View Full Version : pain bottom of the back

Alice Pimm
04-28-2013, 01:51 PM
i have had pain at the bottom of my back and siziness and pain in stomach is this nornal??

04-28-2013, 04:47 PM
What is siziness?
How long have you had this pain? Hope its not TMI, but I get lower back pain around the time of my monthly cycle.....

04-28-2013, 11:08 PM
Sounds a weird combination, I would see Dr and find out what it is.

04-28-2013, 11:50 PM
I get pain constant pain in my back which moves from the top to the middle to the bottom to the sides to the shoulders sometimes to my hips and bottom
At the beginning I thought it was dangerous so I kept going to A&E but they found nothing
I had blood test done X-ray but they can't explain it
I done physiotherapy it didn't work now I m waiting to start the hydro physiotherapy
The pain is a lot better compared to when it started( it used to feel like someone dragging daggers across my back )

Alice Pimm
04-29-2013, 04:27 AM
im at the docs today so waiting to see what it cud be. i have had a cold recently so i do ache and get dizzy die to hydration bt im nt suffering badly with this cold so thats why i think its something else.

04-29-2013, 10:38 AM
Hope everything is fine with you

04-29-2013, 08:25 PM
I had problems with the sciatic nerve which hurts really bad in the lower back and sometimes into pelvic area and legs. It feels like my spine wants to burst right at the tailbone area. What kind of pain are you feeling?

Alice Pimm
04-30-2013, 12:31 AM
its a dull ache in my back and sharp pains in my stomach. not sharp so im in agony or make me jump but they are there. im starting to think the back is from being due on. it feels just like period pains. and i thibk the stomach is definately irratates by my anxiety

04-30-2013, 02:02 AM
I have had sciatica on and off for 35 years and it can happen easily if do something to trap the sciatic nerve - it is horrible pain which can be from bottom to foot, or knee to foot and constant ache.
Painkillers and anti inflammatory tablets help, plus lying with legs up over pillows and doing push ups against wall.
But if getting stomach pain too could both come from stress and anxiety.
Also could be hormone problem.
If get Dr to check stomach, back and hormones so put mind at rest not physical, then can work on ways to get stress and anxiety better.

04-30-2013, 08:33 AM
I have had sciatica on and off for 35 years and it can happen easily if do something to trap the sciatic nerve - it is horrible pain which can be from bottom to foot, or knee to foot and constant ache.
Painkillers and anti inflammatory tablets help, plus lying with legs up over pillows and doing push ups against wall.
But if getting stomach pain too could both come from stress and anxiety.
Also could be hormone problem.
If get Dr to check stomach, back and hormones so put mind at rest not physical, then can work on ways to get stress and anxiety better.

Try a sciatic nerve/buttock stretch: ( please note carefully left and right here as it's hard to describe this one without showing it :-)

Sit on a solid chair, upright, knees bent at 90degrees, back supported (normal seated position as if at a dining table-but of course move the chair away from the table to do this!)

Now drop or straighten the left leg, (sliding heel along the ground away from you) and, keeping yr right leg bent, bring the right ankle up and onto the left leg, resting the outer part of the right ankle just above the knee of the left leg, and turning your right knee out and down towards the ground.

Using yr right hand on the inside of yr right knee, gently press the right knee away from you as you slowly begin to bend the LEFT leg back to the 90degree position you started in (foot firmly on ground). ( Yr right ankle will be moving up towards the sky, so to speak, as you bring yr left leg to the bent position) You'll feel a stretch in the right buttock.

You will notice the right knee wants to come up with the right ankle, but keep it pressed firmly down. Only bend yr left leg as far as it is tolerable in the right buttock.

The more you bring your left leg into the normal bent/seated position, and you press yr right knee down, the more you will increase the stretch in the right buttock making it more intense. Again, only work into this stretch as far as you can handle the sensations, and move slowly

(The left leg is only providing a support for yr right leg here (the reverse when you change sides) it is the right buttock you are stretching but of course, you must do both sides and repeat the problem side.)

Breathe deeply all the time, relaxing on the breath out- breathe into the stretch- increasing the stretch on that breath out too.

This can target the muscles that are impinging the sciatic nerve and relax them, which in most cases can relieve the pain the nerve causes.

Stay in this stretch as long as you can, and try to lift the chest and straighten the back as you press the knee down.

Repeat on the other leg.

Hope my instructions were easy to follow. Let me know if not.

04-30-2013, 10:10 AM
You can do all of the above or do what I did after 5 years of chronic back pain.

I read The Healing Back by Dr John Sarno.

Tells how you carry stress in your upper or lower back

Every example he gave I realized he was describing me.

We all know how the mind can be tricked through anxiety and my back issues were all related to stress and anxiety

My back issues completely went away and I have been told I have arthritis, disc degeneration, and several other things I can't pronounce

Most healthy back people have the same things.

My thought of a bad back was always reinforced at the docs office. Told me more crap that was wrong so I stayed in pain

Took me 2 hours to read his book and I haven't had a back issue in 17 years

05-01-2013, 05:07 PM
That's great you resolved your back problems. Yes a lot of physical things are in the mind, but not all. Sciatica can be from a number of things, including anatomical: the Sciatic nerve (cause of a lot of back pain) exits the trunk near the piriformis in all people, and through it in some, so if it is tight, it will get squeezed and the person will be in pain, it's as simple as that!

Alice Pimm
05-04-2013, 12:17 PM
anyone just get a feeling in there back that is like its tightening.