View Full Version : finally got a new job

04-28-2013, 10:59 PM
i finally managed to get a new job,bearing in mind ive had severe panic attacks since i have been 18,im now 37.im fine in my day today life where i know im safe.then i got this new job and the panic attacks start again i just cant face going to work,strange people n place and thats it i panic the second i leave the front door.cant get he panic under control.its torture because i really do want to work

04-29-2013, 04:25 AM
The same thing happened to me.havnt had panic attack in 5 yrs got a job and a few months later boom panic attacks

04-29-2013, 02:05 PM
so waht did you do?did you carry on working,head down n get on with it or did the panic attacks beat you?i had to give a job up last year cos i cudnt face getting on the bus to go to work...stood for what felt like hours trying to talk my self into getting on the bus but just cudnt do it.buses freak me out for some reason.they are 1 of my triggers for major panic attacks

04-29-2013, 03:02 PM
so waht did you do?did you carry on working,head down n get on with it or did the panic attacks beat you?i had to give a job up last year cos i cudnt face getting on the bus to go to work...stood for what felt like hours trying to talk my self into getting on the bus but just cudnt do it.buses freak me out for some reason.they are 1 of my triggers for major panic attacks

Then get on those damn busses until it stops!!!!!!

Don't change your routine in life, change your strategy or thinking.

I know you realize that busses aren't truly scary. It's just a trigger of yours.

One of my triggers was the word "anxiety". That's even more ridiculous than a bus I suppose.

But if you know that they are safe, and you know you would be safe to ride in one, why not jump aboard?

"Because I'll have a panic attack", you answered, correct?

And what happened the last time you had a panic attack. Besides being a little freaked out and feeling uncomfortable, nothing I suspect

My point being this. Fearing it doesn't stop it or help a panic attack and. They always end regardless of what you do.

So since you know you can't be hurt by a panic attack, jump on the bus and welcome the anxiety.

Just ride around until it leaves before you leave the bus. Just feel it and watch what it does.

You can always get off if you feel it is too hard to do but try again soon

Just welcome it and see how it doesn't do anything dangerous.

That will build your confidence but also puts you in control instead of your anxiety

Remember this - with anxiety and panic, the more you fight it, the stronger it fights.

If you don't fight, it gets bored and goes away.

That is a promise.

04-30-2013, 08:20 AM
Few years ago when I was working, I would have to commute to several different job sites, and I was afraid of getting panic attacks while driving on the highway, for fear of getting into an accident. Now I just reread that last sentence. I was setting myself up for failure before I even got in the car if I was going to think that way. In the moment, it is hard to convince yourself otherwise, but I would force myself to go to work. I had to, I had to work, I needed a job, I needed to pay my bills. Did I have panic attacks on the highway? YUP! I would just pull over into the breakdown lane until I calmed down, even called someone on my cell phone or texted and that person would help talk me down from my panic attack. I even called 911 once! LOL and they sent a police officer who was kind enough to just sit there and talk to me until I felt okay to drive. Some days I'd have attacks while at work and I'd sit somewhere quietly, freaking out, until it went away.. or sometimes I'd leave work.. and sometimes have panic attacks in the car on the way home too! But I kept going in. Don't avoid it. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. The only way to beat it is it face it head on, as difficult as it may be.

04-30-2013, 09:16 AM
Few years ago when I was working, I would have to commute to several different job sites, and I was afraid of getting panic attacks while driving on the highway, for fear of getting into an accident. Now I just reread that last sentence. I was setting myself up for failure before I even got in the car if I was going to think that way. In the moment, it is hard to convince yourself otherwise, but I would force myself to go to work. I had to, I had to work, I needed a job, I needed to pay my bills. Did I have panic attacks on the highway? YUP! I would just pull over into the breakdown lane until I calmed down, even called someone on my cell phone or texted and that person would help talk me down from my panic attack. I even called 911 once! LOL and they sent a police officer who was kind enough to just sit there and talk to me until I felt okay to drive. Some days I'd have attacks while at work and I'd sit somewhere quietly, freaking out, until it went away.. or sometimes I'd leave work.. and sometimes have panic attacks in the car on the way home too! But I kept going in. Don't avoid it. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. The only way to beat it is it face it head on, as difficult as it may be.

Very well said.

04-30-2013, 10:51 AM
Then get on those damn busses until it stops!!!!!!


That is a promise.

So you mean that a person not only has to face their fear, (in this case busses) but also do so with the right thinking (CBT or just being positive or whatever), right? But I have trouble not being negative lol, even when I try and CBT myself in those "head for the hills" situations. Do you have any good tips for what thoughts to think?

04-30-2013, 10:58 AM
So you mean that a person not only has to face their fear, (in this case busses) but also do so with the right thinking (CBT or just being positive or whatever), right? But I have trouble not being negative lol, even when I try and CBT myself in those "head for the hills" situations. Do you have any good tips for what thoughts to think?

I know I would just think "come and get me make me panic away".

I never distracted myself in any way

Again, my goal wasn't to do something and high five everyone because I did it without a panic attack

I would celebrate that I welcomed the panic, it happened, I didn't run away but it was an option.

I just kept doing whatever until the feeling left me first

Panic gets worse when you fight

Almost easy to deal with when you are allowing it in like a friend

Just not scary when you think about it.

04-30-2013, 03:03 PM
I know I would just think "come and get me make me panic away".

I never distracted myself in any way

Again, my goal wasn't to do something and high five everyone because I did it without a panic attack

I would celebrate that I welcomed the panic, it happened, I didn't run away but it was an option.

I just kept doing whatever until the feeling left me first

Panic gets worse when you fight

Almost easy to deal with when you are allowing it in like a friend

Just not scary when you think about it.

Yea that sounds like ACT I think it called. Somehow acceptance makes it less fear causing or something. Lol I'm not sure but I'll try it out, thanks.

04-30-2013, 04:36 PM
Keeping a job when depressed is so hard - you have to put an act on all day to appear"normal" and show can do job. It is hard to lose a job because ill - I know from past experience. This time I have decided will not lose job because of illness but only if i decide when better that it is no longer right job for me. So trying to fight to keep working as much as possible and only have sick when can't help it like for having an operation. So you have to decide what best for you and not get pushed into making wrong decision when ill, and even if struggle to do a job, will have to just get on with it most days and handle as best as possible the pressure of work.

04-30-2013, 05:23 PM
Since I started feeling sick in March I stopped going to work. I work as a hostess at a restaurant and the smell of food was so nauseating at the time. I still haven't gone back to work. I only worked friday and sunday nights, and the pay was very little. My husband is supporting us, but he doesn't make much money either, at least not enough that we can afford for me to be out of work.

In the meantime I've been trying to keep busy around the house, constantly cleaning to keep my mind occupied, and have been driving around sending out resumes looking for a new job. I recently graduated and am a licensed hygienist, so I'm focusing on that rather than try and go back to my old job. I've gone on a few interviews, have had to drive at least an hour to get to one of them.. afraid of panicking on the highway but i didn't LOL and the interview went well actually. So i'm still forcing myself to get out there.

05-01-2013, 03:27 AM
Well done Missmello, trying to keep going is really good because so hard when depressed. Hope your interview is successful or if not, your next one is. Just trying is really good and getting outside is really good.
Good luck hope you get something you enjoy doing.