View Full Version : Getting fingerprinted

09-21-2005, 09:37 AM
I don't know if I told you all this or not, but I recently started working at the nursery school I used to work at. I started working there right out of high school in '90 and worked there for 10 years. I quit in 2000 to try and start a day care in my own home. That didn't work out, so I was just a housewife up until now. Well, I guess you could say that I'm still a housewife, but I now work at the nursery again two afternoons a week for 3 hours. Not much I know, but oh well.

What I have to do now though is get fingerprinted. My boss just called me this morning and went over with me some of what she is going to need me to do. She thought that she could use some of what was in my file from before, but I guess since it has been 6 years since I've worked there before that she can't. Sooo................. I have to go and get fingerprinted.

Has anyone ever had to do this? What do they do? I'm definately going to take someone with me, I just don't know what to expect. I think I wouldn't be so scared about it if I knew what it was like and what to expect. So, if anyone could help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Cath :)

09-21-2005, 11:09 AM
It's simple, Cath! They have an ink pad, they hold your hand with your finger out and roll it on the ink pad, then roll your fingerprint onto the form. I know you will probably be nervouse and might start shaking, but since they will be holding your hand, it might help! Don't sweat it!

09-21-2005, 12:06 PM
Thanks, bridgie. :) Do they do this out in front of everyone? If so will other's there think that I'm a crimnal and that is why I'm being fingerprinted? It would be nice if maybe there was a partition between me and everyone else so they couldn't watch. :?

Cath :)

09-21-2005, 12:12 PM
Not sure about that part, Cath. Where do you have to go to get it done? I know in a company I used to work for, that the HR person did it in her office.

Fingerprinting is fairly common practice these days, so I don't think anybody will think you are a criminal! :lol:

09-21-2005, 05:51 PM
Also, they might use a machine instead of an ink pad. It's just a little round half-sphere that you roll your thumb on (press hard so the sensor will pick it up, or the person instructing you might get mad like what happened to my friend one time:P). Anyway, it's no big deal no matter how they do it. And as Bridgie said, nearly everyone's been fingerprinted for something or another at some point in their lives, so if anyone sees you, they'll probably think it's just for professional reasons. You're not having it done at a police station, are you? (If you are, I think you might be being tricked into being arrested ;) :P)

11-23-2005, 05:28 PM
Its like finger painting! lol. Nah, its just an ink pad (like a stamp pad) and you put your fingertips on it, and press it on a paper. I got finger printed at a bank before. Why? I dunno lol. But its quick painless, and over in 30 seconds! I don't think too many people will be around.