View Full Version : Will meds help with physical sensations?

04-27-2013, 02:22 PM
I think of taking medication for my anxiety

But was wondering if it will vanish all my physical sensations
If anyone of you knows what I m talking about please could you share your experience with me

04-27-2013, 02:33 PM
Hey MC...

Meds may not vanish all of your physical symptoms, but they will almost certainly (when you find the right med) make a big difference in how you are feeling. Assuming anxiety, which is as we believe it to be, a chemical imbalance, and the med rectifies the chemical imbalance, then you will see a reduction in anxiety to go along with it. With this reduction in anxiety, it invariably means your symptoms will decrease, usually quite significantly.

I had a few symptoms of anxiety that were horrific, and that decreased massively when using meds. Unfortunately, it didnt fix my anxiety enough to rid me of ALL of them though, and some did remain. These had to be fixed with meditation and therapy. A combination of the meds and those techniques, did remove 80% of my severe symptoms. The others disappeared with time.

I'd say if you're having symptoms you don't like, and you've tried other stuff, give meds a go, you WILL see changes when you find the right one.

04-27-2013, 02:47 PM
Hi thx for replying so fast

I m having pain almost everywhere and I do not like that because it makes me terribly anxious
I am on CBT course at the moment but it s going to end very soon that s why I want to take meds as an alternative
What meds did you take?

04-27-2013, 03:11 PM
I took SSRI's, but they werent as effective for me, so I then took Mirtazipine, worked really well! It can take a couple of tries to find an effective one, although some people find it first time.

My opinion, if I was you, and in your shoes, I would without a doubt be trying meds :) Once you can break the anxiety cycle, you can accomplish a lot in getting better, and meds do help that!

04-27-2013, 03:47 PM
Thx for the advice

I think it s time to give the meds a go
I started the CBT last November it kind of helped but not very much
I feel so miserable and helpless so definitely gonna try something
Hopefully it will work
Thx again

04-27-2013, 04:36 PM
I am currently taking Klonopin (benzo) for my anxiety. All of my symptoms were very physical... nausea, loss of appetite, dry heaving, was losing weight.. all of those symptoms are gone now that I am taking Klonopin .5mg 2x day, although I still feel like a heaviness or a dragged down feeling, and sometimes my breathing is a little off, which I did not experience before taking the med... although I'll take these new symptoms over my old ones because I am at least able to function now. Before, I was afraid to even get out of bed and literally thought I was dying. I am now at least able to leave the house and function. Seeing my Dr. on tuesday to discuss a possible change in meds maybe I can find something that will be even better for me.

04-27-2013, 09:06 PM
I m having pain in my stomach and it s worrying me quiet a lot
I don't feel like doing any tests I had enough already I prefer to think it s anxiety
I can't handle going through the stress of doing any test and wait for the results which can be very traumatising because of all the negativity that goes through my mind
I want to spare my self that and just try the meds
I don't know whether I ll get those tablets you are talking about prescribed here in England