View Full Version : Curiosity (lucky I'm not a cat)

07-26-2007, 05:53 PM
Hey everyone, just curious to know how many people on this forum consider themselves:

a) cured of their anxiety
b) have anxiety managed to a reasonable level that allows them to continue their lives


07-26-2007, 07:31 PM
I am hesitant to say "cured" because anxiety/stress can always creep up on you. Sometimes it is a sign that tells you "slow down, quit doing so much!" which is a good thing!

But I can say, that when it *does* creep up on me (which is only periodically), I know what to do to get back to normal. So in the effect that I know how to handle it, yes I am "cured". I feel myself again and am living the life I want :) I am so thankful that I am not how I once was. I found that once I learned certain techniques it would be almost impossible to go back to the really bad states I used to get in. It's kind of like trying to unlearn riding a bike, you just can't :) Thank god I learned the right things!