View Full Version : Can excerise make you worse

04-29-2013, 02:27 PM
Everything I ride my bike like a manic full speed to get my heart pumping the next day I feel depressed and anxiety ( and I'm never depressed ). Or can it just be me blaming it on things. Also it's one year now that I'm house bound not doing anything i want to do. I only go to stores one block away for 10 minutes a week. Fml

04-29-2013, 02:47 PM
I do that to only go to stores like a block away. I heard exercise was supposed to be good for anxiety

04-29-2013, 02:50 PM
Make you should try starting off slowly with the exercise. If you aren't very active regularly and then you go on a hardcore bike ride it might be a little shocking to your system thus causing the anxiety. I don't see how it could cause depression but I do see how it could cause anxiety. I think the depression is coincidence. I would try to do light exercise more often. Maybe a slower more relaxing bike ride daily or every other day. Eventually your body will get stronger and more used to it and you can go at it a little harder.

As far as not getting out much maybe you should add that to your list of goals. Take baby steps and maybe goto the store two times a week and then eventually three and so on. Also try going a little further each time. It may be uncomfortable but once you realize that nothing bad is actually happening it should help. It just an anxious or uncomfortable feeling but nothing bad ever actually happens we just worry it will.

I was once in your same shoes and it has taken a good year of these baby steps but I have made tremendous progress. Once you push yourself past something your afraid of it makes you stronger and less anxious. I was so scared to travel and ended up pushing myself to take a road trip with my parents. I thought for sure it would be a disaster but it actually worked out very well. After that trip I found I was able to do so much more and felt a lot better. I had faced one of my bigger fears and lived so my smaller fears seemed so insignificant.

04-29-2013, 03:19 PM
Make you should try starting off slowly with the exercise. If you aren't very active regularly and then you go on a hardcore bike ride it might be a little shocking to your system thus causing the anxiety. I don't see how it could cause depression but I do see how it could cause anxiety. I think the depression is coincidence. I would try to do light exercise more often. Maybe a slower more relaxing bike ride daily or every other day. Eventually your body will get stronger and more used to it and you can go at it a little harder.

As far as not getting out much maybe you should add that to your list of goals. Take baby steps and maybe goto the store two times a week and then eventually three and so on. Also try going a little further each time. It may be uncomfortable but once you realize that nothing bad is actually happening it should help. It just an anxious or uncomfortable feeling but nothing bad ever actually happens we just worry it will.

I was once in your same shoes and it has taken a good year of these baby steps but I have made tremendous progress. Once you push yourself past something your afraid of it makes you stronger and less anxious. I was so scared to travel and ended up pushing myself to take a road trip with my parents. I thought for sure it would be a disaster but it actually worked out very well. After that trip I found I was able to do so much more and felt a lot better. I had faced one of my bigger fears and lived so my smaller fears seemed so insignificant.

I just had a mini panic attack, I think what I thought was depression was high anixety.

04-29-2013, 07:05 PM
Anything can make you worse if you let anxiety tell you that is the truth.

Look at some of the crazy things people will say triggers their anxiety. I had plenty of stupid ones as well

But we let ourselves be convinced something is bad

Exercise is great. I used to freak out when I would stop and I could feel ny heart beating fast, which IS NORMAL

Then I would have an anxiety attack becasue I was convinced something terrible was happening

We will all continue to make no progress as long as we let anxiety dictate our actions

Learn to accept that you are the one making the decision to believe the lies anxiety sells to you.

Believe that it is all a trick and you will be out of the house in no time

I wish you all the best. Believe in yourself, dude

04-29-2013, 09:29 PM
Excercise does make my anxiety worse, mainly because it speeds up my heart and I feel weird and panicked until I either fall asleep or take a Benzo.

I heard that I have to excercise for a long time til I get an adreneline rush and then I feel great, which has happened before

04-29-2013, 10:03 PM
working out always makes me feel better, try to take it slow at first and make yourself feel comfortable. then work out a little harder. keep progressing that way

04-29-2013, 10:15 PM
I just started working out again and I played an hour and a half of basketball yesterday. The day after working out i did feel some anxiety but I pushed my thoughts to be positive. I went to workout again two days later. The day after I was feeling ok. I played basketball yesterday night and I feel even better today

04-30-2013, 07:34 AM
I've been seeing a counselor and he told me to do some kind of exercise at least once a day.. he said "you need to pick the time and the place, and do something that will induce the stress response, it doesn't matter what it is, but make it happen on your terms" In other words, it's like training your brain to realize "I am exercising, being active, my body is supposed to be responding this way. The racing heart, rapid breathing, are all normal feelings due to exercise, and I am making it happen" to try and reprogram your body to recognize when the stress response is supposed to be activated.

04-30-2013, 07:42 AM
I just started working out again and I played an hour and a half of basketball yesterday. The day after working out i did feel some anxiety but I pushed my thoughts to be positive. I went to workout again two days later. The day after I was feeling ok. I played basketball yesterday night and I feel even better today

You have come a long way in a short period of time, Alfred

Here's to your quick learning. Cheers.

04-30-2013, 07:46 AM
working out always makes me feel better, try to take it slow at first and make yourself feel comfortable. then work out a little harder. keep progressing that way

Exactly! That's what worked for me, now I feel great after I exercise.

04-30-2013, 12:53 PM
I've been seeing a counselor and he told me to do some kind of exercise at least once a day.. he said "you need to pick the time and the place, and do something that will induce the stress response, it doesn't matter what it is, but make it happen on your terms" In other words, it's like training your brain to realize "I am exercising, being active, my body is supposed to be responding this way. The racing heart, rapid breathing, are all normal feelings due to exercise, and I am making it happen" to try and reprogram your body to recognize when the stress response is supposed to be activated.

Makes sense, yesterday I didn't move a muscle and today I feel great weird. Tonight ill try to bike slowler and longer see how I am tomorrow .