View Full Version : Exercise success?

04-30-2013, 09:37 AM
Hey! So I'm starting an exercise/diet schedule today! A lot of my anxiety stems from my self image (I'm super overweight, I'm 5"4" and weigh 205lbs...) have any of you found that exercise helps?

04-30-2013, 09:41 AM
I'm going to try excersize also ;) I heard it really helps . I need it as well

04-30-2013, 10:30 AM
You might just try walking first. If its nice where you live, take a nice scenic walk. Slowly increase the distance of your walk more and more. Make sure to take some water with you so you stay hydrated.
Zumba is another great option. I've taken them in the past and they even have it available on game systems like Wii. The music is great and I made a lot of great new friends in class. You will start to feel great, trust me!

04-30-2013, 10:36 AM
Make sure it's mindful exercise though. This might just be me, but I would take a short walk every day in the morning to burn the anxiety energy, and it worked, at first. But each day required a longer walk, and more walks to get to "normal" energy levels (which for me means not being super agitated, mind racing, muscles tense etc). By the end of it, I was walk 3 times a day for soo many miles and I could never get to normal. Now that mind sound like "yay, so much exercise, good". Lol no. Because all that would happen is I would still have the anxious energy but no longer mental or physical energy to fight it. So be "mindful" lol. You know what I mean by that right? Where you're "present" and conscious of everything you do, feeling the physical sensations. GL

04-30-2013, 11:00 AM
Start slow, esp if youre not the kind to exercise, start with walks.

Frankly i dont exercise much, but i walk alot. I saw somewhere someone said not to put your body in shock with sudden heavy movements.

Morning walks are a must. You will see how beautiful it is. I love it.

04-30-2013, 11:33 AM
I think morning walk seem like a good idea, my anxiety is really high in the morning

04-30-2013, 12:32 PM
I actually already go on walks, and my job involves walking as long as four hours outside, so I'm not new to exercise or anything. :) I just need to start buckling down and loosing weight.

04-30-2013, 11:28 PM
I actually already go on walks, and my job involves walking as long as four hours outside, so I'm not new to exercise or anything. :) I just need to start buckling down and loosing weight.

Not sure if jogging will help everyone lose weight but most that i know jogs everyday for at least 1 hour. They lost a lot of weight by jogging.

05-01-2013, 03:10 AM
Exercise definitely helps with weight loss and with depression and anxiety.

Swimming is best exercise for weight loss but walking is also good for weight loss and depression.

I also have an exercise bike and weights at home which I do every day because used to go to a gym three times a week and swim 40 lengths once a week but have had two knee operations so unable to do that at moment.

Since March 2011 I have put back on my 5 stone I had just lost and depression made me just want to stay indoors so didn't exercise either so when did start to try walk to knees I hurt my knee which had been bad from a fall 6 years previously. Then walked bad on it for a few months and tore the cartilege in good knee too. So in December had one knee operated on and in March the second knee operated on.

Now back to exercising at home, gym still too much, and trying now to walk further each week without a stick and to do stairs etc.

So do exercise it will help with diet and with depression, but you need to find an exercise which you enjoy otherwise you won't keep it up.

05-02-2013, 06:52 PM
I try to exercise, but I start getting dizzy and my heart starts racing and exercising turns into a full blown panic attack

05-08-2013, 07:50 PM
Same thing happens to me then I start thinking I have heart problems I hate this viscous cycle