View Full Version : Stomach Pains (male)

04-28-2013, 07:44 PM
These things are driving me crazy!! I have always been a worrier but last year I had my first full blown panic attack, them a week to the day an even worse one. I have all the good stuff that comes along with anxiety, heart palpitations, migraines, mood changes. I have 2 kids which means that I stress all the time about them and their health, stress about my job, stress about my wives health. Again, all the good stuff...

I lost my father at the age of 6 dude to cancer so you could see why any and every new sensation automatically tells my anxious mind its some kind of cancer, doesn't help that I too am a goggle symptom addict :smh:

Well I have learned to deal with my palps, they do still bother me but not to where I am constantly fearing them, My chest pains and back pains also don't bother me much anymore. Now though, I started to have stomach pains. These are making my anxiety go crazy, and has me scared as hell. I have cramp like aches on the lower left side of my abdomen, then they move to the right side, them a bloated, also cramp type ache in the middle of my stomach like the feeling of gas but I don't have real bad gas. Just the gas type pain. I don't know what to think, all that keeps running through my mind is cancer, cancer, cancer, even though I don't have fever, I'm not throwing up, have chills, blood in stool none of that. I had similar pains a few months ago and my doc had me do urine tests, blood work, and a scan of my mid section and didn't see anything but a hernia in my chest (acid reflux hernia) it went away and now it's back. It started last Tuesday, when I woke up to go to work I felt a pain on my lower left side on the abdomen, all day long it would come on and off. The following day not as much or as strong. The next day nothing much, just a sore tender ache. Now the feeling is like a cramping, bloated have to fart type pain.

I know anxiety can cause stomach problems but I never had them, I had almost everything else but this and now I guess I do, I have an appt with my Dr tomorrow, I went to the ER on Friday because when I told the Dr office about what I was feeling they wanted me to make sure I didn't have an infection so they told me to go to the ER just in case. I did, did a urine sample(wanted to make sure it wasn't a uti or stones) nothing, no blood, no infection.

Why I am posting this? I would like to see(you know how much it helps to know you are not alone) if anyone else has felt this or is going through this. If you did, did you find out what is was?

It sucks because it is making my anxiety flare up pretty bad, I am irritable and not interested in anything else but finding out what is wrong with me. MORE STRESS! And DAMN YOU GOOGLE!!! The pains/aches come and go all day long, and when I am feeling them my anxiety kicks into overdrive. So damn tiring.

04-28-2013, 10:25 PM
My husband had his gall bladder out a couple of years ago. He has been told he can eat and do anything and will not get any problems. However since the operstion every few weeks he gets pains again. He has had loads of tests and they can't find anything, but he still gets it.

My son gets bad stomach pains and got taken into hospital and did have some urinary and stomach infections. He still gets trouble now although infections were cleared up, and at times takes tablets, his pain in his stomach gets worse when he walks or moves.

I am sure that for both my husband and son a lot of the symptoms come when they are under stress. My husband when he has to find a new project and my son when he is studying hard at uni or has exams.

04-29-2013, 06:53 PM
Your story sounds way too much like my own

All of your physical symptoms, I have had. And the stomach issues were the worst.

I worried so much I made myself sick and unable to eat. Great way to lose weight if you need it

So yes to answer your question. Stomach issues are so common.

A few thoughts for you.

Anxious people have a very bad habit of breathing quick, shallow breaths through their mouth

Make a point to breath normally from your belly and the majority of the symptoms will leave. Heart palpitations, chest tightening, tingling and numbness in the limbs are most often eliminated with proper breathing.

Watch your belly move in and out when you breath. That is how you should breathe. You will also notice you get no symptoms you mention while doing this.

Keep posting.

04-30-2013, 07:08 AM
I've been having stomach issues since the beginning of March, so about 2 months now. It started with heightened sense of smell, then led to nausea, loss of appetite, and I had this constant sensation of pressure on the left side of my stomach just below my ribcage. At first I thought it was just acid reflux, because I have had issues with it in the past.

Went to the walk-in clinic, had Xrays done, bloodwork, urine.. found nothing. Then I started to get worse.. wasn't able to eat ANYTHING. Just the smell of food or the thought of eating made my stomach turn, i'd have to force myself to eat a banana or sliced bread, but for almost 2 weeks that's all I was able to eat and ended up losing 15 pounds (went from 140 to 125). I was dry heaving on top of it all too, but never actually vomited anything.

I went to the ER when I just couldn't stand it anymore, they did more xrays, bloodwork, EKG, hooked me up to a heart monitor because my BP was high and I was getting palps also. All tests came back negative and they referred me to a Gastroenterologist. He did an upper endoscopy, took biopsies during the procedure, and even ordered a CT scan with IV contrast on my abdomen. ALL NEGATIVE! Haha!

So i put myself through all those tests, like a science experiment, and they are finding nothing wrong.. no infection, no disease, nothing. The Gastro doc is telling me it's most likely anxiety induced. SO I FEEL YOUR PAIN! It has been a rough 2 months for me, but I have started to accept the test results and just want to move on with my life. I am seeing a new primary physician tomorrow to talk about putting me on an SSRI.. tried zoloft and it did not agree with me at all. In the meantime I have been on Klonopin and I believe it is helping, but I am not 100%, but I am at least able to get up and move around now, and eat without much of a problem.

04-30-2013, 07:31 AM
I've been having stomach issues since the beginning of March, so about 2 months now. It started with heightened sense of smell, then led to nausea, loss of appetite, and I had this constant sensation of pressure on the left side of my stomach just below my ribcage. At first I thought it was just acid reflux, because I have had issues with it in the past.

Went to the walk-in clinic, had Xrays done, bloodwork, urine.. found nothing. Then I started to get worse.. wasn't able to eat ANYTHING. Just the smell of food or the thought of eating made my stomach turn, i'd have to force myself to eat a banana or sliced bread, but for almost 2 weeks that's all I was able to eat and ended up losing 15 pounds (went from 140 to 125). I was dry heaving on top of it all too, but never actually vomited anything.

I went to the ER when I just couldn't stand it anymore, they did more xrays, bloodwork, EKG, hooked me up to a heart monitor because my BP was high and I was getting palps also. All tests came back negative and they referred me to a Gastroenterologist. He did an upper endoscopy, took biopsies during the procedure, and even ordered a CT scan with IV contrast on my abdomen. ALL NEGATIVE! Haha!

So i put myself through all those tests, like a science experiment, and they are finding nothing wrong.. no infection, no disease, nothing. The Gastro doc is telling me it's most likely anxiety induced. SO I FEEL YOUR PAIN! It has been a rough 2 months for me, but I have started to accept the test results and just want to move on with my life. I am seeing a new primary physician tomorrow to talk about putting me on an SSRI.. tried zoloft and it did not agree with me at all. In the meantime I have been on Klonopin and I believe it is helping, but I am not 100%, but I am at least able to get up and move around now, and eat without much of a problem.

That is awesome. I wish I had taken some quicker steps during the beginning that maybe would have sent me in a different direction instead of chasing my tail for 2o years

Great job being in control!

04-30-2013, 03:42 PM
I to have bad anxiety over health and my stomach and bowel movements took the biggest hit if it werrnt for them to this day I would hopefully be iver anxiety but as theve stayed with me im still as anxious about it all its not nic3 atall

04-30-2013, 04:10 PM
Hope you have found help in some of these posts and can get it checked and sorted or try and help by getting in control of anxiety so stomach not upset.