View Full Version : Im at EMergency room

04-29-2013, 07:08 PM
I can't deal with this I can't stop crying. My blood pressure is 137/109 my heart rate is 123 flashing irregular heartbeat sign. Why can't I shake this feeling of dying dear God please someone talk to me. They have me in the waiting room and my heart feels like of will burst put of my chest.

04-29-2013, 07:13 PM
Check your PM

04-29-2013, 08:20 PM
Check what?

04-29-2013, 08:22 PM
I'm sorry you're having such a horrible time right now but neither your BP or your heartrate are at levels to be worried about. I hope the staff at the ER are able to assure you that you are not in danger of dying. I seriously think you need to give your nerves a break with some tranq's and possibly an SSRI...... you are not going to be able to have any rational, calming thoughts while you're wound up so tight.

My thoughts are with you.

04-29-2013, 08:25 PM
When they check me in it was 138/83 then asked me to stand up and it was 156/92 is that high? My heart rate was 123. Did EKG said I had tachacardia? They are giving me iv. Please pray for me

04-29-2013, 08:28 PM
Check what?

I private messaged you

04-29-2013, 08:28 PM
Check what?

Private message me and I'll go in chat with you to talk with you

04-29-2013, 09:25 PM
How do I do that?!?!

04-29-2013, 10:14 PM
That is not that high of a blood pressure or heart rate! I have a friend with bad anxiety and his has hit 190/something before. Tachacardia is just a fancy word for you heart beating fast. It is nothing irregular just fast which happens when anxiety kicks in. Sounds like just a good ole fashion anxiety attack to me. You are in safe hands now so there is no need to worry. Im here to talk if you want. I will send prayers your way.

04-29-2013, 11:10 PM
I also pm you. Nf1234 is correct, tachycardia is any heart rate over 100. Happens to me quite frequently. Be well, Relax

04-30-2013, 07:39 AM
Hang in there, your BP and heart rate are fine, not even close to a dangerous range. Just concentrate on your breathing right now. Breathe in deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Keep doing that until you feel your heart rate slowing down. It's just panic, it can't hurt you.

04-30-2013, 08:08 AM
Blessed, I hope you're feeling better, and that your ER visit has helped to calm your nerves.

I went for an upper endoscopy last week and my blood pressure and pulse were pretty much the same as yours, I think my pulse was actually higher. And it was all because I was nervous about the procedure and being put under anesthesia.

I'm sure they ran a number of tests on you, and I hope you got the answers you were looking for. And if they found nothing wrong, then it is just anxiety. Try not to obsess over it. If it happens again, just try to relax, don't be afraid of it, and it will pass. Being afraid only makes it worse.. i know it's easier said than done, but you can do it.

04-30-2013, 02:45 PM
Thanks for responding. If really makes me feel better knowing I have people that I can talk to that understand where I'm coming from. God bless you all!

04-30-2013, 05:00 PM
Pleased you feeling better now and got over panic in ER room. Always remember if in hospital and you are serious they will act very quickly, so if allowing you to sit around it is a good sign and you are OK.
Panic is horrible and takes time to learn to control it with slow breathing etc. While you are feeling well start to look at ways you could handle your panic in future and then it will help you when panicking in future and would give you something to focus on now until feeling much better.

04-30-2013, 06:40 PM
Been to ER for same thing numerous times. My bp upon arrival is usually 150/100 and pulse around 150. Then after I'm there it starts to come down and when relaxed its back to normal. Usually 110/78 and pulse of 70 when relaxed. So don't fret. This is all panic and happens to me a lot. My pulse races so much i can't stand it and my stomach gets in knots. I feel so nervous and jittery I can't sit still. I pop an Ativan now and wait it out. Always subsides. Find something to take your mind off it. A video game works great as it makes you use your brain and body. Find your distraction and then after it gets a little better the worry subsides and you can practice breathing.

04-30-2013, 07:10 PM
My fear is if this high blood pressure and heart rate keeps staying high like this that my heart will just give out. I'm on bp meds and Ativan but the fear is so strong and debilitating

04-30-2013, 07:19 PM
My fear is if this high blood pressure and heart rate keeps staying high like this that my heart will just give out. I'm on bp meds and Ativan but the fear is so strong and debilitating

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. DId they do an EKG? Sometimes if they do one and they don't find anything wrong that can be assuring. It's an expensive way to be reassured but it is a lot better than letting the panic go full force while not knowing.

04-30-2013, 10:12 PM
Blessed, I am on 3 BP Meds so I truly understand your anxiety, literally. Blood Pressure is designed to fluctuate, it goes up when nervous, excited, stressed, exercising etc. but it comes back down especially when on BP Meds. Heart rate especially noted for increasing with anxiety. There are several methods for slowing your heart rate, splashing very cold water on your face, gently pressing on your carotid pulse in your neck. When you see Olympic Figure Skaters before they skate standinginthe box, you will often see them seemingly taking their pulse in their neck, they are not, they are in fact slowing their pulse which is elevated from yes that's right anxiety and nerves. The best and most effective way to slow your pulse is with deep rhythmic breathing in through your nose to the count of 4 slowly and then calmly release the air through your mouth to the count of four. The key is concentration and deep and even. Purchase a wrist cuff so that you can see that over a period of about 30 minutes it will drop. This is the first lesson in how you can master anxiety. As far as the Ativan, I understand that it is helpful and probably necessary at this point. But I am not sure that your Drs have explained to you that there is a rebound effect , meaning it works well at lowering BP and heart rate but then actually increases anxiety when it wears off ( I am telling you this not to stop using but to perhaps bring you some comfort for why it may be happening) my suggestion is that in addition you take 2,000 mg of Omega 3 Fish Oil per day. This is incredibly beneficial to your heart but it is in fact a Brain Function Vitamin. It works extremely well on anxiety and depression as well as ADHD, prevention of Alzheimer's on and on. Continue your meds but add this as well. Take comfort in that it will protect your heart as well and improve cholesterol. Keep it in Frig and get odorless , take at night. But please practice coping through deep breathing. I truly understand how scary it is but you are fine.

05-01-2013, 08:26 AM
My pulse and bp scare me as well. I think how damaging this has to be. But then I think about people who run 5k's or extreme exercise. Their pulse I'm sure is around 150 or more after so long. And they are ok. Ativan is a life saver and just knowing I have them is sometimes enough. I currently have the stomach flu along with my wife and two kids. My anxiety is terrible and my hr prob been around 100 for 12 hours now. I took 2mg Ativan last night so I wouldn't lose it and 12 hours later I just took another 1mg. I was starting to panic. Between Ativan and breathing I have calmed down but don't wanna check my pulse. Stomach flu and anxiety is a really terrible combo.

05-01-2013, 09:02 AM
Ativan used to save me about 4 years ago. I made sure i only took it when absolutely necessary as i heard it was easy to become dependant on it.

Hope you're feeling better Blessed. I know the panic and fear u went througH. I've also had the elevated bp and heart rate episode in ER!!!

05-01-2013, 09:13 AM
Thank u all so much. Just wished the headaches and cold feeling in my chest would go away-anxiety in sure. I just want to be myself again. My husband and family does to-will it ever go away??

05-01-2013, 09:49 AM
Thank u all so much. Just wished the headaches and cold feeling in my chest would go away-anxiety in sure. I just want to be myself again. My husband and family does to-will it ever go away??

Yes. It can. How long have you been dealing with anxiety?

05-01-2013, 01:29 PM
Thank u all so much. Just wished the headaches and cold feeling in my chest would go away-anxiety in sure. I just want to be myself again. My husband and family does to-will it ever go away??

Have you considered thinking outside the box for healing? I went to tons of doctors and they ran every test possible and said I was healthy. They gave me meds but I know how the can be addicting and have side effects. I decided to take the more natural route and im 90% better. The Mood Cure by Julia Ross really really helped me. I know when I see people suggest books on here I kind of blow it off but this one is different. It has a self test to see what you might be deficient in. It explains why you are feeling how you are. Gives tons of info on vitamins and supplements, success stories, and dietary changes. Im telling you I have seen it help people with depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, drug addictions, you name it. I probably sound like a salesman but im not; just a college kid and fellow anxiety sufferer on the road to recovery. Search amazon for the book and just read the reviews and let that be the verdict.

You just have to keep trying new things and keep hoping. If I just sat where I was a year ago and listened to the doctors I'd probably still be where I was. I took this approach and I feel alive again.

05-01-2013, 01:54 PM
Calm down everyone, your fear is escalating the anxiety. I promise all of you that your heart rate and elevated BP is the result of an acute response to the flight or fright response. Blessed truly a pulse rate of 100 isn't even out of normal range ( that being 60-100) Trust me as you learn to calm your anxiety this will become much lower. Perhaps a cutback on Ativan and a switch over to Inderal ( a BP medicine that works on the kidneys to inhibit the secretion of adreneline from the kidneys ( adrenal glands ) This drug is often a drug of choice in treating anxiety( slows the heart rate and blocks adrenaline)) and less addictive then Ativan. That being said I know you feel secure with having the Ativan, so especially for now, good. Hang in there, please know that to truly combat anxiety You need to stop thinking about it. You will realize in time that at the end of the day when you say Gee I felt pretty good earlier today for awhile. You will note that at that point your thoughts were temporarily diverted and your mind was on something else. Trust me ok...or at least try : ) Hang in there and be kind to yourself...Keep breathing...deep and slow

05-01-2013, 02:47 PM
Yes, it will go away! Like Judie said, try to stop thinking about it. I know that is easier said than done, but try and keep yourself busy with other things, do things to keep your mind off of it, and before you know it you won't be so anxious. It won't get better over-night, it does take time, but just keep trying to distract yourself from it.

05-01-2013, 03:00 PM
To take your mind off it try to concentrate on something. I do jigsaw puzzles - something your family could help you with too. But other people find a talent they have like sewing or painting or knitting etc these can take your mind off your symptoms.

05-01-2013, 03:04 PM
I feel like there's a million thoughts in my head at one time, like the red like is not working at the four way stop and all the cars are moving 90 mph as they please. I feel like I have no control over what I think or feel. I worry about my dad my husband my kids my job my bills my chores my kids games my husbands hobbies my dads health my health my blood sugar blood pressure my weight my aches my pains all in one single thought. It makes me mad that I cannot control them. This makes it more difficult for me to stop worrying when my blood pressure goes up. Absolutely no excuse I know!!! So without being over medicated how can I stop the madness?!?!?

05-01-2013, 03:13 PM
Do some kind of physical activity, something that requires your total attention. What's worked for me is just cleaning around the house. I nonstop clean everything in the house like a mad woman when I feel like I have too many thoughts in my head. Try folding laundry while listening to music. Or try reading a book. Something that requires you to give your undivided attention, so you stop thinking about unwanted thoughts. As soon as you catch yourself worrying about something just yell to yourself "STOP" slam the door on your thoughts and try to focus on positive things, things that make you happy, things that make you feel productive.

05-01-2013, 03:28 PM
Some great advice. I personally get involved in my Xbox game and I have no choice but to forget about it bc it takes all my concentration and coordination.

05-01-2013, 05:10 PM
Yes that's right all of you have positive suggestions that are in fact teaching how to master anxiety. Takes practice to break that "Negative Chain of Thought" but it most definitely can be done. Just keep in mind those Negative Thoughts are what got you here in the first place ( well not actually here on the Forum LOL, that would be Proactive Thought which is a good thing) I mention quite frequently all the fine attributes that we share as anxiety sufferers but it may be time to mention the negative aspects of our personalities; we are worriers and usually are very hard on ourselves but also perhaps a little " stubborn" and we definitely struggle with the idea that although people claim anxiety is harmless "our anxiety" is different. The reality is anxiety is anxiety, the symptoms may vary from one individual to another but the premise is the same. Stubborn or not you will get well, you just need to work on that mind of yours. Forget the anxiety, none of us like it so it is in fact " Negative Thought" go to a place that's Positive, whatever that may be.Use any and every positive thought that works for you. Learn a new skill or language..focus you won't have time to feed the anxiety and the anxiety will starve from lack of attention. Be kind to yourselves, these things happen and this too shall pass. To initially break your thought pattern in a moment of high stress ( Panic) count backwards from 100 to 1 by sets of seven, it takes concentration, pinch yourself, feel how much that hurt ? deep breathe, very deep counts of 1 2 3 4 in through the nose out through the mouth count 1 2 3 4 through the mouth ( slowly this should be counted as 1 one thousand 2 two thousand etc), slow your breathing Your brain is now focusing away from the anxiety. Just for the record deep breathing is very good period, so if you are convinced it is something horrific ( which it is not and you probably are ), oxygen is always a good thing. Trust Me.

05-01-2013, 06:26 PM
I thinks it's great how everyone stepped up and helped when this person needed it.

05-01-2013, 07:05 PM
Do some kind of physical activity, something that requires your total attention. What's worked for me is just cleaning around the house. I nonstop clean everything in the house like a mad woman when I feel like I have too many thoughts in my head. Try folding laundry while listening to music. Or try reading a book. Something that requires you to give your undivided attention, so you stop thinking about unwanted thoughts. As soon as you catch yourself worrying about something just yell to yourself "STOP" slam the door on your thoughts and try to focus on positive things, things that make you happy, things that make you feel productive.

I always felt that the more I truied to stop my thoughts or distract myself, things always were harder since its hard to see an elephant in the room and try to convince yourself it is a kitten

05-01-2013, 09:22 PM
i always felt that the more i truied to stop my thoughts or distract myself, things always were harder since its hard to see an elephant in the room and try to convince yourself it is a kitten

now my heart rate is in the 60s i just dont know what to say im so sorry to drag this out but i am beyond FRUSTRATED with the worry and stress, I KNOW 60 SOUNDS SOUNDS NORMAL BUT FOR THE LAST 3 DAYS ITS BEEN VERY HIGH FOR ME, NOW IM BACK TO CHECKING MY HEART RATE AGAIN WHICH I HAD OVERCOME THIS, SOMEONE TALK TO ME

05-01-2013, 09:36 PM
Hey Blessed, everything you are going through is NORMAL, normal for anxiety that is. Listen you truly need to trust all of us that we know what you are going through. You need to know that in order to manage this you have to change your thought process. 60's is normal, so is 100, there is a very wide variation what is a normal pulse rate and that pulse rate always depends on what is going on , especially anxiety. You are fine. The fact is you would never have been allowed to walk out of the Er and trust me they can pick up any problem with a heart monitor. Without me asking you I want you to think about the last year of your life, what's been going on ? Have you been made to feel out of control in life events, something knowing at you, have you lost someone etc ? Do you have an Iphone ? Download one of the free relaxation Apps , put in by your ear and just listen. I,m here, we all are. Hang in there

05-01-2013, 09:43 PM
Panic Attacks have a way of ebbing and flowing, pulse rate very high, then very low. Oddly I have found in an anxiety phase ( not an anxiety attack but around the time they surface) my blood pressure is quite low but during an attack of course it elevates quite a bit.It simply is a biochemical reaction to stress. You truly need to truly understand and accept that this is not going to kill you.

05-01-2013, 09:55 PM
Look, Bottom line it is " almost" impossible to believe that when you feel that lousy that originates in the mind not the body but that is the reality of psychosomatic illness. It's very real and very treatable, it is simply that the method of treatment is to fix the mind, not the body. I think people fear the idea that something is " in your head" and that's why they so desperately hang on to the idea that there is in fact a disease, something wrong with the body. The thing is the mind is part of the body, they work in unison. If the mind is stressed, the body will show it in symptoms, harmless symptoms with no biological disease at work. It's tough to grasp but once you trust someone, something or yourself enough to believe this you will begin your recovery and master your anxiety. Believe it or not anxiety is far weaker then your spirit. Your spirit has simply been beaten up by stress, itbsimplyneeds some rest to heal. Be kind to yourself.

05-02-2013, 09:12 AM
Bless you ALL for helping me through this! It's amazing how perfect strangers have the heart to help someone they do not know in need! Thanks to all of you. I've got to get my mind right and until I do, I'm defeated. It's a struggle but I'm willing to fight for my happiness!

05-02-2013, 10:33 AM
Ok Blessed you are not defeated, you are in learning process. You will be fine. Thoughts for the day " change the thought, chane the feeling, change the action" this is a chain reaction starting with thought. Think good !

05-02-2013, 04:41 PM
I too constantly check my pulse. At rest, after eating, after any physical exertion. I always hide it from my wife bc I know how crazy it is. I hate doing it and always, always, always think it should be between 60-70 or something is wrong and I need a beta blocker I don't want to ever have to be on. I wish I could stop checking it but its my main vice. So I know where you are coming from Blessed.

05-02-2013, 05:10 PM
Well where you are both coming from by consistently checking your pulse is psychosomatic illness ( Panic Disorde). You are both still convinced that you are suffering from a heart related problem, you 're not. I too sometimes still struggle with this but pulse rate varies and certainly isn't
something to get more anxious about.

05-02-2013, 07:15 PM
I do the same thing I have anxiety alot pulse stays between 75-110 when moving around and when excersing goes up to 165 sometimes 170 a d I still freak out I got heart problems it never ends

05-02-2013, 07:52 PM
I get anxious and racy heart every night right before its time to take my meds and before I go to bed. WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!!!! I cannot deal with this feeling it's nuts! Like right now my chest feels very nervous!!!

05-02-2013, 08:03 PM
Now having chest pinches, pains and spasm feeling sensations going on ?

05-02-2013, 08:15 PM
Again Blessed, Deep breathe, calm yourself with positive thoughts. Sometimes my chest muscles form knots all through my chest. I use a muscle rub ( like Icy Hot ( U.S. , not sure where you are from ) This will ease up muscle tenseness. Anxiety also produces stomach acid, so perhaps some Tums ? ) " The more you become tuned into your thoughts that keep you stuck,the more quickly you will be able to let them go. Now can you see a pattern ? Have you given yourself any break from thinking about the Panic today ?
Trust me you have my sympathy and empathy. It's a battle but like any battle it can be won. Ok

05-02-2013, 08:22 PM
Night is the worst time of day for anything, mental or physical. Fevers are higher, nerves are more stressed that's all. Periodically I am going to throw psychology at you, you can listen or not, that is your choice OK. Nighttime is innately something we fear, the dark, the unknown. This starts as children, monsters under the bed etc and continues "subconsciously" into adulthood. Now again we need to step back and logically know that night is no different then day, there is in fact nothing to fear. For everyone , all of us we equate morning light with a new beginning. I hope you can understand this and bring some peace to yourself. Nothing to be afraid of.

05-02-2013, 08:32 PM
Thank you so much

05-02-2013, 08:57 PM
Anytime you need some reassurance just message on here or PM message as I will check in frequently. I remember when I first had my Panic Attacks I was afraid to sleep alone Ina room at night, couldn't watch the news or even a movie with any violence. Those days are long gone. Empathy is very important with this disorder, the Forum is a good place for you. Eventually we'll convince you that you can master this. Until then hang in there, deep breathe, positive thoughts, promise. Rest now, deep breathing will relax you to sleep.

05-03-2013, 05:29 AM
I'm loving reading these posts in reply to blessed. I'm quite new to these forums and think it's great seeing the advice people share. It is also reassuring to hear people who have experienced the scary panic and anxiety symptoms.
I've just seen my psychologist fir first time in a couple of years. She also mentioned activities to distract your mind. You need to find time for yourself. Even 10 minutes a day to focus on something away from anxiety and everyday thoughts. It's something i find hard with kids but have to find time somehow. I'm thinking some time out to breathe and listen to relaxing music.

05-03-2013, 07:00 AM
I used to do something similar.

I would block a time out every day for me to worry about stuff

That way if I would start all the what if talk, I would just remind myself to bring it up during my worry session

I did all kinds of stupid stuff like that, which really turned out to help me quite a lot.

05-03-2013, 07:34 AM
Question please? I woke up this am feeling somewhat light headed, anxious and aching head. Is it always going to be like this? Also does anyone ever worry that they worry so much about symptoms and health and feeling the way they do that they worry all that worry is going to cause a heart attack, sounds stupid to the normal person but right now I feel so far away from normal. Going to the races tonight which I love but its also s trigger place for my anxiety. No matter how much I distract myself it always comes any ideas on how to block it?

05-03-2013, 08:35 AM
I worry that my symptoms will bring on high blood pressure or a heart attack etc. Every time i get a palpitation or i feel light headed i go into panic mode. I think i have major health anxiety. Im so scared of dying that all these scary symptoms make me think i am. At first i was always having tests for all sorts of illnesses. Its a difficult journey but with the right attitude and support u will get through it. Make yourself do those things you enjoy. I've had times that i haven't gone out because of anxiety and it always made me feel so down afterwards. Think of going to the races and fighting that anxiety as an achievement to feel proud of!

05-03-2013, 09:16 AM
Thank you :)

05-03-2013, 02:43 PM
How about reading a book on how to deal with anxiety and panic attacks? There are SO MANY out there (comforting to know we're not alone, right?) and I find that when I throw myself into those books it takes my mind off my symptoms. It's interesting and helpful to know how and why this stuff is happening to us and then it's easier to get control of it and eventually minimize it or be done with it altogether.

If you can't get to a bookstore, can you order one from Amazon? Or better yet, do you have a Kindle? You could get on Amazon right now and download one immediately. Sometimes just reading that everything you're experiencing is very normal will make you feel much better.

05-03-2013, 03:43 PM
Worrying about the worrying and anxiety about the anxiety and panic about the panic. It's in all of us. It's the cycle we can't break.

05-03-2013, 08:48 PM
Yes we can !

05-03-2013, 09:03 PM
Yes we can !

Damn right we can, and we will! Or at least I will! There is no way I am letting anxiety steal any more years from me than it already has. I'm good and mad about it, am taking meds, and am seeing a psychiatrist next Friday. Anxiety may be tough, but I'm tougher.

Get MAD at your anxiety!

05-03-2013, 09:14 PM
And another one sees the light and goes from victim to victor

Well done.

05-03-2013, 09:30 PM
Damn right we can, and we will! Or at least I...
Damn right we can, and we will! Or at least I will! There is no way I am letting anxiety steal any more years from me than it already has. I'm good and mad about it, am taking meds, and am... That's right Sue, you an get mad at your anxiety or you can just step back and observe it for what it, harmless symptoms. You will get better, everyone will. I think of the human mind like a computer, lots of memory, sometimes it overloads, short circuits. This doesn't mean the computer is done, it simply needs to be reprogrammed. Cleaned out, delete unnecessary garbage that you've downloaded over time. Did you ever notice how smooth and efficient a new computer operates? Our minds need to be reconditioned, thoughts changed...just a temporary crash, always fixable. Anxiety is transient, trust me I know.It's all about changing your inner dialogue...from " if I can get better " to ". When I get better" from "I can't cope with this" to I am learning how to cope with this" . Remember what you read on this Forum, for this is true empathy, this is fact the mirror of your life right now. Believe this when you think about what you have read " All the answers you need are coming to you as you need them "

05-04-2013, 10:52 AM
And another one sees the light and goes from victim to victor

Well done.

Please know your posts have been instrumental in getting me this far and I look forward to relying on them for future progress. :)

Damn right we can, and we will! Or at least I...
Damn right we can, and we will! Or at least I will! There is no way I am letting anxiety steal any more years from me than it already has. I'm good and mad about it, am taking meds, and am... That's right Sue, you an get mad at your anxiety or you can just step back and observe it for what it, harmless symptoms. You will get better, everyone will. I think of the human mind like a computer, lots of memory, sometimes it overloads, short circuits. This doesn't mean the computer is done, it simply needs to be reprogrammed. Cleaned out, delete unnecessary garbage that you've downloaded over time. Did you ever notice how smooth and efficient a new computer operates? Our minds need to be reconditioned, thoughts changed...just a temporary crash, always fixable. Anxiety is transient, trust me I know.It's all about changing your inner dialogue...from " if I can get better " to ". When I get better" from "I can't cope with this" to I am learning how to cope with this" . Remember what you read on this Forum, for this is true empathy, this is fact the mirror of your life right now. Believe this when you think about what you have read " All the answers you need are coming to you as you need them "

I like the computer analogy. A good deleting of old files and a re-synch and re-boot is what my brain needs. Thanks.

05-04-2013, 07:28 PM
Next subject :) I had all my lab work done because I was terrified that I had diabetes. Turns out all was well with sugar thank The Lord! However, my liver enzymes are slightly elevated. I AM TRYING NOT TO FREAK OUT but obviously I am not controlling my panic to well. I am not a drinker but i may have a glass of wine once a month or so I do take ibuprofen often due to headaches but not so much Tylenol. I am overweight so it could be a fatty liver? Any advice would be so appreciated. I know your liver filters everything so could my meds be doing this... My blood pressure, Prilosec, anxiety meds ?!?!??? Please help

05-04-2013, 11:45 PM
I also have slightly elevated enzymes and always have. I am extremely healthy though and the doctor said it is perfectly normal. I would not worry about it at all. Some people may just be on the higher or lower side based on genetics.

05-05-2013, 12:01 AM
Hey Blessed, I have been watching for your posts. Liver Tests, be a bit more specific. Yes, your Liver filters everything so meds can elevate certain enzymes. I am also overweight from Meds no less ( HB meds, cholersterol, etc ) I know which have been the culprits in my weight gain but I am in a catch 22 as my BP is controlled ( remember for every good thing a Med does, it does something negative) Now back to Liver Function, a glass of wine per month is certainly not the culprit, Tylenol could be but not at lower the average doses. I used to be an avid Ibuprofen user until I learned that it can elevate BP. I always have an elevated bilirubin enzyme level. Sometimes you see this in a Gall Bladder problem, a drinker ( I am not) and a harmless and fairly common syndrome called Gilbert's Disease ( which my Dr. Believes I have. Basically it's a sluggish liver that doesn't adequately or slowly gets rid of old red blood cells. This concerns no one. Now are you talking about AST or ALT ? I am just not sure what Liver Functions are elevated ? I just read your post again, " slightly elevated", Labs use different guidelines, if your Dr isn't concerned don't you be. In another lab these numbers could be in a normal range. Also slightly elevated retaken a week later becomes normal. Yes, meds do show up in slight elevations or fatty livers or Gilbert's, Gallbladder problems etc.If you are overweight it could be your GallBladder acting up a bit, cut back on fats after you talk to your Dr. As far as you elevated numbers 9 out of 10 tests repeat normal and the other 1% is usually something minor. Are you on Statins for Cholesterol ? Bottom line Blessed Drs are trained to see Red Flags in bloodwork, if they are calm on nonreactive you too should be. I have been around people that have had trouble with their Livers and their liver function numbers aren't slightly elevated, those numbers sky rocket. Check with your Dr. for piece of mind. Panic reeks havoc on the body, blood sugar levels act up, headaches, digestion issues , muscle pain on and on. Stress effects the body but this isn't life threatening , none of it. I am glad you are having these tests, one by one check them off. Have a long talk with your Dr. Feel Better. Remember that deep breathing. Let me know how you make out ok. Positive Thoughts.

05-05-2013, 12:11 AM
Oh and Blessed just so you know I agree with nf1234 " slightly elevated" liver functions tend to be genetic ( as I mentioned Gilbert's hereditary and nothing to be concerned about) or like cholesterol ( your genetic make up) Don't worry, let your Dr. Reassure you. Feel Well..stop thinking, your brain is tired and needs to rest...think only good thoughts, the bad thoughts can wait-

05-05-2013, 06:27 PM
It's my AST and ALT that are slightly elevated. I had my gallbladder taken out In 2002. No statins or cholesterol meds. I go back to dr tomorrow. Is there special questions I should ask? Thank you

05-05-2013, 08:08 PM
Does anyone get anxiety when it's time to take Their blood pressure medicine? I feel like I live from pill to pill. I'm so very afraid if I forget one ill have a heart attack. The thing is I'm on such a very low dosage but I take 1/2 am and 1/2 pm. How do you quit thinking about such PARANOID things?

05-05-2013, 08:14 PM
Also....sorry guys.... Does anyone ever feel like sometimes there's a rubber band around ur neck and you feel your heart beet or throb in the top of your head? Please tell me is this anxiety?

05-05-2013, 09:10 PM
Blessed, Anxiety are normal bodily sensations in " overdrive" so those sensations that others simply don't feel ( althought they are present- such as palpitations in everyone) You are being watched for your blood pressure, so try to relax ok...again deep breathe, this lowers blood pressure. Ok now again let's look at the logic ok...low dose of HB meds suggest that they are not particularly concerned about your BP. HBP Meds have a shelf life meaning they stay in your system, so if you are late with meds there is enough in your system ok. Right now because you are anxious you probably are slightly elevating your BP, the way to combat this is to do relaxation techniques like deep breathing. I often have palpitations and feel skipped beats in my carotid artery in my neck. I am mostly nonreactive to these things now as I recognize them as anxiety. Please listen when I say this your blood pressure will fluctuate, but for anything to happen it usually has to be very elevated for quite some time, your meds will not allow for your BP to remain elevated. Also a low dose suggests that your Dr. is not overly concerned ok.If you learn relaxation techniques and try to calm down your meds will keep hat controlled 24/7. I know you are scared, I have been there. In fact I have to have ( DR) a BP Monitor at home, even though it has been controlled for quite some time (although I am on 3 BP meds and a statin) I very rarely take it and even if anxious it is within normal ranges. When I first developed HBP I was a nervous wreck but I learned that again like anxiety mindset comes into play. Is this all new for you, BP and anxiety ? There are several reasons for a slightly elevated ALT and AST, I am sure your Dr. will investigate, viruses,NSAIDs, Fattly Liver to name a few. But I want you to listen to key things like " mildly elevated" liver enzymes and " low dose" meds, everything in life is relevant, low and mild are really good words. He questions to ask your DR are simple. What might be causing the elevation in AST and ALT ? Are my HBP Meds controlling my Blood Pressure? Are my nerves causing my BP increase ? Please try to divert your attention away from this stuff. It may be a good time to check out some uplifting Spiritual Books. My Panic Disorder surfaced after my mom died, hallmarks of Panic Disorder are separation anxiety after a death, divorce etc and health/death anxiety also a result of death or sickness. I don't know what's going on in your life, your age, your sex etc. but I do know something is going on so when you calm down your BP and your nerves try to figure out what's going on. Be well, relax, look at some UTubes of babies / toddlers doing crazy things. They are hysterical. Take Care let us know how you make out at the Drs. Deep breathe in the office !

05-05-2013, 09:37 PM
I believe most of us have had our hearts checked because of anxiety and most of us come out fine lol!! Anyway I can totally relate to this discussion. Back in 2009 at the end to be exact I got sick with some type of sinus infection and felt horrible I went to the ER and I mean my heart was racing horribly I mean everytime I walked it skipped a beat so I know it was pounding pretty fast. They never said anything they gave me some antibiotics and sent me home. The antibiotics not to scare anyone but I believe they affected my liver. I got more sick and had to go see my regular primary care doctor and my heart was pounding then too so she gave me a ekg and prescribed me atenolol and ran some blood test, and referred me to a cardiologist. I went to see the heart doctor and she did a test on my heart and just said your heart looks great you have anxiety-related tachycardia!! So its definitely not abnormal for anxiety sufferers to be diagnosed with tachycardia and be on a beta-blocker because our fear makes our hearts beat very fast. Luckily my heart has been under control unless i'm having terrible anxiety. Before I used to lay in bed and all I could hear was my heart beating! Anxiety causes so many symptoms and sometimes they can be all at the same time or just certain symptoms at different times of our lives it is very strange. Anyway hope you are feeling better by now.

05-05-2013, 09:42 PM
Oh I forgot to mention that at the time I found out about my tachycardia I had slightly elevated liver enzymes as well. My doctor sent me to a GI specialist that just was like it could be a fatty liver and he just retested me and they were normal. I truly believe medications can cause liver enzymes to be elevated. Like I said the time I had my blood work done I was on the antibiotics and they turned my urine a very nasty color and I believe it was affecting my liver and I might not be suprised if they were elevated again because almost everyday I take some ibuprofen spell?? due to tension headaches and muscle pains.

05-05-2013, 10:40 PM
Yes, You are absolutely right nancyga2013 about meds effecting liver enzymes , especially antibiotics. Your tachycardia with the Sinus infection was also probably in part due to your breathing ( shallow) and decongestants really can jack up your heart rate as well. Anxiety it's laughable really if it wasn't so horrific. I think Blessed has really upset her Nervous System. I recommend all of you taking 2,000 mg of Omega 3 ( krill Fish Oil) for anxiety as it is your brain function vitamin and great for your heart as well ! It is all I use for Anxiety/ Depression so as an adjunct to any meds I am sure it would be beneficial.I have a long history with this stuff. I feel horrible for everyone newly experiencing this but the Forum is great, wish I had this support way back when.

05-06-2013, 06:59 AM
Yes, You are absolutely right nancyga2013 about meds effecting liver enzymes , especially antibiotics. Your tachycardia with the Sinus infection was also probably in part due to your breathing ( shallow) and decongestants really can jack up your heart rate as well. Anxiety it's laughable really if it wasn't so horrific. I think Blessed has really upset her Nervous System. I recommend all of you taking 2,000 mg of Omega 3 ( krill Fish Oil) for anxiety as it is your brain function vitamin and great for your heart as well ! It is all I use for Anxiety/ Depression so as an adjunct to any meds I am sure it would be beneficial.I have a long history with this stuff. I feel horrible for everyone newly experiencing this but the Forum is great, wish I had this support way back when.

Judie I absolutely agree with you on the fish oil. I believe I have some and i'm going to start taking it again. I was taking it before because my cholesterol was high and my doctor recommended it. So thanks going to start back!

05-06-2013, 08:42 AM
Does magnesium truly help with anxiety? And do u take it with a multiple vitamin or just take magnesium?

05-06-2013, 10:56 AM
Does magnesium truly help with anxiety? And do u take it with a multiple vitamin or just take magnesium?

Yes magnesium is probably the best mineral you can take for anxiety. It is natures natural "muscle relaxant" and relaxant in general. Just make sure you take a good form of magnesium or you might not get much benefit. Magnesium Oxide is pretty worthless. The better forms are Magnesium Glycinate, Magnesium Taurate, and Magnesium Citrate are the best. My favorite is a product called Natural Calm. It is powdered magnesium that you mix in a glass of warm water and drink. It is a nice soothing drink and you feel its calming effects very quickly. If you were going to take two vitamins/minerals I'd say magnesium and vitamin d (depending on your vitamin d blood test level).

05-06-2013, 11:12 AM
Blessed, How did it go at the Dr. today ?

05-07-2013, 07:00 AM
Thanks for asking however my docs office canceled my appointment for the second time in a row. My doc has been sick. So that creeped my anxiety back up have to wait another week. This anxiety is like a demon who has my arms and legs bound. I try to scream yet nothing comes out. So ready for a breakthrough!!! When I lay down my chest pounds and my head pounds my heart rate flies and so does my mind. I had a breast augmentation over 2 years ago you think this could have anything at all to do with the way I feel?!?!? Maybe being more sensitive toy chest and my heart I dunno?!?!?! Just grabbing at straws

05-07-2013, 07:33 AM
Also i am worried that my blood pressure machine I have used for a while is not giving me the most accurate readings due to the cuff being to small and when it inflates its extremely tight. I have heard if the cuff is too small ur readings may show higher us this true?!?! I dunno I'm just about in tears. I know y'all are sick of hearing me whine and complain as much as I am. Justno one at home truly understands

05-07-2013, 07:48 AM
One more pathetic thing. I checked my blood pressure and pulse it's ok however my face is red and hot to the touch. I can tell its hot without even touching it. I'm not sick no sinus or allergy issues right now. So what in the world could it be please help?

05-07-2013, 07:49 AM
It's not your new boobs that is causing you to feel this way.

You are looking for something that I doubt you will find. You are looking for the thing that caused this hoping once found, everything will be fine

You have an anxiety disorder. There isn't a magic pill or a doctor that can just fix you

You will be on the right path when you decide to stop believing all the bullshit anxiety is feeding you

Your BP is not high. So many people are telling you the same thing. Anxiety is telling you it's high. You are choosing to believe it over your docs, other people and your own logic

Only you can heal you

When you change the way you react to your anxious thoughts? You will beat this.

Only then.

Blessed- you seem so close to a breakthrough. Go with it. You know you are fine

Accept that and live your life

Anxiety will continue to throw issues at you

Realize it as anxiety and watch how quickly it stops.

05-07-2013, 08:23 AM
Thanks it helps to hear from ppl who have truly been there!

05-07-2013, 08:46 AM
So If I am on a low dose beat blocker and my blood pressure is running above 120/80 to under 140/90 do u think they will increase my bp meds which would really freak me out? Or could it really be that my cuff is too small?

05-07-2013, 10:00 AM
Ok Blessed you BP is. Great !!! The red hot face you speak about is called " flushing " a very common harmless symptom of anxiety. Very common in Perimenopause ans Menopause as is anxiety and a temporary increase in BP. No your Breast Augmentation has nothing to do with this, although hormone fluctuations can. Do any of these things pertain to you ? Actually it's a good thing that your cuff is tight. Trust me your BP on your cuff is very close to what it would be at the Drs. Let me ask you this is your face flushed when your BP goes up ? These sound very much like Hot Flushes to me ?.. Is that. Possible ?

05-07-2013, 10:04 AM
Low dose beta blocker ( propranolol 10 mg ? ) sounds very much like your Dr recognizes this as Anxiety related BP, that's a good thing, that's a non biological reason. :) Deep breathe and keep a cold damp cloth with you for the hot flushes...works really well at getting rid of them.

05-07-2013, 12:09 PM
It's atenolol 25mg I take half pill am and half pill pm does that sound familiar?

05-07-2013, 12:11 PM
I've had my hormones checked several times they are normal although nothing else regarding my female cycle is normal if u get my drift in fact it's far from normal. I'm only 32 so I would hope menopause is not this soon?!

Walking Circles
05-07-2013, 04:44 PM
I am in the process of weaning my self off of atenolol, simply because it is not needed not that there is anything wrong with it. I have taken it for about 11 months now, it is a very well researched and safe drug. I did have some mild side effects for the first few weeks, such as coldness in my limbs and a head rush if I stood too quickly but those pass. Reading your first OP those numbers were not that alarming, I saw my heart rate push 193 when I was in AFib. Much of your problems sound like physical presentations of anxiety, this is very common and everyone can feel it differently. I went through a phase of compulsivley checking my pulse, and I promise keeping a constant tab on things won't help. I have not seen you post anything so far that concerns me about the health of your heart, and while certainly not a doctor I grew up around the cardiovascular field through my grandfather who worked in it and have been down the heart problem road myself.

With your anxiety don't try and force yourself to stop, that can only make matters worse, instead simply try to recongnize and accept the way you are feeling. Anxiety is not some forgien entity to be fought with, it arises from within, it simply grows out of its natural place sometimes. You can put anxiety back into its natural place with time. I would recommend trying to find some time to give your mind a rest, do something relaxing, go for a walk, or meditate but find what works for you. Meditation has been working wonders for me in the past few weeks. I am learning that the more "hard" effort I put into fighting anxiety the worse it got, I have learned to accept it and live "past" it. I know it sounds goofy but try putting on a half smile when you start to get keyed up, hold it for a minute and you may find yourself recalling something funny. It works for me.

05-07-2013, 06:24 PM
Why does the anxiety multiply at night? It's like boom it's night time come out anxiety! Come out and harass your owner. SO TIRED OF THIS!!!! I want it to stop it has to end before I'm put in the padded room. I'm not even close to kidding!!

05-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Blessed, Walking Circles is 100% correct. Atenolol is very common first BP drug of choice by many Drs. It is a Beta Blocker ( works on regulating your heart rated...aka your Anixiety Tachycardia. I am on 100 mg of a Metropolol ( another Beta Blocker) which will give you an idea on how low your BP Med is, that's good :) I was wondering what you were on because another Beta Blocker -Inderal is often used for anxiety at a low dose. The difference in these Beta Blockers is that ( Inderal-Propanolol ) works on the adrenal glands, the Glands by the Kidneys to stop adrenaline from being secreted. Walking Circles is right your heart is fine, you are 32 years old, you need to focus your thoughts elsewhere. Trust me , read my posts I know how difficult it is BUT it is truly the only way you will quiet down a harmless " short circuit" reaction in your body. Anxiety is a part of your biological system it is not a separate entity.There is most likely a prolonged stressor in your life, something troubling you that has " sparked" this. Be kind to yourself, read a good book, exercise. Enjoy life. Seriously try maybe reading " Change Almost Anything in 21 Days" by Ruth Fishel. You truly need to lift your mindset. You are seeing only dark, there is plenty of light out there. I remember in my height of Panic someone telling me to " snap out of it" I hated that person at that moment, you may hate me right now lol. But in time you will know I am coming from a place of knowledge and goodness.

05-08-2013, 05:57 AM
Yes believe me any advice I'm getting is definetely helping me. I have allowed myself to get to this position in my head and right now I just feel so defeated but it will get better. I believe God has me here for a reason! All of us! I'm so sick of living in fear of dying. I'm so miserable that I cannot enjoy the day God has blessed me with. And that my friend I know is no way to live. So continue to help me snap out of it please :)

05-08-2013, 07:09 AM
If I could just convince myself I'm not dying when my throat gets a lump my heart is beetling out of my chest and my bp is elevated then maybe I can live some type of normal life . I'm just sitting here why does it do this for no reason???!?!

05-08-2013, 07:46 AM
If I could just convince myself I'm not dying when my throat gets a lump my heart is beetling out of my chest and my bp is elevated then maybe I can live some type of normal life . I'm just sitting here why does it do this for no reason???!?!

It's happening because you are anxious. It's all anxiety. Maybe whatever initially triggered this may not be bothering you anymore, but it's clear that you are anxious about getting better, and that itself can be enough to make your body react.

It will slowly get better as you gradually just let go.. i know its hard, but you have to try and stop your negative thoughts in their tracks.

My symptoms were all in the stomach, couldnt eat and lost so much weight it scared me, this all lasted 2 months. I literally thought I was going to die. Now when I go to the doctor my heart races, bp skyrockets.. but my stomach symptoms are gone so i know its all anxiety.

05-08-2013, 10:46 AM
Well that's why it's essential to battle anxiety with Logic, logic in the face of terror is hard but very doable. An example of this is the mindset of the Boston Marathon Bombing victims and bystanders that in the face of terror ( another bomb, dying, losing limbs etc..) they allowed logical thinking ( this person needs a tourniquet, CPR,someone to talk them through) in the face of risks. Panic is the same sensation those individuals were faced with. I am asking you to do the same thing they did, to use proactive positive logical thought to get you through this. The logical thoughts are everyone is telling you that this is anxiety, nothing more, your Drs have run the necessary tests that are showing there is nothing substantial wrong and you and this is the most important YOU continue to " survive" these attacks that you presume to be life threatening. That is logical thinking. Dismiss the negative thoughts, every quirky symptom you get dismiss them immediately. Any pain dismiss immediately as anxiety, do not ponder with " this feels different, it must be something else " don't do this it feeds the anxiety. Don't think about it negatively or positively Dismiss immediately , immediately not a second of thought...starve the anxiety. Now I want to ask you something, have you had any major life event in the last year, has someone died, divorced, fired, moved etc. ? Have you begun to fear death ? Fear of getting older,parents getting older etc ? I know for me when my mom died I was 28 years old and she got sick and died quickly, so a death anxiety developed and that combined with turning 30 ( I laugh at that now, it's so young) and just missing her, it took me down. But I got up again ! :) So not worry, we'll get you back up again too. Not to worry,be well.

05-08-2013, 01:24 PM
Judie, your last post shook me to the bone. Regarding your dear mother, I was 26 when my mother died right in front of me my kids and my dad, of a massive heart attack. She was only 53. She suffered from multiple sclerosis I never imagined she would die so quickly. In addition to other close friends that have past on since and with me turning 30, I remember squalling on my 30th birthday. I was so filled with fear and uncertainty. My severe anxiety also started in June of the year I turned 30, my first trip of many to the hospital and ER. I think most of my heart health anxiety came from the fact that she died in front of me so soon so young and in the back of my mind it haunts me.

05-08-2013, 02:36 PM
Judie, your last post shook me to the bone. Regarding your dear mother, I was 26 when my mother died right in front of me my kids and my dad, of a massive heart attack. She was only 53. She suffered from multiple sclerosis I never imagined she would die so quickly. In addition to other close friends that have past on since and with me turning 30, I remember squalling on my 30th birthday. I was so filled with fear and uncertainty. My severe anxiety also started in June of the year I turned 30, my first trip of many to the hospital and ER. I think most of my heart health anxiety came from the fact that she died in front of me so soon so young and in the back of my mind it haunts me.

A lot of us associate our death with a family members. Makes sense being that we are on the same genetic line.

My grandparents died late 50's and early 60's

I figured my days were probably numbered to near that age. Until I thought about it.

My grandparents grew up eating steak and drinking bacon fat. I didn't

I was living the dream in the early 90's with music so I did enough drugs to start my own pharmacy

For the last 10 years I have been a freak about eating right and doing crazy work outs

So who knows who chose the path to a shorter life. We lived our lives so differently.

I can tell you this. Whether I go today or in 50 years, my family knows how much I dig them and I could honestly die a happy guy.

I really hope God lets me shoot on up instead of down. There's some people I miss that I would love to party with.

05-08-2013, 04:47 PM
As sad as this is Blessed, now we know what is the trigger in your Anxiety, it's simply a death anxiety. I too have this and sometimes, without being intrusive try to get others to uncover this in their own time and own way.Yes there is more detail to my Mom's death and my resulting change from a carefree 20's something woman to a caretaker for my Dad and lots of other issues. But the bottom line it terrified me, then a year later a friend 26 also died from a chest wall sarcoma ( also dead within 6 months) Anxiety sufferers don't like the unknown, they need to feel in control ( often they are sober individuals amongst alcoholic family members , the enabler, the one who is determined to " fix" the problem. We have a hard time releasing problems to a higher power, sadly this is beyond a shadow of a doubt what you have to do. Often people who have a Religious or Spiritual belief system suffer less with Anxiety, given that the uncontrollable mishaps in life aren't as penetrating. They accept that there is a reason for life, for untimely deaths etc. Now I am not going to begin to tell anyone what they should or should not believe but through experience and careful evaluation I personally believe that releasing some of the control of their disorder into the hands of a Higher Power, whomever or whatever that may be would be Positive. Yes, there is a reason everyone on this Forum is here, a much needed refresher course in humanity. Blessed, you and I have a bond, a shared empathy. I for one am very happy that we have shed some light on the origin of your Panic. The next step for you is to work on you not fearing death, which most likely is no where in your immediate or even remote future anyway so it does seem pointless, right ? Listen I get it all, believe me I do. Be Well. I am actually a pretty funny person, I guess I'll have to work on a routine ! Be kind to yourself, your mother is fine. But that's another story for another day :)

05-08-2013, 04:51 PM
As always NixonRulz BINGO ! Lol....None of us have the answers, so how much effort should actually go into worrying about what tomorrow brings. To every purpose..turn..turn...turn.

05-09-2013, 09:55 AM
I of all people should have faith than runs over any barrier that I could possibly put up. I have been in church my entire life and while I have not always made the best decisions and have fell short several times along the way, I do have a strong belief in God. I just wish I could put ALL my faith and trust in the fact that I have no control over what tomorrow brings. I am so terrified of the unknown, of what may happen to me or my family, I worry that my dads alone and that my brother makes poor decisions . If I could release all this worry I know I could live such a happy life. And I know if I cant trust God it's like I don't believe it's in his control. I don't want to live that way. If I could get the worry and doubt to end I know my anxiety would go away!!!!

05-09-2013, 06:43 PM
What do you try when u are trying to accomplish mind over matter? I feel like I'm not normal if I'm not constantly worrying! This has got to end. Trust me I am trying

05-09-2013, 07:20 PM
I know you are trying. What happened to you with your mom's death has caused you anxiety and a post traumatic stress reaction. Regardless of your faith you and I ( and most probably many others on the Forum) have been effected by " shock" to our symptoms. Think about those individuals that went to the Boston Marathon, one minute standing on two legs, the next on the ground with no legs. Horrific, something no one should endear. But Blessed this is the reality of life. My mom would always say " The things we worry most about in life never happen and the things we never think about blindside us on a Tuesday afternoon" Scary thought I know but so very accurate. All the worry you feel, all the anxiety you create is pointless. There is nothing you can do to control unseen events. I know, I like you, have spent endless hours worrying about my family. Let me give you an example a sibling of mine is/was a drug addict, countless nights with no sleep, perpetual thoughts waiting for the call that the sibling had overdosed. Always stressed thinking I would find him dead. The reality is this has been going on for 25 years, yes 25 years of worry. The person is alive and perhaps clean, I don't know we no longer speak, such is the road of addiction and all those countless years of worry.Did that worry help anyone, him or me ? No it was pointless and an awakening/ realization that I was not and never would be able to control another person or the lifepath they choose. I think you might like to start delving a little bit into spirituality along with your own Religion of course. There are several books written by near death survivors one was written by a Neurosurgeon who never (after having performed countless brain surgeries)believed in an afterlife until he lay dying in a comatose state and met his biological sister( he had been adopted ) whom he had never known or seen. She had died several years before. He saw her picture 6 months after he woke from this coma and identified her as the woman who guided him. My point is this all of us who suffer from anxiety get wrapped up in negativity from health anxiety to death anxiety, to whatever our defeatist thoughts may be. Life is balanced, inevitably there is bad but please remember there is good. There is balance. Spending our lives worrying about things that may or may not happen is like playing Russian Roulette with our own sanity and health. Who intentionally looks for stress ? Stress will find you, so will happiness if you allow it. Why not spend all that energy on positive thoughts rather then negative, let life happen, unfold in a natural procces.

05-10-2013, 10:53 AM
Thank you for your supportive responses. It's so refreshing to hear from truly caring people. I have started back at the gym with a personal trainer hoping that will help me physically as well as mentally. Does anyone feel they have gained weight due to anxiety? I am the biggest I have ever been and the only thing I seem to find comfort in is food....

05-10-2013, 01:18 PM
Thank you for your supportive responses. It's so refreshing to hear from truly caring people. I have started back at the gym with a personal trainer hoping that will help me physically as well as mentally. Does anyone feel they have gained weight due to anxiety? I am the biggest I have ever been and the only thing I seem to find comfort in is food....

Also, does a headache cause your blood pressure to go up or does your blood pressure go up because you have a headache???

05-10-2013, 03:56 PM
I'm not sure if a headache means your blood pressure is up. Headaches can be caused by many things, like dehydration and stress. X

05-10-2013, 04:52 PM
It's just crazy that if I have a headache and happen to check my blood pressure then it's usually quite elevated for me. That super freaks me out And then it continues to climb. When I panicked the other day I checked my blood pressure 23 times in one day. I was told by my doc that's a big no no!

05-10-2013, 05:17 PM
Can you find some time each day to either go outside and take a power walk or get a treadmill and spend 20-30 minutes on it? You'd be amazed how much that helps alleviate some of the stress and adrenaline.

05-10-2013, 09:14 PM
Ok Blessed, First the weight is most probably due to a depression ( caused by anxiety surfacing or depression that is presenting with anxiety as its pro dominant symptom.) Depression causes weight gain because people find comfort in food ( soothing, some choose alcohol or drugs so not good but perhaps better then other mood lifters. The body craves sugar to boost serotonin and dopamine levels that are depleted in depression. Sadly weight gain is also a major side effect for many people, not all,when taking SSRI's.( antidepressants) I personally gained a great deal of weight on the SSRI's. I personally lost weight when Panic Attacks arose BUT depression and the treatment for that caused a great deal of weight gain. Most likely you, like most, are suffering from anxiety and depression ( the chicken and the egg, which came first ?- look back on my earlier posts under my name) Remember Blessed you aren't that far off your Mom's death and you mentioned children ? Children take a lot of work, time and consideration, sometimes people "repress". ( stifle don't address ) grief because they need to care for others and their own feelings are put aside. Perhaps these feelings are just surfacing, maybe you just need to grieve, miss your mom. Now the headaches also a catch 22, again the chicken and the egg ( it's everywherelol)' If you have a bad headache ( any pain, anywhere in your body your blood pressure will go up and NOT dangerously so ) but high blood pressure will also cause a headache. So what I think is that your anxiety is probably causing your headaches and when/ if your BP is checked by you it is elevated because you are nervous. I have had horrific migraines in my day ( vomiting from pain) try a cold cloth on the back of your neck. I use an ice bag as well on my forehead and neck. ( less messy) I find the absolute best thing you can take for headaches ( all types of headaches ) is Excedrin Migraine ( it contains caffeine so only take one if you are sensitive to caffeine) I know you are on Atenolol but I don't know if you are on an SSRI or a tranquilizer. If you are on a low dose tranquilizer chip that in half when taking the exceeding migraine it will offset the caffeine and relax your muscles in the neck. Feel better ! You will, be kind to yourself.

05-10-2013, 09:24 PM
That's right DustingMyselfOff and Sue, Adrenaline needs somewhere to be channeled especially seeing that there is no real eminent danger there is only an imagined danger. Therefore that adrenaline needs to burn itself out, exercise is wonderful for this , coupled with some really fun uplifting music :)

05-10-2013, 09:42 PM
Thank you all so much. I find if i have idle time my brain is producing all sorts of doom and life threatening theories

05-11-2013, 11:21 AM
That's the key " idle time" in reference to your mind, try to occupy your mind with positive thoughts. When you go to the Gym occupy your thoughts "I am going to look and feel good" etc. Everyone, repeat " everyone that suffers from anxiety is exactly the same as you. We all go to that place of doom at the first sign of bodily sensation, whether that be a headache or a racing heart. It is human nature to fear and avoid a traumatic event that you have experienced before,if you have been in a plane crash chances are you are not flying anytime. A Panic Attack is a traumatic event but the line has to be drawn between what is a real threat and what is an imagined threat. You have been to your DR and ER as well as talked to many on the Forum. I believe you are now at the point, a crossroad, a new beginning of realizing that this is your mindset. You have come a long way the battle now changes from the Fear and the reaction to that Fear to The Fear and the " acceptance" of that Fear. In the first phase of Anxiety Disorder it is next to impossible to accept the attack as psychological in origin and thus the adrenaline pumps ( after all the brain has no way of distinguishing between the real and the imagined in its chemical reaction to fear- it is a perceived reaction ). After an agonizing phase that may last for days, months, even years ( depending on the knowledge of your support system, Dr, Forum, friends and even your own research) you will enter phase 2 Fear and the Acceptance of that fear. This is the recovery phase, the time when you muster up the courage to allow that anxiety to engulf you and then you learn that the power behind the punch, the bravado of the anxiety is all show. It is weak, it is a symptom, finally there is acceptance and only then do you release this fear.You are moving forward in this. Slip backs like taking your blood pressure 23 times well perhaps taking it 4 times is progress for now. But if you are going to take it 23 times I hope you at least are trying natural ways to lower it, like deep relaxed breathing or meditation. Taking your BP 23 times is so pointless, you're not giving your body/mind time to release that fear, you keep jacking your fear up ,adrenaline keeps pumping and temporary increase in BP is the response to the flight or fright response ( anxiety). So let me ask you where have you allowed your mind/body time to realize there is nothing to fear and " stop" the cycle. Every time you take that BP that anxiety and physical response continues, you are not fixing you are feeding ok ? I don't care how you do it. But you must learn to break that train of thought. You are in a recovery phase, you know or at least have begun to realize that anxiety is fueled by the mind. Your job now is to put positive thought into action and continue with recovery. Pat yourself on the back your mom's death was a horrific event to experience. Things in life happen for a reason, you will emerge a strong individual with a better understanding of yourself. Have a great day filled with great thoughts.

05-11-2013, 05:43 PM
Thank you so much!!