View Full Version : Serious Improvement!

Walking Circles
04-26-2013, 09:51 PM
In the past week I have been seeing real improvement in my anxiety. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and got some blood work done on the recommendation of a forum member here and found out that I was severely Vitamin D deficient. I began supplementing with large doses of Vitamin D 3, I did not notice much difference in the first week but this week things have been much better for me. I am less tense and my health anxiety has drastically subsided, now when a bout of it comes on it is a small manageable thing. They physical symptoms I had that were driving this anxiety, such as muscle twitching and the like, have also DRASTICALLY subsided.

I have also started seeing a counselor for anxiety as well as other old unattended issues, though I have only seen him once so far. I have been reading a book called "Peace is every Step" by a Buddhist monk named Thich Nhat Hahn, it has been very helpful in learning to recenter my way of thinking and learning to deal with stress. I would highly recommend this book to anyone here, it is basically about learning to really be aware of our present moment and finding peace in it through really being aware of the good things in the world around us. The book also has a lot of good tips on meditation in everyday situations.

Anyway I was thinking we could all post things that have been helpful to us, or share our victories, even just a single good day. It might be nice to have another thread of positive things floating around.

04-26-2013, 11:55 PM
I have tried vitamins etc recommended by the Dr many times, but natural remedies just can't seem to balance my hormones. However, I went to a really good lady two weeks ago for reflexology and my body started working the day after, when it had only worked with pills kicking it off for two years.
I have also recently had crystal gem therapy and that was lovely and calming.
I go to a Buddhist meditation group and their teachings are brilliant and helpful and the teachings and meditation can help you change your way of thinking to make your life happier. The guided meditation definitely helps in many ways but in particular to calm your head and give you time to have head rest.
I also go to a Christian meditation group and their teachings and silent meditation on one word also helps me to gain head rest and more peace.
You don't have to believe in the religion side but just listen to the teachings and meditate and it will help.

04-27-2013, 05:41 AM
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I too have been taking Vitamin D supplements. My bloodwork all came back fine, at least to my knowledge, they never really went in depth explaining results to me, but I decided to take it based on other people's recommendation. I'm trying everything, really! Something's gotta work eventually! lol Everyone just needs to find that one thing, or combination of things that works best for them.