View Full Version : Palps again :(

04-27-2013, 04:15 PM
So I felt like I was doing really well with this anxiety! And today has been a good day basically anxiety free. I was randomly in the car talking to my partner and out of the blue I had a major palp so bad I was checking my pulse ect. After that it all went down hill I start to feel more and more (or so I think I'm feeling them) and my anxiety kicks in! How can you just randomly get a palpitation?!

04-27-2013, 04:45 PM
That's the wonderful thing about anxiety.. sometimes there's no rhyme or reason as to why it happens. I remember my first panic attack when I was 17... laying in bed watching tv, about to fall asleep, and in an instant my heart was racing so fast I thought it was going to burst through my chest. It was the first time it ever happened and so I naturally freaked out and thought I was dying. Went to the ER, my pulse went as high as 150.. had all kinds of tests done for months, saw a cardiologist, went home with heart monitors, and of course they found nothing. No clue what triggered it. Anxiety's a bitch.. 10 years later and I still have my episodes every few months.

04-27-2013, 06:08 PM
Thought I was alone with this one. Telling my therapist I haven't had issues with palps for around a year then later that day they started back up. I was checking my pulse when more came and that triggered more anxiety and more palps. What a vicious cycle. My pulse also goes up to 150 when panicked.