View Full Version : Anxiety caused by incoming storm.

04-30-2013, 11:52 AM
My anxiety went through the roof this morning. I'm just wondering if the spike is caused by a big snow storm coming in today. Anyone else experience anxiety when the pressure changes?

04-30-2013, 11:55 AM
I don't know if the pressure has anything to do with it

I used to get al panicky when a big snowstorm was coming because I feared I would be snowed in and trapped.

That sucked.

It doesn't happen anymore but I would just be pissed that it is spring and a friggin snowstorm is coming.

04-30-2013, 12:06 PM
Everytime a thunder storm comes, I get depressed and get a bad headache. I can almost predict the rare storms we get in the UK. I assume a snow storm may be the same.

It may be caused by that pressure change. People come on here often, and ask if all manner of weird and wonderful things have set off their anxiety... The truth is, probably yes... Whether mentally or physically, when your body is in a state of anxiety, it's so freakin' responsive to minor minor changes in thought or in physicalities. The name of the game is too calm the body, and calm thoughts, so that things become less responsive :)

Where do you live ann that's getting snow storms when it's virtually May?

04-30-2013, 12:37 PM
I'm in Colorado, US. We get some crazy weather, it was in the 80's over the weekend and now we are getting 3-5 inches of snow tonight.