View Full Version : Please please please help!!!!

04-29-2013, 10:09 AM
So I'm on blood pressure and anxiety meds. My blood pressure has been perfect until this morning woke up with pounding headache my bp was like 153/93... Which is crazy high for me. I'm freaking out here.. I did eat way too much salt last night but I am so scared. My lips are tingling and feels like cold water running thru my veins. Some people say calm down it will pass others say get to doctor quick or you're going to dye. I have raw err anxiety so of course im so scared. Someone plz talk to me!!!!!

04-29-2013, 10:43 AM
You don't instantly drop head from occassional high-ish blood pressure. The anxiety is making it creep up, when that goes, it should be normal. High blood pressure just causes subtle changes in the body over time. 153/93 isn't a good pressure to have, but you're gonna be fine.

I would keep an eye on it,and do talk to your doctor about it because you may need your medication adjusted. You are gonna be totally fine tonight though, this is just a bad panic attack. Ride through it. Try some meditation tonight, it's awesome for lower blood pressure.

04-29-2013, 10:44 AM
You're going to be ok, but you ARE going to have to try to calm down, as difficult as I know that is. I had a similar thing happen to me a few weeks ago and it's amazing how much I raised my blood pressure by worrying about my blood pressure. I ended up in the ER because of it and of course, once I got there and was less nervous since I was in a safe place, the blood pressure went right down.

I didn't wake up with a headache; instead I got up from my desk and got real dizzy. That always makes me very nervous so I started to panic and feel faint. I went to the ladies room to try and calm down and it was getting worse. I came back to my desk (where I keep a blood pressure monitor) and was SHOCKED to see it was high. My blood pressure is ALWAYS on the low side and I don't think I've ever been over 125/83. Until that day. I was in the 140's. I REALLY panicked then and decided I better head home for lunch and lie down or something. I got home and took it again, it was in the 150's. I took it again a bit later and it was in the 160's. At that point I called my husband and told him I thought I needed to get to the ER because I've never had high blood pressure and this day it was just climbing and climbing. It was climbing because each time I took it I got more and more scared. They put me on a heart monitor for a few minutes and sent me home with a prescription for a beta blocker.

Do you have beta blockers?

04-29-2013, 11:31 AM
Anxiety will keep your pressure up. More than likey if someone took your bp when you were asleep, it would be normal.

My bp jumps up 20-30 points at the docs office.

I took it at home not too long ago and it was 190/ 100. That is pretty high and the doc told me I should go on some meds and I did. High bp runs in my family but I would never take it because I didn't want to know it was high. That's just stupid but that's where my head was.

Doc told me its probably been that high for quite a while so I wouldn't be too concerned at yours if it is fluctuating due to anxiety.

Take it at home for a week or two at the same time each day when you are calm and write it down for your doc to review.

04-29-2013, 01:04 PM
Thank you yes I'm on a low dose beta blocker. Which I have not missed a dose. Right now my head still hurts and my face is very hot and flushed. My mom had MS and died from a heart attack at 53. I'm 32 now and it just send terrors through my body!

04-29-2013, 05:14 PM
Please help me?!?! So I took a steroid shot 5 days ago due to severe congestion in my nose. I was afraid to take a metrol dose pack which is a series of steroid pills u take for congestion and opening up your breathing better due to it causing ur blood pressure and blood sugar to sky rocket. So I opted for the shot and now I woke up this morning severe headache flushed red face and really high blood pressure. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS SCARY EXPERIENCE????

04-29-2013, 05:15 PM
So I'm on blood pressure and anxiety meds. My blood pressure has been perfect until this morning woke up with pounding headache my bp was like 153/93... Which is crazy high for me. I'm freaking out here.. I did eat way too much salt last night but I am so scared. My lips are tingling and feels like cold water running thru my veins. Some people say calm down it will pass others say get to doctor quick or you're going to dye. I have raw err anxiety so of course im so scared. Someone plz talk to me!!!!!

I feel the same as you, I had my blood pressure checked at the doctors a couple weeks ago after I ate and drank a tea... My bp was 167/107 and they were not concerned at all. I think because being that I just ate/drank and having panic disorder it happens, I had it taken the Monday before that and it was 138/91 again I was panicking. I know it's hard to believe in the moment, but they fluctuate so much and many things can trigger a rise or fall. Anxiety is a huge reason for increased bp but when you are calm and relaxed its probably normal. Since you are on meds, maybe that's causing the change in readings? I would try to relax, talk with your doctor and everything will work out. :)

04-29-2013, 05:16 PM
Please help me?!?! So I took a steroid shot 5 days ago due to severe congestion in my nose. I was afraid to take a metrol dose pack which is a series of steroid pills u take for congestion and opening up your breathing better due to it causing ur blood pressure and blood sugar to sky rocket. So I opted for the shot and now I woke up this morning severe headache flushed red face and really high blood pressure. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS SCARY EXPERIENCE????

Maybe that's what caused the rise?

04-29-2013, 05:26 PM
Has this happened to anyone that has taken a steroid shot? Not the illegal ones ha ha!

04-29-2013, 06:20 PM
Blessed - if it was the shot, it would have happened within the first 30 minutes

Your so focused on this that it has become an anxiety symptom


Worry about something else:)

04-29-2013, 06:34 PM
I went to the doctor today after my first panic attack and high readings on my bp. When I got to the doctor's office, my bp was normal. The EKG is normal. She really didnt think anything was wrong with my heart but she gave me the option to go to cardiologist just to ease my mind. I decline. I did feel better after going to the doctor because it ease my mind that it wasnt my heart. Now I just got to get over the anxiety of having another panic attack.

04-29-2013, 06:40 PM
I went to the doctor today after my first panic attack and high readings on my bp. When I got to the doctor's office, my bp was normal. The EKG is normal. She really didnt think anything was wrong with my heart but she gave me the option to go to cardiologist just to ease my mind. I decline. I did feel better after going to the doctor because it ease my mind that it wasnt my heart. Now I just got to get over the anxiety of having another panic attack.

Way to stay on track and just realize it be anxiety and not continuing to believe the GP is wrong

Panic attack is nothing to get over really. just a few moments of discomfort. No big deal.

Good job.

04-29-2013, 06:56 PM
Your BP wasn't terrible. I'm on BP meds too, and acquired mine after having my second child, and it was 186/120. Now with the BP meds it is back down to 120's over 80's. When I was still having severe panic attacks, it could go up into the 150's over 90's.
Don't worry. You will be fine.

04-29-2013, 07:09 PM
[QUOTE=Don't worry. You will be fine.[/QUOTE]

We people in here never worry!!! :D

04-30-2013, 07:50 AM
I know, right? I actually TELL myself this statement frequently.....