View Full Version : Elderly Mom had accident, not looking good :(

04-26-2013, 09:19 PM
Hi all,
My mom whom I am very close to who will be 91 next monTh, had an accident broke a rib an punctuRed a lung and possible internal chest bleeding...I ama so afraid of loosinG her. We r very close :(

Truthfully I am freakinng out. Trembling heart racing, hard to breath etc
She could pull through but I am so scared. I love her soo much!

I REALLY need support....

Walking Circles
04-26-2013, 10:03 PM
I am really very sorry to hear that she has been injured. I hope that she pull through, I have seen people survive all sorts of injuries, I have an 86 year old great grandfather who survived a car wreck that broke several bones and caused some internal damage so it is certainly possible. I know that it is a lot right now but just try to take some slow deep breaths and stay focused. I will keep you guy in my thoughts.

04-26-2013, 11:44 PM
I am very sorry Moonstone for what you are going through. Mothers are usually very precious to us and build the foundations of our lives. Even when little if my mum was ill with a cold I would get worried and the whole family felt wrong and out if balance.
I will keep her and you in my thoughts and hope that all goes well.
Remember to try to stay believing it will be OK or your panic and worry will be worse. Eat, drink and rest properly so you stay strong to help her.

04-27-2013, 01:31 AM
:-( so sry 2 hear ...I pray everything turns out gd, she must be strong as that us a very gd age :-)
Is there anything any ov us kan do ?

04-27-2013, 02:20 AM
I hope she gets better

04-27-2013, 11:28 AM
hope she gets well soon

04-27-2013, 12:20 PM
I hope you have had better news today and she is getting better, or that you are able to cope with it a bit better today because got over the shock now. It is a horrible position to be in, I know, and I am thinking of you.

04-27-2013, 11:03 PM
I just wrote out a post here and put a lot of time and thought into it and it vanished!!! UUUgggghhhhh LOL So I put my iphone away and pulled out my computer. TMI...I know :)

Anyway, what I said was that I thank and appreciate everyone who took the time to write me during one of the darkest, scariest .....longest nights in my life.
Thank you so much Walking, Lin, Locksley, Princess and Gaza! You have no idea how much it meant to me when I came on here, when I was at the hospital, and would always find another, good wish, an encouraging note, a prayer, and thanks Lin for writing to me this aft, hoping that things were better!
You have no idea how much that means to me....it was like you guys were right there with me for a moment. I wish I could hug you all!

My mom has 2 broken ribs and some kind of fluid in her lungs. And obviously in a lot of pain. I am rather upset that they didn't keep her.....so she is back home, and we are all taking turns taking care of her...she is not use to that, even though she is 90/91 years old....she is SUCH a strong woman. The nurses would always be surprised that when they would come in to check on her when in hospital, that she would be always smiling at them and try to make them laugh, though she was in such horrid pain. Man.....what a woman and she is not in a seniors home, she lives in the house where she has lived for the last 60 years........ my brother lives there too. The house I grew up in and my son grew up in too....

So she was given Percocet, which is in my opinion way too strong for a woman her age....and we have to keep an eye on her still cause the fluid in her lung could develop into an infection, which then becomes quite serious. So she is not out of the woods quite yet. I am still having episodes of high anxiety, but I manage to try and lower it at least a bit or I won't be able to be there for my mom....

Just to mention that my mom got me when she was in her late 40's, which is actually fortunate cause I am not a senior nor too old to take care of her. Heck if she had me at say 20 years old, then I would be 70 and perhaps need a seniors home myself LOL. But alas I am in my 40's and still young enough to help her.

Anyway, just wanted to updated everyone and thank them once again for being so kind to me during this really rough time. She nor I are outta the woods yet. If you believe in praying, please pray for my mom and our family so that we can be the most service to her and that she gets 100% better. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, truly you are all the most beautiful angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

04-28-2013, 01:03 AM
I just wrote out a post here and put a lot of time and thought into it and it vanished!!! UUUgggghhhhh LOL So I put my iphone away and pulled out my computer. TMI...I know :)

Anyway, what I said was that I thank and appreciate everyone who took the time to write me during one of the darkest, scariest .....longest nights in my life.
Thank you so much Walking, Lin, Locksley, Princess and Gaza! You have no idea how much it meant to me when I came on here, when I was at the hospital, and would always find another, good wish, an encouraging note, a prayer, and thanks Lin for writing to me this aft, hoping that things were better!
You have no idea how much that means to me....it was like you guys were right there with me for a moment. I wish I could hug you all!

My mom has 2 broken ribs and some kind of fluid in her lungs. And obviously in a lot of pain. I am rather upset that they didn't keep her.....so she is back home, and we are all taking turns taking care of her...she is not use to that, even though she is 90/91 years old....she is SUCH a strong woman. The nurses would always be surprised that when they would come in to check on her when in hospital, that she would be always smiling at them and try to make them laugh, though she was in such horrid pain. Man.....what a woman and she is not in a seniors home, she lives in the house where she has lived for the last 60 years........ my brother lives there too. The house I grew up in and my son grew up in too....

So she was given Percocet, which is in my opinion way too strong for a woman her age....and we have to keep an eye on her still cause the fluid in her lung could develop into an infection, which then becomes quite serious. So she is not out of the woods quite yet. I am still having episodes of high anxiety, but I manage to try and lower it at least a bit or I won't be able to be there for my mom....

Just to mention that my mom got me when she was in her late 40's, which is actually fortunate cause I am not a senior nor too old to take care of her. Heck if she had me at say 20 years old, then I would be 70 and perhaps need a seniors home myself LOL. But alas I am in my 40's and still young enough to help her.

Anyway, just wanted to updated everyone and thank them once again for being so kind to me during this really rough time. She nor I are outta the woods yet. If you believe in praying, please pray for my mom and our family so that we can be the most service to her and that she gets 100% better. Again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, truly you are all the most beautiful angels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x

No probs ... Glad to hear things as looking positive :-)
Yes, I go to church so believe in prayer so wil continue 2 pray 4 recovery ... PM if I need anytink

04-28-2013, 01:42 AM
Really pleased we were able to give you some comfort. Hope all keeps going well, remember look after yourself so stay strong and well to be able to look after her. Let me know if can help, but thinking of you.