View Full Version : Everything all of the time

Duck Daffy
04-29-2013, 01:46 PM
(Brace yourselves for yet another whiny thread by yours truly.)

I can't stop thinking. I can't stop worrying.

My life is dictated by the hyperactivity of my mind. There's manageable days and there's apocalyptic days. My mind has to meticulously scrutinize every thought from the significant to the minute. It's clouding my judgement on everything; I don't know what I feel anymore and I can't recall what I ever felt. I'm not taking my own advice ; I'm living in fear of hypotheticals proposed by my mind. I try to let the thoughts/feelings flow, but it feels near impossible to not interfere. It's all mental monotony. My HOCD is getting worse, as well. That is my primary problem - mentally. I don't know what to do about it. I'd rather be drugged out of my mind than deal with these thoughts/feelings onset from HOCD. When am I going to become numb to this? It's effecting everything. My life, my love, my motivation - all restrained because of these obsessions. I hate living like this. More than anything, I just want to be genuine. These thoughts and feelings really make me question if I'm being genuine to those I love. And it makes me feel like shit because I can't get rid of these thoughts and feelings, no matter what I try. I want to know that I mean it when I say 'I love you'. I want to be genuine. I'm tired of living at the mercy of my mind.

(Holy lack of paragraphs, batman!)

Have a nice day.

04-29-2013, 02:13 PM
I'd rather be drugged out of my mind than deal with these thoughts/feelings onset from HOCD. When am I going to become numb to this? It's effecting everything.
Have a nice day.

Are you taking any meds? If so, why not start?

OCD is a chemical imbalance, and you can fix it any way you want to. The slow way is to use mind control, (granted it's the most effective), but meds will speed up the fixing of that chemical imbalance by 4 to 5 times. I know I wrote some long posts to you about using certain mental techniques to help OCD, but the research, and my experience have proven, the best way to 'beat this' is to medicate and use effective mental processing. Don't put up with this, it isn't real life. You've said you've made some progress using the mental discipline, if you bump that up with some of that serotonin control you need, you're more than likely gonna feel good.

P.s.... Don't sweat it, I believed it when you said you loved me, even if you didn't....

Duck Daffy
04-29-2013, 02:31 PM
I'm not taking any meds currently. I probably should. I feel like I'm too proud ('stubborn' might be more accurate) to take meds. I've always felt like I should get through it without the help of any meds, but that has obviously got me so far.

p.s LMAO!

04-29-2013, 02:39 PM
I think most people want to be able to heal without meds. I tried it for so long as. People were telling me to just man up

After a long time, I finally agreed to try something to slow my head down.

Best decision ever.

They do work Whether you take meds forever or just so you can slow down enough to begin to work on healing instead of ways to feel better

I understand the whole heal without help thing but I spin my wheels for so long.

Had I know, I would of started taking them the first damn day.