View Full Version : Anxiety seems to be getting bad again

04-29-2013, 07:35 AM
I'm sat in my bedroom in tears. I'm really struggling with this :( I was up half the night I'm on edge today and suddenly got this real bad bad in my chest and made me get up and panic then my heart was racing. I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I wish this could go away!!!!!

04-29-2013, 08:13 AM
I'm sat in my bedroom in tears. I'm really struggling with this :( I was up half the night I'm on edge today and suddenly got this real bad bad in my chest and made me get up and panic then my heart was racing. I wouldn't wish this on my worse enemy. I wish this could go away!!!!!

I'm so sorry you are going through a rough time with anxiety right now. I know for me, things get a little tougher to work through right before it is time for my monthly cycle. I used to stress myself out until I started writing everything down, (when the anxiety started, if I had anything particularly stressful going on in my life at the moment, and if so, what I could do to solve the situation) It just kind of helps to put things in perspective . During those times, I usually make sure I stay away from the caffiene after 5pm, and drink a cup of camomile tea right before bed, it usually helps also.
I also use a lot of meditation. I found an app on my phone, and use it frequently. I usually try to meditate for 5-10 minutes a day, and I almost ALWAYS feel calm afterwards. These are just a few things that work for me.
I hope you feel better soon and I hope you get better rest tonight.

04-29-2013, 03:46 PM
a couple weeks ago my anxiety was so high i didnt sleep for 4 days. I tried but just couldnt. I know exactly what your going thru. i also get REALLY bad right before that time of the month also. i hope you feel better :)

04-29-2013, 04:30 PM
Your story sucks and I'm SOS sorry for you.

I cam tell you that it will stop affecting you sooner I hope rather than later

I am living proof that it can be beaten and I was in horrible shape for years.

When you say you wish this would go away, I understand the urgency

Unfortunately, you can wait it out to go away.

When you make the decision to say you're done feeling this way and are ready to face it, then is when your life will begin to change

Meds can ease the pain of how you feel now and if you need that, by all means go for it.

You will still need to understand that you have to change your thinking, and more importantly, how you react to your thinking.

That is the key. When you realize anxiety is just your mind playing games and it causes no danger to you, you will take back your control

We are a group of people who have been sensitized to our thinking to trigger our fight or flight response and we all have different triggers.

When you feel the physical symptoms or irrational thoughts of anxiety, dismiss them as just that. A symptom, not a reality.

This seems so hard when you are stressed but once you do this successfully a few times you will gain confidence and move forward.

This can be easily overcome with a change of reactions to your thoughts

Just get yourself calmed anyway you can right now.

Then begin to work on your thought processes

I promise you that as bleak as it seems now, you are so much closer than you think just being able to reach out to people that are similar.

The Anxiety Coach and Claire Weeks are two great places to start when you decide to kick this thing in the ass

Stay well,