View Full Version : Worried that I may be narcissistic?

04-28-2013, 03:26 PM
Now I've always had trouble with self-image. I'm incredibly shy and experience a lot of anxiety when talking to even my friends at school.
Up until I was about 15, even though I was still incredibly shy I was sure that I was smarter and better-looking than everyone around me. I'm completely paranoid about most things, even if I don't believe my delusions they are still thought processes that go through and get anxious over. As soon as my friends are away from me I assume they are talking about how awful of a person I am.
I have trouble listening to music, it makes me really frustrated because I feel like I can't determine what I like and what I don't like and just base it purely on what people around me would think. I regret almost every social situation I'm put in even if at the time I feel like I'm coming across well.
I spend the majority of my free time playing over scenarios in my mind in which I am a much better person to what I am now. I also have problems with empathy and generally don't understand implied conversation.

04-28-2013, 03:34 PM
I don't think you are ... But you sound like you have some issues with social situations. Have you ever been diagnosed with anything? And if you have anxiety you may also have something else. It easier to treat disorders or issues if you know more what they are... Then you can find out information, and maybe find others with the same issue ms to talk about them.... And talk with someone who truly understands you more. For instance I have panic and anxiety disorder an OCDs... People who don't seem to have little understanding about I really feel.. Like my husband.. I know doesn't fully understand.

04-28-2013, 04:34 PM
Have you spoken with a psychologist about all this? If so what did they say/think? Alankay. j