View Full Version : stomach pains

Alice Pimm
04-29-2013, 02:25 PM
i get sharp pains in my lower right abdomen then my upper left abdomen. sometimes they in my groin area or in my sides. really panicking. ive had them for a while now. had ultrasound 8 weeks ago.and all clear but pains have got worse. sometimes it feels like intense bloating right across my stomach. so scared i got aortic anyerism or appendicitis

04-29-2013, 02:47 PM
As hard as it was for me to do, please take the results you have from your ultrasound and read them again. Then decide to believe the results.

There isn't a pain or pressure that you can feel that I don't chalk up to anxiety if you let it manifest itself by always focusing on it.

I did that for years and I believed I had more diseases than web md lists.

Strange or not, as you start to understand and accept your anxiety for what it is, a lot of nonsense from your brain that won't harm you, you willstartto see those symptoms stop.

Once I accepted my clean bill of health and that all the things I felt were anxiety symptoms, they went a way.

And when I say went away, I mean they left never to return.

Learn about this disorder and it is easily overcome.

Just hard to believe that when you are all jacked up from stress. I understand and was there.

Being here on this forum is a good sign that you will be dealing with this for a short time.

Alice Pimm
04-30-2013, 12:29 AM
thank you so much for ur comment. i alread feel relief. i am going to pester the docs for all the necessary tests because like you have said, i wont be able to fully move on until i know im ok

04-30-2013, 02:11 AM
I agree get tests done and rule out physical problems and then will be able to focus on anxiety or depression.
If it is anxiety and depression accept advice about medication or alternatives like meditation, hypnosis, reflexology, acupuncture, essential oils and herbal tablets, or any therapies you can access and concentrate on getting head rest and head better.
Stay open minded about anything which will help and try whatever you can access or afford.

04-30-2013, 02:23 AM
Stomach pains from anxity are very common. Basic rule of thumb, if pains are coming and going and always jumping from place to place then it's very likely to be due to anxiety and not some sinister underlying illness. Sometimes it's hard to accept it's anxiety though.


04-30-2013, 04:06 AM
I will always time myself. Say pain starts at 1pm, i will note its severeness. Then i will get myself busy with stuffs and during an hour of the busy part, the pain doesnt bother me, then i know its anxiety. If pain is still there, i will sleep it off but if pain persist, then off to the docs i go.