View Full Version : Problems At Work

04-27-2013, 11:10 AM
My job isn't being too understanding about my disorder. When i first started having attacks, i went to the hospital and missed some days. My employer threatened to write me up (which totally helps my anxiety >_>). Anyone have any experience dealing with a douchebag boss who's only concerned about his business making money? Im pretty sure he couldn't do anything anyway cause i had a doctors note. I may actually end up on short term disability if my condition doesnt improve. That's just how bad it is. I'm sure that'll go over well lol.

04-27-2013, 11:23 AM
A docs note to HR should do it if the company is big enough to have a HR dept.
What are you doing for anxiety treatment? Under good medical care anxiety is rarely an inpatient problem. Alankay

04-27-2013, 11:48 AM
I'm taking 40mg prozac and 1 mg ativan until i see my psychiatrist in 2 weeks for proper meds. I'm having 1-3 attacks per day ranging from 30 minutes to hours. Also have driving anxiety.

04-27-2013, 12:18 PM
I am so sorry that your boss is being totally unhelpful. In 1996 when I had my last bout, my employer would not let me go back to my old job after I had been in hospital, they said it was too stressful. Luckily it is a local authority so they moved me to another job. Luckily in 2011 after 5 months off and 7 weeks in hospital my new boss was determined to help me and even visited me every week in hospital. I now have a new boss since November because old one retired, and I have now been off 8 weeks after 2 knee operations and a gynae operation, and I am worried because I don't know my new boss enough to trust her. Got to meet or talk to heron phone next week before she will consider me going back to work even if doctor says I can. She assures me it is because I went back too soon after first knee operation and this time she wants me a lot better so I am able to do the whole job without upsetting my head so much, so I just have to accept that she is thinking of me and keep my fingers crossed I can trust her.
It is horrible when work adds to your problems - we have enough to worry about just getting through each day and trying to get our heads better.
I hope that they see reason and your doctor and psychiatrist are supportive so that they have no choice.
Unfortunately, I was not in the union in 1996 but luckily a welfare officer supported me through not getting my job back, but if your workplace has a HR department then there should be some occupational health people that will help you.