when i start to say to myself the doctor thinks ive got something like a headache, but i say to myself this feels different its not a headache its something else and its always something worse.

The doc said i dont have the major symptoms of a tumor, even though headache and eye pain can be symptoms there are other things to consider , also the pain would get worse not come and go. Dont get me wrong he said you do have an issue and there is something going on in there but he dont think its a tumor.

Headache and the stomach issues have been the worse symptoms for me for anxiety.

Many thanks


05-03-2013, 04:20 AM
Well just had my appointment through for the Ophthalmology appointment next Friday afternoon . My anxiety had risen as im worried about what they will find. With me its not so much the test its the result. Im trying not to worry but i just cant help it as they may find a small tumor or something like that. I have already started to count down the days .........this time next week etc! I really cant stand the worry and anxiety, im trying to not get stressed as it will start my head and my eyes off.

Thank you all for listening , your support has helped


05-03-2013, 06:40 AM
Just try to do things to relax yourself. The waiting game sucks, particularly when you have nothing to distract your mind!

05-03-2013, 02:35 PM
Hi Alex, im trying to relax sometimes it works. I think its quite amazing when i read through the posts on here they may mention chest pains, stomach pains, headaches etc. Ive had all of those and still have all of those problems. We all want answers and reinsurance that were ok, that we are normal and that there is nothing wrong with us. You may tell me i just have a migraine and yet that could be true but i will worry, think, assume that its got to be something else - something worse! The anxiety will take over and makes you think of the worse possible thing, its not that i dont want to believe you its just the anxiety is telling me the situation is going to be worse. I just wish there was no such thing as stress or worrying !

Thank you for your time

05-03-2013, 04:14 PM
I definitely agree. It's amazing that you're taking care of yourself so well, though. You've gone to the doctor and you've come on here. If what you're dealing with is anxiety, then building up a caring relationship with yourself is important.

05-03-2013, 04:34 PM
I've had tension headaches , I've had the numb lips. Ive had racing thoughts and I felt I was going insane . But it really is anxiety . I know it's anxiety cuz I have gotten an MRI and nothing is wrong with me. I suggest u do the same to put ur mind at ease

05-04-2013, 08:33 AM
I definitely agree. It's amazing that you're taking care of yourself so well, though. You've gone to the doctor and you've come on here. If what you're dealing with is anxiety, then building up a caring relationship with yourself is important.

There was a time that i would put off going to the doctor as i was so worried about what he was going to or say. I would sit at home trying to calm myself down and convince myself that i would be ok , then the anxiety would kick in and google would tell me im dying etc. I guess i have moved forward in the fact that i now go to the doctors to get things sorted. Thanks for your possitive comments .

05-04-2013, 08:47 AM
I've had tension headaches , I've had the numb lips. Ive had racing thoughts and I felt I was going insane . But it really is anxiety . I know it's anxiety cuz I have gotten an MRI and nothing is wrong with me. I suggest u do the same to put ur mind at ease

Everyone keeps telling me my headaches are caused by stress and anxiety. Part of me knows that could be true but the rest is telling me that im not like other people, so i have got to have something different to everyone else. That something else is never something nice or easy to sort out. I am worrying that if they want me to have a MRI it will be because they think ive got something bad. Ive had headaches before and migraines but not like this, i think thats why im worrying that its something else.

Its of some comfort to know that you also have had some of the same symptoms as myself.

Thanks for your time

05-07-2013, 11:44 AM
Ive not been to bad over the holiday weekend and ive kept myself busy. Every now and then i would get a sharp pain in or around my eyes. Friday is now getting closer and i am starting to panic. I keep thinking about something that a read in a mag. A girl was having all sorts of trouble stomach aches, feeling sick and she found a lump in her breast. Anyway after loads of trips to the doc and then the hospital they said the stomach problems were IBS and so was the sickness. The lump in her breast was a blocked duct. She went away and within a few months the pain she had in stomach returned and thought to herself its only IBS so she didnt worry about it. Then came headaches she was getting quite bad that she couldnt put up with them. So she took herself to the hospital. Well it turned out that the lump that she had in breast was cancer not a blocked duct, in turn it had spread to all the organs and worked its way up the spine and gave her a bad headaches. It was too late for her, she had just given birth and when the baby was a few weeks old the woman passed away. When i start worrying i think about all this because the hospital have told me i have a blocked duct , i suffer with stomach aches(ive been told IBS) not only that i have a lump now i have headaches. I know people will think its just coincidence but im really started to worry over this, i cry every now and then and all this just goes around in my head.

I dont know if i can go on Friday, i dont wont to hear bad news. Its just been one thing after another and i cant cope. When my headache or my eyes start to feel funny i fear the worst. Im worried that i cant plan anything for the future, i might be in hospital and having treatment and i will have let others down . I cant tell myself i have glaucoma i tell myself they may say i have that but ive got something else as well and i will require more tests or operations then its like im too ill and thats my life. I want to get things sorted but im frightened to hear what they are going to tell me ive got. I feel like im going insane!

05-07-2013, 11:45 PM
Hi Majored
Yep, recognise those headaches.
Have been through a list of drugs from the doctor, but nothing really did anything, which left us agreeing its one of three things. Anxiety, Diabetes or Dehydration.
I definitely have the first 2, and sometimes a few pints of water does ease the pain - not cure it. There is science in that when you are dehydrated I think the body takes excess moisture from your brain which needs replacing.... Something like that!
So while I am fighting the anxiety, and pumping the insulin, my best advice would be loads of water!

05-08-2013, 12:35 PM
Majored and all, Anxiety usually if not always accompanied by headache pain. All types of headaches from Cluster to Migraine to Tension to Anxiety Band) are all aggravated by stress, fear, anxiety. Most Brain Tumors ( the worse case scenario we anxiety sufferers all go to in our heads) do NOT present with pain. The headaches above do sound like Cluster Headaches ( given that the eye and nose are running - on one side only ? Also Glaucoma does present with eye pain in and around the eye . You mentioned increased pressure, not sure how increased ( could be nothing)but that should be addressed at some point. I have had my channels in my eyes widened through Lazer surgery to prevent pressure build up. For me it was a congenital and very easily corrected ( Surgeon's office) When I went to my Eye Surgeon for Double Vision ( that lasted eight weeks) I had a nystagmus ( actually could see the eye shuttering back and forth if you looked closely). The Surgeoun ( very reputable) said " I have never seen this is an adult ( children do sometimes have a nystagmus) that didn't have a brain tumor " Needless to say I was floored but after an MRI showed nothing the Surgeon said " I don't know what that was " Well I did it was damn Panic Disorder trying to trip me up. That's how my Panic Attacks present when they know I've mastered them they try to trp me up. It would be laughable if it weren't such a pain in the neck. I told you all this story so that you would understand how deceiving this disorder it. The cure ( I call it effectively manage) for the disorder is simple Postive and Nonreactive thinking...Change your mindset, know that symptoms will vary but are all harmless, dismiss them immediately. Do not think about Anxiety negatively or positively. Do not say to yourself I am having a good day, no anxiety because in doing so you bring Anxiety to the foreground of your thoughts. Nothing, think nothing about it, slam the door on those thoughts. Anxiety just isn't important enough to waste thoughts on. Think about positive things that are important. Try Omega 3 Fish Oil to naturally boost your serotonin.Take it faithfully, it does work. I know you all feel miserable, but that misery is sitting between your ears and can be replaced. Be well, think positive, no anxiety it wasn't there before and it won't be again.

05-08-2013, 02:47 PM
Hi Majored
Yep, recognise those headaches.
Have been through a list of drugs from the doctor, but nothing really did anything, which left us agreeing its one of three things. Anxiety, Diabetes or Dehydration.
I definitely have the first 2, and sometimes a few pints of water does ease the pain - not cure it. There is science in that when you are dehydrated I think the body takes excess moisture from your brain which needs replacing.... Something like that!
So while I am fighting the anxiety, and pumping the insulin, my best advice would be loads of water!

What your saying does make sense about the water and the headaches. They do say the main cause of headache is dehydration. Im worried that i could have diabetes as my mother had it and as she grew older it made things very hard for her. Its frightened me and worried me sick seeing what she went through, i know thats not the case for everyone as my brother and niece both have it and they cope very well. I will try and drink lots of water.


05-08-2013, 03:19 PM
I had a terrible evening last night, right back down under the ground and lowest of low, but had a session of reflexology today and she has worked on my mood and feel much better tonight.
That is the trouble with this illness, anxiety and depression just happen one day out of the blue and hit you for six, and then the next day for any reason or no reason it can be better or different.
No wonder doctors have trouble to treat us when it is such an unpredictable illness.
Anxiety is horrendous it is so hard to control.

05-08-2013, 03:28 PM
Majored and all, Anxiety usually if not always accompanied by headache pain. All types of headaches from Cluster to Migraine to Tension to Anxiety Band) are all aggravated by stress, fear, anxiety. Most Brain Tumors ( the worse case scenario we anxiety sufferers all go to in our heads) do NOT present with pain. The headaches above do sound like Cluster Headaches ( given that the eye and nose are running - on one side only ? Also Glaucoma does present with eye pain in and around the eye . You mentioned increased pressure, not sure how increased ( could be nothing)but that should be addressed at some point. I have had my channels in my eyes widened through Lazer surgery to prevent pressure build up. For me it was a congenital and very easily corrected ( Surgeon's office) When I went to my Eye Surgeon for Double Vision ( that lasted eight weeks) I had a nystagmus ( actually could see the eye shuttering back and forth if you looked closely). The Surgeoun ( very reputable) said " I have never seen this is an adult ( children do sometimes have a nystagmus) that didn't have a brain tumor " Needless to say I was floored but after an MRI showed nothing the Surgeon said " I don't know what that was " Well I did it was damn Panic Disorder trying to trip me up. That's how my Panic Attacks present when they know I've mastered them they try to trp me up. It would be laughable if it weren't such a pain in the neck. I told you all this story so that you would understand how deceiving this disorder it. The cure ( I call it effectively manage) for the disorder is simple Postive and Nonreactive thinking...Change your mindset, know that symptoms will vary but are all harmless, dismiss them immediately. Do not think about Anxiety negatively or positively. Do not say to yourself I am having a good day, no anxiety because in doing so you bring Anxiety to the foreground of your thoughts. Nothing, think nothing about it, slam the door on those thoughts. Anxiety just isn't important enough to waste thoughts on. Think about positive things that are important. Try Omega 3 Fish Oil to naturally boost your serotonin.Take it faithfully, it does work. I know you all feel miserable, but that misery is sitting between your ears and can be replaced. Be well, think positive, no anxiety it wasn't there before and it won't be again.

Hi Judie Thank you for your message. I wake in the morning the first thing i think is how will today be. I open my eyes slowly trying not to trigger things off. So its in my mind as soon as i wake and i can be doing fine through the day and then all of a sudden pain above my eye. Then i think oh great here we go again!
Today i have had slight popping in my left ear and jaw ache on the right side along with slight tingle in the lips. The nose seems to no longer be running. I feel my eyes are very strained at the moment i can only descibe it as in when your facing forward but you move your eyes to look to the right and i can feel like the right eye straining at the back to move itself. Or when i turn my head the left eye seems to move with my head but my right eye seems to follow a second or so behind.

As for the pressure in my eye the doc told me one eye was reading 27, then 25, then 23 my other eye was 14, my eyesight so they say was fine. Because my symptoms are so mixed with headaches, watery eye every now and then, pain the eye,pain around the eye, jaw ache, numb lips, hot face , popping and ringing in ears. Im worried that it could be a mixture of problems not just the glaucoma, i worry about the tests. Then it means waiting for the tests, waiting for the results. That builds up my anxiety worrying about the results. I wish i could be stronger about dealing with tests and results i do suffer with white coat syndrome. I cant just tell myself that its just glaucoma because i have other things wrong.

I also have stomach aches which they tell me is IBS, my symptoms are not like any of my friends that suffer with it . So i dont believe i just have IBS i think i have other issues.

I worry about a tumor because my problems are not going away. I wish i could be more like you with the way you think about things and being positive you are a lot stronger than me .

I dont know if i can go on Friday as im very scared of the outcome.

Many thanks for your time


05-08-2013, 03:41 PM
I had a terrible evening last night, right back down under the ground and lowest of low, but had a session of reflexology today and she has worked on my mood and feel much better tonight.
That is the trouble with this illness, anxiety and depression just happen one day out of the blue and hit you for six, and then the next day for any reason or no reason it can be better or different.
No wonder doctors have trouble to treat us when it is such an unpredictable illness.
Anxiety is horrendous it is so hard to control.

My partner often says to me i dont worry about a problem until there is one. I worry about what i have and then he will say i will worry about it when they tell me i have it. At times he can get quite cross with me because im not as strong as he is. I wish i could be like him. However he does worry and he worries about other issues that i dont really think about, like money and not getting jobs done as there is never enough time in the day. My thought on that is if i cant do it all today i will finish it off tomorrow.

I can be fine one day then have a real bad day the next. Ive never tried reflexology a few people have told me to try it . The thing is the only person that can control this anxiety is me and i cant understand why i cant do it. People think im a strong, confident , out going , cleaver. Well im weak - i cry alot worry and stress about loads of things, im shy and cant do anything on my own, i dont go out that much only when i have to. Im always asking for help to work things out and alot of the time i cant think straight and need help , i just cant be bothered to work things out for myself i feel i need support with most things. I also hate being on my own like people are leaving me alot then i feel its because they have had enough and just want to get away from me.

Your right it is so unpredictable

Take care and hope you start to feel relaxed soon


05-08-2013, 04:19 PM
Strength is in being scared but forcing yourself to move through it. I know you have it in you to conquer your fears. Just take it slowly. Take care of yourself in the best way you can. Get as much help as you can, not only by doctors but by the people around you.

05-09-2013, 01:00 AM
Strength is in being scared but forcing yourself to move through it. I know you have it in you to conquer your fears. Just take it slowly. Take care of yourself in the best way you can. Get as much help as you can, not only by doctors but by the people around you.

I keep being told i have to force myself to do the things that im scared of. As the fear will be there for a few minutes and once its over the fear will disappear. Thats fine but if my appointment is for 3 weeks time, thats 3 weeks of anxiety building up in my head and builds up the fear. I really do belive my familiy around me are a bit fed up with me.

The only example i can give is like ive got pain in my toes and they ache its not going away and the doc says to me its nothing its because your on your feet all day. Within a couple of days i have pain in my knee so back to the doc and they say you must of banged it " dont worry". Next its my hip then back to the doc and they say its a trapped nerve go home and forget it, and sooooooo on.
Well for me all those pains are there and i might think to myself the pain is spreading its gone from my foot to my hip. My family will think its just anxiety and im worrying about it and its really not as bad as i make out. I dont have any of these pains but thats how my health anxiety is at the moment if its not one pain its another. Yes it could all be anxiety but i can feel it.

I think its great if you have people around you that support you. Thank you for yours!


05-09-2013, 03:06 AM
My partner often says to me i dont worry about a problem until there is one. I worry about what i have and then he will say i will worry about it when they tell me i have it. At times he can get quite cross with me because im not as strong as he is. I wish i could be like him. However he does worry and he worries about other issues that i dont really think about, like money and not getting jobs done as there is never enough time in the day. My thought on that is if i cant do it all today i will finish it off tomorrow.

I can be fine one day then have a real bad day the next. Ive never tried reflexology a few people have told me to try it . The thing is the only person that can control this anxiety is me and i cant understand why i cant do it. People think im a strong, confident , out going , cleaver. Well im weak - i cry alot worry and stress about loads of things, im shy and cant do anything on my own, i dont go out that much only when i have to. Im always asking for help to work things out and alot of the time i cant think straight and need help , i just cant be bothered to work things out for myself i feel i need support with most things. I also hate being on my own like people are leaving me alot then i feel its because they have had enough and just want to get away from me.

Your right it is so unpredictable

Take care and hope you start to feel relaxed soon


It doesn't matter that you need support to get over your anxiety and worries, most people do need help, and people who don't need help are very lucky.
I accept any help I am offered and I try any advice I am given. I am obsessed by trying new things which will help me feel better in any part of my depression or anxiety.
So don't worry about getting help, get as much as you can.
Also, don't worry about people leaving you, I know from having many bouts over 28 years that certain friends can handle certain things - some friends are unable to handle my suicidal thoughts and so I know that I can't go to them when I am really bad, but then I have a couple of friends who can handle it and I can talk to so I talk to them then.
The friends who can't handle your depression at the moment are not necessarily bad friends or people who can't be bothered, they might just not know what to do to help you and how to approach you. You have to accept that some people struggle with people with mental illness.
However, these friends will be there for you in the future when something else happens, perhaps a physical illness or moving house etc, just can't be there now. So don't walk away from people. I keep the friends who can't handle my depression in touch by an occasional e-mail or text so that I know that when I am better, and I will be one day, that they will still be there and will come back into my life again.
So remember you are not alone, find people who can help you and take as much help as you can, and don't worry about people who can't help you now but don't lose them, just keep them in the background.

05-09-2013, 01:17 PM
It doesn't matter that you need support to get over your anxiety and worries, most people do need help, and people who don't need help are very lucky.
I accept any help I am offered and I try any advice I am given. I am obsessed by trying new things which will help me feel better in any part of my depression or anxiety.
So don't worry about getting help, get as much as you can.
Also, don't worry about people leaving you, I know from having many bouts over 28 years that certain friends can handle certain things - some friends are unable to handle my suicidal thoughts and so I know that I can't go to them when I am really bad, but then I have a couple of friends who can handle it and I can talk to so I talk to them then.
The friends who can't handle your depression at the moment are not necessarily bad friends or people who can't be bothered, they might just not know what to do to help you and how to approach you. You have to accept that some people struggle with people with mental illness.
However, these friends will be there for you in the future when something else happens, perhaps a physical illness or moving house etc, just can't be there now. So don't walk away from people. I keep the friends who can't handle my depression in touch by an occasional e-mail or text so that I know that when I am better, and I will be one day, that they will still be there and will come back into my life again.
So remember you are not alone, find people who can help you and take as much help as you can, and don't worry about people who can't help you now but don't lose them, just keep them in the background.

My only trouble is i dont want to be a pain and feel that im putting all this on others. There are a few that dont mind and will listen and say things like - that happened to me or i had that and it was nothing. When things are like that its great because they can know what im going through because they have had that worry/ problem. On here everyone i guess will have gone through anxiety in one way or another so we can all help each other out . I know the way im feeling that someone else will be or will have been feeling the same way as some point. They can offer support and help in one shape or form.

When i was younger i suffered with depression and i would often cry. My father couldnt deal with it and would shout and this in turn would make me worse and i would cry even more. My mother said it was because my dad didnt understand how i was feeling. I think i expected him to understand being a parent .

I know what your saying is true that most dont know what to do and that they struggle with it.

Its good that you keep in touch with your friends and that they can understand how your feeling. Its also good to talk and get things off your chest, problem halved and all that sort of thing.

Thank you for your support.

05-09-2013, 01:45 PM

I think you could have Lyme disease. A negative Lyme test result does not necessarily mean you don't have Lyme, though many doctors don't know this. It's a controversial disease, unfortunately. I would encourage you to learn everything you can about Lyme disease and see if you think it fits your symptoms. Lyme disease is the cause of my anxiety and many other symptoms. Various online forums have been really helpful to me in learning about Lyme disease. I hope you're feeling better soon.

05-10-2013, 01:50 AM

I think you could have Lyme disease. A negative Lyme test result does not necessarily mean you don't have Lyme, though many doctors don't know this. It's a controversial disease, unfortunately. I would encourage you to learn everything you can about Lyme disease and see if you think it fits your symptoms. Lyme disease is the cause of my anxiety and many other symptoms. Various online forums have been really helpful to me in learning about Lyme disease. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Hi, i have had a look about the symptoms of Lyme disease and yes i do have some of them, from early stages, mid stage and late stage. However i dont think i have it ive never had a rash and i really dont get bitten, i dont think they like me! At the stage im not going to rule anything out as i dont know what i have and im worrying i could have anything and everything.

My head wasnt too bad yesterday and touch wood i wont be in to much pain today as it starts my anxiety off. I do have a lot of chest pain on the right side as well as pain in my back and under my arm. Could be wind, well the doc says it is.

Well i was counting down the days now im counting down the hours . PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let things be ok.

Many thanks for your time


05-10-2013, 09:16 AM
Well im back from the hospital. I managed to get in to the hospital but not without shaking and starting to cry. Was told to wait in a waiting room full of notices on the walls about different types of cancer. I tried not to look at them all. Then seen very quickly to do a normal eye test. However im now breathing quite fast and starting to get upset. Which in turn made it hard to see the chart, so i got two wrong with one eye and one wrong with the other but i passed. Then taken to another room as i was upset which i waited about 2 minutes. From there i went into see the doctor. Very quiet older man he could see i was getting myself into a bit of a state and asked me what i worried about. When i told him he laughed and said you dont look like a person with a tumor. Anyway first test said my bp was high as well as my eyes being quite red. Then he noticed i had eye lashes in my eyes from drying them with the tissue. So i had drops to numb the eye they didnt hurt but i did start to panic a little but my eyes felt heavy. He put a pressure instrument onto the eye which i didnt feel and then he repeated it on both eyes. Then i had another one which was like a pen that made my vision go slightly blurry but i didnt feel it. He wrote a few notes and then said you DO NOT have pressure in your eyes. I was like "WHAT"! My eyes measure around 17 they count 21 as being high. When i had them done 2 weeks ago one eye measures 27. All the other symptoms he has put down to tension along with tension headaches. He said go home and have a sleep to relax you, knowing that you do not have anything wrong with your eyes.

I will need to keep an eye on things as my mum had glaucoma. I do have to go in and have a field of vision test but i feel relaxed about having it done as i know it doesnt hurt and i only had it 2 weeks ago and i passed.

I now feel like all of this never happened , i never had the problem - never worried about it- never got headaches- just like that part has just disappeared. I was concerned that he was going to get me to have a MRI to see why i was getting the headaches but he said i dont need a MRI.

Thanks to everyone for all their support and help to ease my anxiety.

Sarah x

05-12-2013, 07:20 PM
I'm glad you're feeling better <3