View Full Version : Had QEEQ map and diagnosed hypercoherence & anxiety

07-27-2007, 02:37 PM
I have been diagnosed with hypercoherence and anxiety following a QEEQ brain map. The map showed excessive posterior beta activity, a pattern consistent with anxiety disorders. Its also showed excessive hypercoherence bilaterally posterior, also consistent with anxiety disorders.
The map was quite shocking as it shows several cross sections of the brain at difference frequencies. Each cross section is colored, green and blue is normal, red yellow orange are abnormal. Seeing all the red at the back of my head allows me to actually see my anxiety.
I have completed about 35 sessions of neurofeedback training and had another 3 brainmaps. Since then i have felt a little better but still need my 0.25mg xanax to take the edge off my performance anxiety condition. I have seen a gradual reduction in the anxiety on the maps (red area shinking and turning to yellow/blue). I am taking slightly longer to "reprogram" than some people but i am still moving in the right direction.
My doctor also tried some EMDR theraphy but could not find any cause/triggers for my anxiety. He has concluded that i was just born with anxiety.
He also offers some self help stuff but does not care if i do it as he is 100% confident the neurotrainning will fix me up. But i am going to try the Sedona method just out of interest. I've already watched the Secret and thought was a nice idea but nahhhhh not for me.

Currently i am working on training the cingulate part of my brain.
The cingulate (pronounced sing-u-lat) is the part of the brain that runs through the middle
part of the frontal lobes and is the “gear shifter” of the brain. It allows you to shift attention
from thought to thought and between behaviors. When this part is over active, people have
problems getting stuck in certain loops of thoughts or behaviors such as repetitive worry.

Hopefully this will work out as I purchased a package to rid me of anxiety from this doctor for $3000.

07-28-2007, 06:24 AM
Of course, I know nothing about this therapy. But as for the price, it is VERY easy to spend $3000+ on conventional therapy. And this often doesn't work.

side effects of life
02-20-2008, 03:18 PM
xanax, I know it has been a while since your post--wondering if the neurotransmitting, cingulat therapy and $3000 package has worked.

05-13-2008, 12:32 PM
Yes my neurofeedback training has helped me considerably. Its the best money i ever spent.
I was about a 8 on an anxiety scale of 1-10. I was taking time off work and could not go to the grocery store, having very dark thoughts etc etc.
It took along time before i started noticing the treatment working, about 40 sessions. I actually ended up taking 70 sessions, so I paid $3000 for the initial package and another $600 for an additional 20 sessions and a QEEQ brain map.
I am off my drugs and only have anxious moments occasionally but i am able to calm myself down. I still take a small 10mg beta blocker for when i get nervous doing presentations at work but thats OK with me.
My last EEG with LORETA report shows all my main anxiety activity has gone. There are some other items on the report that i can go back and work on if i want to.
My fee included access to a whole bunch of self help resources. I choose to start the sedona method but have not completed it yet. My fee also included 10 talk type sessions where i did some Eye Movement Desentization but that did not reveal any events/experiences in my past that may have caused my anxiety. All this came from a Phd level Dr.

At some point in time i was thinking of doing a web page including my brain map reports and stuff, but decided against it as not many people seemed to be interested in nerofeedback training.