View Full Version : Sudden oncome of anxiety

04-28-2013, 10:14 AM
Gosh I've been fine all day!! Not even thought of negative thoughts and all of a sudden I'm say here with some friends who I'm very comfortable with and I get a pain in my chest (more towards my neck) and heart racing! Then I start to worry :( this is really getting me down because one min I'm fine and the next it comes on with me not even thinking about it I just don't get it! Then when it does come on it worries me and I get awful thoughts :(

04-28-2013, 10:27 AM
Gotta love anxiety!! J/k I hate when your happy or having fun and then when you least expect it it comes ;( I will never understand. Here lately it happens when I drive or sitting watching a movie uhh

04-28-2013, 02:28 PM
I just don't understand it! I will be fine and then the next min it kicks in its awful and is really getting me down. I can't even socialise without it coming on :( I think I need to go on meds but scared of side effects

04-28-2013, 02:37 PM
I'm the same way :( I won't go on meds because of the side effects. But anxiety is horrible

04-28-2013, 05:14 PM
Anxiety is terrible. It's like you could be having so much fun then BAM.. Hi I'm here :) remember me? I hate it.

04-28-2013, 05:22 PM
Anxiety is terrible. It's like you could be having so much fun then BAM.. Hi I'm here :) remember me? I hate it.

Lol you got that right

04-28-2013, 06:29 PM
I'm serious though. I get anxiety so bad that I get mad at my anxiety.

04-28-2013, 06:37 PM
Seriously I do lmao! :) oh well

04-28-2013, 06:39 PM
Does anyone get the onset of anxiety from feeling ok and feel like you'll never feel ok again?

04-28-2013, 07:23 PM
Does anyone get the onset of anxiety from feeling ok and feel like you'll never feel ok again?

Yes that's a terrible feeling. I hate it. Does anyone ever get really bad head movements from anxiety

04-28-2013, 07:34 PM
Yes that's a terrible feeling. I hate it. Does anyone ever get really bad head movements from anxiety

Like head tremors? I get that

04-28-2013, 07:38 PM
I can be fine and calm one minute to totally out of control next, especially when trying to socialise, even if with friends know really well.
It has stopped me socialising, going to shops, going to get weekly food and going to watch sport I have lifetime season ticket for, for over 2 years. It is ruining my home life, have had 5 months off work in 2011 and 7 weeks in hospital.
I try any tablets, therapies, courses or alternative medicines anyone recommends to me to try to get this mended.
Mine is hormone imbalance causing depression and unlike post natal depression which i have had several times in past, this time it is caused by my age and has lasted over 2 years instead of 5-6 months.
Usually in past husband has coped, but not this time. He is really fed up with it going on so long, with gynae not being able to balance my hormones, with psychiatrist not finding a tablet to give me a lift to help me get through it, with my trying everything suggested and getting obsessed by it in hope it helps, and hates us not having a social life. It dies not help that he does not understand depression or anxiety because never had it and has never understood pmt women get monthly.
We have been married 28 years with a 22 year old son who we were eventually lucky to have but could not have any more, and this time I see hatred in his eyes for what I have become at moment.

04-28-2013, 07:39 PM
That might be the worst part of anxiety for me - fine one minute, panic the next...

04-28-2013, 08:15 PM
Like head tremors? I get that

Head tremors is that like when you move your head a lot bc it feels weird?

04-28-2013, 10:10 PM
Easy tip I was given last week to stop a panic attack when it starts is to wet your lips and the panic attack will stop immediately. Keeping a bottle of water in my handbag all the time now.

04-28-2013, 10:16 PM
Really? Immediately?

04-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Woman has had depression and panic attacks for years, so believed her.

04-29-2013, 12:35 PM
Gosh I've been fine all day!! Not even thought of negative thoughts and all of a sudden I'm say here with some friends who I'm very comfortable with and I get a pain in my chest (more towards my neck) and heart racing! Then I start to worry :( this is really getting me down because one min I'm fine and the next it comes on with me not even thinking about it I just don't get it! Then when it does come on it worries me and I get awful thoughts :(

Ugh! This is why I finally made the decision to go on meds. I would get to the point where I would get my anticipatory anxiety down low, and I'd feel calm going into a restaurant. I'd be sitting there enjoying it, and it would just hit me and I'd get a panic attack. I got really sick of that...because when it hits you...what are you gonna do at that point? You just have to ride through it. I think it's just too much adrenaline in the body...your nervous system is on overdrive. I know it's very frightening to go on medication(heck, today is my first day on it and I was certain I would go into anaphylactic shock! lol), but if I can handle it, you can handle it. If it makes you feel better, have your doctor prescribe you a super low dosage of something and then take HALF of that. Starting at a lower dosage will decrease the chance of side effects, and for me personally, it gave me more peace of mind. If you don't like it, you can always stop the med and continue to do things naturally. I asked for Prozac because as a psych nurse, I know that it has a very long half-life and it doesn't give you a bad withdrawal if you're on a low dose and choose to discontinue it. Kudos to all those who try to do this naturally, but man it gets difficult and I feel that at some point, your mind just needs a break. Think of it as planning ahead for your future cardiac health. Doing things naturally can be nice, but constant excess stress on the body while you try to do things naturally isn't going to help your ticker in the future.

04-29-2013, 12:52 PM
I went to the doctors today as I'm struggling to cope at the moment to the point I feel like giving up in everything!!! They prescribed me some meds to help slow my heart rate down when it starts racing ect just to help me I'm so scared to take meds because of side effects and if its going to make thing worse suppose taking meds is part of my health anxiety because I hate taking tablets with anything!

04-30-2013, 08:42 AM
Like head tremors? I get that

Is that like someone is shaking the inside of yr head? I got that for the first time tonight. I though God what's happening now?! Always something new comes in with anxiety, just to add insult to injury lol.

04-30-2013, 08:58 AM
I went to the doctors today as I'm struggling to cope at the moment to the point I feel like giving up in everything!!! They prescribed me some meds to help slow my heart rate down when it starts racing ect just to help me I'm so scared to take meds because of side effects and if its going to make thing worse suppose taking meds is part of my health anxiety because I hate taking tablets with anything!

Im so sorry you are going through this. I have health anxiety too. Here I am tapping away at midnight wide awake and wondering what happened to the valerian tabs I took to help me sleep! I try the natural route first but I agree it's so hard to know what to do with drugs. Try taking B12 vits and then a multi B complex (like multi vit but all the 'B' groups) to help the nerves. With anxiety you can feel like yr whole body is buzzing which I think is the nerves racing. Stay off caffeine (no tea either), that will really help. Breathing using the stomach not chest is helpful too. I find about six deep tummy breaths helps me.

Never feel as though you are alone though, because you are not. So many people suffer anxiety, it's amazing, and most often they feel as though no one is hearing their cries for help. These forums are such good support. Be strong and don't give up. Tell yourself ( in the mirror eye to eye if u can handle it :-) that you WILL get through this and that you have the courage, because you do. X