View Full Version : You Are Your Own Worst Enemy- Not Me!

04-26-2013, 05:33 PM
You are all abusive bullies who obsess on how I said things. Do not bother trying to ban me, I will not post here anymore. You act like I just come on here and start causing trouble like a troll. I CAME HERE TO HELP YOU. Not for any selfish gains but to help people. And I was helping lots of people until people like Lin, Scared and Locskey and other abusers came here to fight everything I said. ABUSE ME LIKE THIS!! I spent a lot of my life the past couple years posting well researched and well thought out posts to help people. Do you get it? When I ad anxiety I made a promise that if I ever get past it I will help others still in the grips of it. And you abuse me like this? I was trying to help you! And thankful to the sane people on this website that followed what I wrote, have emailed me many times how appreciative they are and how much better they are. You people here carrying on like this attacking me like I did something so horrible have severe mental issues. People keep saying "its the way it was said. Its the way it was said." They are words I type on a computer screen! I was just typing what one needs to do. I didn't think I need to make everything filled with flowers and butterflies. You people are seriously messed up to treat me like this! I don't waste time on lovey dovey coddling. I spend my time helping people get better. What else matters? I do it from the goodness of my hearts! You act like I did something so unbelievably offensive which I did not! You just don't want to ear the truth that you got yourself here and you can get yourself out of here. You can't take responsibility. Mixed with you knwo it all and nobody can tell you what to do!

What is the biggest joke anyway is if you do cure yourself of anxiety, it will be pretty much from how I told you to do it anyway, even if you don't realize it. And then harping on an don how can I say cure, cur from what? I mean I had anxiety and now I do not. My god! You have to pick apart everything thing I say and turn it into a fight! This is sick!

You obviously feel so low about yourselves that you need to put me down to make yourselves feel better. This just shows more about you than anything.

You people go nuts because I said anxiety can be cured. You argue this with me and tell me once you have anxiety it can't be cured. You argue with me when I try and tell you how you cause it THEREFORE you can fix it. You go crazy over that. Basically you don't like to be told the truth! If I tell you that anxiety can be overcome and you can control it and fix it, you will fight me to the death because that places the responsibility in your hands. And you go on this non stop tirade to abuse me and bully me and put me down to make yourself feel better. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY! You do not want anything to upset the reality you created which is:

"I have anxiety, a life long disease that can't be cured, only managed. It is so serious and you can never downplay it. It is happening to me way beyond my control and it is not me doing it. If you don't make it like my anxiety is the worst thing in the universe and it is so real and it is my whole life than HOW DARE YOU!" I disrupted that reality of yours and you want to beat me down. You would rather prove you are right then cure your anxiety! But you are not right. I am right. But you can't bare to think you do not know everything and someone here actually told you how to get past anxiety. "WHO ARE YOU TO TELL ME WAHT TO DO NA NA NA NA!."

I said nothing offensive. After being abused and bullied and having you fight me and argue every thing I say, and watch you not listen to when I tell you sensible advice and I show frustration I called you dumb. So what? Are you 12? So easily offended. I posted hundreds of posts and after banging my head against a brick wall with you stubborn mules I showed signs of frustration therefore rule out everything else. You want a doctor to cure your anxiety. You want a rehab where someone cures you. But if someone suggests you cure yourself you just defend and counterattack! "No it was how it was said." I didn't say anything I typed words on a keyboard!

Go spend $100 on the Linden Program or the other ones. I offer you lots o what these other programs say for free. I even posted the link to a great free book by Amelina Linsdale for all of you to have. I uploaded it about a dozen times. And this is how you treat me?

I TRIED TO HELP YOU! AND All you do is abuse and attack me!

I watch you people post things like "Can I go to anxiety rehab?" which shows you want someone to fix you for you. I see post after posts of pity party. Everyone just wants to support each others misery with very few asking the only question that matters which is, "How can I get better?" So I tell you how. I don't sugar coat it. You act like I just come on here and insult people. I do not. How dare you treat me like this! You should all be ashamed of yourselves and look what abusers and bullies you have all become! Oh if I don't say exactly the same way your daddy says it to you talking to you like you are 5, then don't read it. Sorry I didn't caress you and coddle you like Daddy's little girl. Nobody forces you to read everything here. I only post once in a while anyway. "Its how you said it. Its how you said it!" GIVE ME A BREAK! You don't like it, skip it. Nobody forces you to read it. If you were smart you would shut the fuck up and just do what I told you to do. I had anxiety, no I don't, I mapped out how I did it. Only an idiot would fight me. You aren't smart, and you will either have anxiety for the next 20 years, or you will listen to someone else and get better, which will most likely be the same stuff I suggested anyway!

Asking me if I am cured why am I here just shows how clueless you are. It shows that you want this to be a forum of people with anxiety to just be anxious together, not a place like it used to be of finding how how to get better. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE NOT BETTER! The only question you need to ask is, "How can I overcome anxiety completely?" I answered that question here many times. But if you don't want to listen to me because you are so stubborn, then listen to someone else who can tell you how as there are many others who know. Most likely, it will be pretty damn similar to what I been telling you over and over again.

To cure anxiety you have to cut through the bullshit and see it for what it is. So my posts try to cut through the bullshit. But I was trying to help you. You are all completely out of line! I refuse to try and help anyone ever again. I am done! Let people rot in their anxiety if they won't accept help. I don't care anymore. This is what I get after spending all this time writing here to help people. The hell with all of you!

Look at this non stop go at me when all I did was post how to get better form anxiety, I didn't just come on here with insulting and offensive threads! You act like I come on here insulting people's mothers and making racist insults or something. You are all way out of line! You spend your energy trying to win a war with me and gain some sort of cyber victory and beat me down to the ground, instead of fixing yourselves! You are the offensive abusive bullies that you claim I am. Look in the mirror!

All of you that went berzerk on me will not get better. You are too stubborn and are too hell bent on keeping up your reality of who you think you are. I don't even think you really want to get better. I think you only want people to tell you what you want to hear in exactly how you want it to be told, instead of admitting you don't know shit, and that is why you are in this mess. I told you how to get better, you don't want to listen to me, then you could have just ignored me. Not gone absolutely ape shit!

"You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think you are coming on here telling me how I should be." Yeah yeah yeah you got me. You really showed me. You proved nobody can mess with you. Yep, you sure showed 'em. You told 'em. Do you feel big now? You guys all ganged up on me and sure showed me nobody can tell you what to do. Now what did that accomplish? Do you have any improvement in your disorder from winning and showing who is right? YOU SURE WON! YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG! Was that your goal? You proved you know everything. I had the same problem you had and I got past it so I tried to help guide you to get past it too, but you all you did was defend your ego and counter attack. You sure proved to the world that nobody can mess with you!

Next time your heart beats 150 bpm and you are shaking freaking out thinking you are going insane, scared to go outside, in fetal position in a corner praying you won't die, in severe panic calling 9-11 remember how important it was to tell me how you would never listen to me and how I am a low life and how I should be banned and you don't need my help and remember how important it was for you to get me banned and win this argument and prove that you know it all and you were right and I was wrong! Remember in that anxious moment how much you accomplished on this thread and how it helped you so much to prove you were rig and I was your enemy. Remember how greatly it helped your disorder.

Maybe one day you will see that I am not your enemy, but YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY!

For the rest of you that are my friends and that I have helped, realized the whole anxiety thing is pretty much one big bluff, or are simply just intelligent enough to see the absurdity of what's going on here, you have my love and I wish you much good luck!

I am out of here for good!

04-26-2013, 05:45 PM
:( You're a legend, though...You got a yellow box towards you...Are you blind?! I admire you!!!

04-26-2013, 06:21 PM
Panic, why not start your own website with your postings on? And then link everyone there from your signature. Everyone who likes your advice can see from your stickies, and go to see more of your work....

Good luck.

04-26-2013, 06:22 PM
And so he walked out of our lives forever...with his last post at 666.

04-26-2013, 07:37 PM

The new to this forum but I found your post to be most beneficial I already am starting to feel better after using some your techniques. I know that some of the post where essentially attacking you but for somebody who has benefited from reading your post and just being able to message in talk to you I really appreciate if you were to stay in communication is not on this forum in some other way. And I like the idea from the previous post that you start your own sites are posting and knows who truly want your advice will still be able to get that communication with you and still have that support and to bounce ideas off of. We will have bad days but we all have the power to cure ourselves and sometimes we lose that faith and we just need that extra boost to help us through it, so please reconsider leaving this forum and continue to help those who are seeking your assistance.

04-26-2013, 08:54 PM
I don't reply on this forum very often but saw this and felt the need to respond...

I agree with Jessed03, you should start your own website as I am sure a lot of people would benefit from your experiences, techniques and advice. Heck, maybe even write a book! I know I have had positive progress over the past month using your method to overcome my anxiety which I am very grateful that you took the time to post what you have personally learned.

Wishing you the best on your path, stay in touch :)

04-26-2013, 09:02 PM

The new to this forum but I found your post to be most beneficial I already am starting to feel better after using some your techniques. I know that some of the post where essentially attacking you but for somebody who has benefited from reading your post and just being able to message in talk to you I really appreciate if you were to stay in communication is not on this forum in some other way. And I like the idea from the previous post that you start your own sites are posting and knows who truly want your advice will still be able to get that communication with you and still have that support and to bounce ideas off of. We will have bad days but we all have the power to cure ourselves and sometimes we lose that faith and we just need that extra boost to help us through it, so please reconsider leaving this forum and continue to help those who are seeking your assistance.

I second that!

I don't reply on this forum very often but saw this and felt the need to respond...

I agree with Jessed03, you should start your own website as I am sure a lot of people would benefit from your experiences, techniques and advice. Heck, maybe even write a book! I know I have had positive progress over the past month using your method to overcome my anxiety which I am very grateful that you took the time to post what you have personally learned.

Wishing you the best on your path, stay in touch :)

Ditto. :)

04-26-2013, 11:58 PM
I have also downloaded some of your original advice and kept it in my tool kit for help when I need it. Your advice is good.

04-27-2013, 12:17 AM
He gave me hope when i was in the dark and if it werent for his stickies I dont know where I would be with my anxiety. Both Jessed03 and PanicCured are awesome. PanicCured may come off as angry sometimes but I know hes only trying to help. And Jessed03 always answers my emails whenever I hit him up.

04-27-2013, 07:02 AM
When I first signed up for this forum I read many post from PanicCured that really helped me out. I think the issue here is that people got too sensitive about how he addressed the issue in the last thread. However after reading the whole thread I agree completely with him, and not once did I think he came off as 'harsh' or wasn't trying to provide help.

Keep doing your thing man, you have helped many people.

Some are just beyond help.

04-27-2013, 07:26 AM
When I first signed up for this forum I read many post from PanicCured that really helped me out. I think the issue here is that people got too sensitive about how he addressed the issue in the last thread. However after reading the whole thread I agree completely with him, and not once did I think he came off as 'harsh' or wasn't trying to provide help.

Keep doing your thing man, you have helped many people.

Some are just beyond help.

It's not pple are beyond help ... Or sensitive etc .. It's bowt having respect 4 each other ... If I called u stupid or a jerk and many other things I'm sure u wudnt appreciate it ...

04-27-2013, 08:20 AM
Such arrogance.

04-27-2013, 08:23 AM
Such arrogance.

Dont you mean: 'Such arrogance. Alankay' Where was your sign off? ;)

04-27-2013, 08:55 AM
Sigh* With all that text you still miss the point. We all understand you try to help people and their is no dispute in the fact that you do. Their is so much evidence that shows it, specially notible evidence is the people that come to your aid to defend you. Ina a way that is to be admired. However it is not even your tough love approach that people are bothered about, it is more then okay to advocate and use tough love. It is your blatent abusive,condasending and hurtful comments that upset people you do not have to make remarks of that nature to use tuff love. This is what you fail to understand. Futhermore I think the website idea would be you best move now because I do not feel you could make a post with out someone jumping on it in a vindictive way. If you do leave this fourm I will not be sorry to see the back of you however I wish you no ill feelings and hope your website is succsessful in the future if you choose to make one. ( I opolagise for spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes I'm posting from a blackberry and although it has spell check it doesn't work in my browser window for somereason and can also not qoute what people are saying which makes my points have less of an impact and lack clarity)

04-27-2013, 09:20 AM
Sigh* With all that text you still miss the point. We all understand you try to help people and their is no dispute in the fact that you do. Their is so much evidence that shows it, specially notible evidence is the people that come to your aid to defend you. Ina a way that is to be admired. However it is not even your tough love approach that people are bothered about, it is more then okay to advocate and use tough love. It is your blatent abusive,condasending and hurtful comments that upset people you do not have to make remarks of that nature to use tuff love. This is what you fail to understand. Futhermore I think the website idea would be you best move now because I do not feel you could make a post with out someone jumping on it in a vindictive way. If you do leave this fourm I will not be sorry to see the back of you however I wish you no ill feelings and hope your website is succsessful in the future if you choose to make one. ( I opolagise for spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes I'm posting from a blackberry and although it has spell check it doesn't work in my browser window for somereason and can also not qoute what people are saying which makes my points have less of an impact and lack clarity)

......... :-)

04-27-2013, 09:22 AM
Sigh* With all that text you still miss the point. We all understand you try to help people and their is no dispute in the fact that you do. Their is so much evidence that shows it, specially notible evidence is the people that come to your aid to defend you. Ina a way that is to be admired. However it is not even your tough love approach that people are bothered about, it is more then okay to advocate and use tough love. It is your blatent abusive,condasending and hurtful comments that upset people you do not have to make remarks of that nature to use tuff love. This is what you fail to understand. Futhermore I think the website idea would be you best move now because I do not feel you could make a post with out someone jumping on it in a vindictive way. If you do leave this fourm I will not be sorry to see the back of you however I wish you no ill feelings and hope your website is succsessful in the future if you choose to make one. ( I opolagise for spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes I'm posting from a blackberry and although it has spell check it doesn't work in my browser window for somereason and can also not qoute what people are saying which makes my points have less of an impact and lack clarity)

.......... :-)

04-27-2013, 09:23 AM
Sigh* With all that text you still miss the point. We all understand you try to help people and their is no dispute in the fact that you do. Their is so much evidence that shows it, specially notible evidence is the people that come to your aid to defend you. Ina a way that is to be admired. However it is not even your tough love approach that people are bothered about, it is more then okay to advocate and use tough love. It is your blatent abusive,condasending and hurtful comments that upset people you do not have to make remarks of that nature to use tuff love. This is what you fail to understand. Futhermore I think the website idea would be you best move now because I do not feel you could make a post with out someone jumping on it in a vindictive way. If you do leave this fourm I will not be sorry to see the back of you however I wish you no ill feelings and hope your website is succsessful in the future if you choose to make one. ( I opolagise for spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes I'm posting from a blackberry and although it has spell check it doesn't work in my browser window for somereason and can also not qoute what people are saying which makes my points have less of an impact and lack clarity)

I have one question for you. Have you tried taking any of his advice?

04-27-2013, 09:45 AM
Roxie271983 please re-read my post it is not about the advise he gives. His advise is quality advise no one is saying any diffrent.

04-27-2013, 10:07 AM
He gave me hope when i was in the dark and if it werent for his stickies I dont know where I would be with my anxiety. Both Jessed03 and PanicCured are awesome. PanicCured may come off as angry sometimes but I know hes only trying to help. And Jessed03 always answers my emails whenever I hit him up.

Jessed03 has done nothing but insult me! He is of no help what-so-ever. One time I was crying and he called me, and I quote, a "fucking crazy ass bitch."

04-27-2013, 10:31 AM
Who would of thought that a bunch of anxious uptight and know it all people like ourselves wouldn't completely agree on everything. I've noticed with anxiety I am rarely wrong and every doctor has to be. Sure most on here are the same way. Paniccured and Jesse both have very sound advice and if I can ever get better it will be from following the same methods they both talk about. It is truly the only way. Meds and therapy do not work. It's a mask and an outlet to talk about how bad everything is. Maybe the meds will help you start on the road to recovery but they are not the long term answer.

04-27-2013, 11:24 AM
cant we all just get along?? ;)

04-27-2013, 11:27 AM
Yeah .......I guess I did. Most humbly. Alankay:)

04-27-2013, 11:33 AM
cant we all just get along?? ;)

......... :-)

04-27-2013, 11:36 AM
The irony of the whole dispute with PanicCured is that I and "many others" give the exact same advice as PanicCured but in a far " different" light. The irony is that many of you respond better to a " harsher" more direct approach. I find this interesting and find that to be more " conditioning" then anything else( most likely you are used to being disciplined by being yelled at or belittled ? ). Meaning some, not all of you, respond better to another telling you what to do as opposed to finding through thought and action how to control, manage, panic whatever your anxiety while changing negative thinking " this is a disease etc...) Here I will try it PanicCured's way...ANXIETY IS NOTHING, IGNORE IT, CHANGE YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS...EASY.. DONE. My belief is this although accurate is not the way to approach the disorder..you need to understand why this happened to begin with.But hey Go for it ! PanicCured by no means is saying anything new. These are not his techniques, these are widely practiced. This is why it puzzles me that he became so very angry, it's not as if he invented this. Good Luck all !

04-27-2013, 11:41 AM
Yes princesskj, We should all try to get along or what's the point of being here ? Anger goes hand and hand with anxiety so that does offer an explanation as to why things got a bit out of control on the Forum. Spring is here ! Yay...Sunny today. :)

04-27-2013, 11:58 AM
spring is here yes but here in Kentucky is 50 degrees :( our weather is very bipolar it was just 86 the other day!!! im so ready for sun

04-27-2013, 12:11 PM
spring is here yes but here in Kentucky is 50 degrees :( our weather is very bipolar it was just 86 the other day!!! im so ready for sun

It's 9 Celsius here ... Was cold 2day :-(
I sooooo cnt wait til summer :-)

04-27-2013, 12:24 PM
I have sat back and just let things go over this issues but i really think that i need to say something .

This has never been a argument about weather anything paniccured has said has worked or not.

This is about someone that is so arrogant that they see no one elses point of view . That there is no other way than his way , that his way is the only way that things can be done and that if you dont then you are in his words just a stupid fool .

This is about some one that thinks it is fine to go around belittling people because they don't agree with him . And don't kid yourself i have been on the end of his poison on more than one occasion. I believe that panic has issues , maybe not anxiety but issues .

I honestly think that if you think that the way panic has reacted to some people with name calling is fine then maybe you need to take the rose coloured glasses off and see things a bit different . Answer me this would you stand for someone carrying on calling your mother , sister , child such names for no reseaon other then they dont agree with what they have to say . I tell you now that if this was said in any way for any reason to my wife or daughters then i would tear him a new asshole . Bullying is not on , and a person that turns away from it is no better than the one dishing it out .

Have you stopped to think the impact that it would have on some one in there deepest hour to be told that they are too stupid , too dumb to help themselves , that it is just their fault and they should just get their shit together.? Pull up their socks .

Telling someone that is in their deepest hour , someone that is holding on for life with every single thing that they can , someone that might have thought over and over how much better off that they would be if they could just die and be done with it , that they are just stupid , dumb and that it is all their own fault is just bullshit .

Did panic cure himself ? Maybe maybe not , but really i don't care . This forum is about helping others , its not about him and his way of doing things . Its about helping people that come here and ask for help. He says that many do not ask how to fix their problem but if you have a bit of compassion for people and can read between the lines this is what people are here for no matter what they say .

As someone that cured there anxiety i understand where panic is coming from but.

His method worked for him because it is him . There are many people that could use some of the things he talks about and then there are others that will get no benefit from it . It is not about his way but about finding your way . and there are not HIS way any way , they have come from many programs and much research. Just as mine way did.

There is a huge amount of things that can cause anxiety and these things are different in each and ever person . Some one with a dieing mother , a distance partner and and few children is going to have different problems to deal with than a young person that has no one to care for other than themselves .

This forum is meant to be about connecting with people that understand where you are coming from , that may have been there and can help by suggesting what they have tired . Yes panic is doing this but again he is not some all mighty anxiety cure god that can wave a wand of his methods and cure everyone . The fact that he thinks that his method is the only way and that anyone that does not do it his way is a stupid fool that needs to be tossed to the curb as a waste of time is nothing more than sickening .

Again i ask would you let your mother , sister , child be called such names and be belittled. Everything in life is about compassion , understanding and love and even though panic thinks that he is the bees knees that know it all i beg to different that he has a lot to learn .

Thank u soooo much 4 this post ... Over this last week or two I've really considered deleting this app from my fone due to this person as I was getting so fed up with the negativity and the " put down " and been called names and to even lower themselves then talking about hw I spell things ( a joke ) ... I find the forum gd & its nice just to connect with pple who understand and I've made sum friends on here and actually keep in touch with them off this forum aswel
I appreciate yr post ... Thank u :-)

04-27-2013, 12:37 PM
" I have sat back and just let things go over this issues but i really think that i need to say something"[/B] . Well said forwells I held my tongue out of respect for the individuals here, there is undeniably several reasons ( catalysts ) for anxiety to appear in one's life. More often then not the anxiety is your body asking you to pay attention to other things ( stress, depression) that you most likely aren't addressing because you in fact, being you are too busy concerning yourself with other's troubles, not your own. I sincerely hope that no one misunderstood my other posts saying that PanicCured had all the answers, he most definitely does not. Facing fear puts you in a position of control, often anxiety is a result of being made to feel " out of control" Often anxiety surfaces after a death of a loved one, a divorce, issues like addiction pertaining to those you love. All of these situations put you in a state of extreme stress and complete loss as to what to do. There are many " personality traits" that are commonly shared by anxiety sufferers. They are all "positive" attributes" for which you should all be very proud...responsible, creative, intelligent,giving to name a few. The problem is anxiety sufferers often take on too much, ignoring symptoms of stress and in fact ignoring themselves. When we do this our minds begin to work with the body to produce symptoms that will literally force us to take notice of the stress/depression/caffeine sensitivity that has gotten us to this point. I stand by saying PanicCured is accurate in standing up to the anxiety but his techniques ( sadly) may be what got some of you here in the first place ( Bullies are masters at this ) In fact everyone I know that suffers from panic has been bullied and belittled at some point in their lives. No one deserves this..no one ! Often bullying comes at the hands that claim to love us, this without a doubt is the most destructive form. For we believe those we love. I support you all and sincerely hope that I can help you with my life experiences. No more arguing, we will instead join forces. PanicCured most probably was a victim of bullying himself and has not addressed that anger. SUNNY today Enjoy all ! BE KIND TO YOURSELVES !

04-27-2013, 12:46 PM
" I have sat back and just let things go over this issues but i really think that i need to say something" . Well said forwells I held my tongue out of respect for the individuals here, there is undeniably several reasons ( catalysts ) for anxiety to appear in one's life. More often then not the anxiety is your body asking you to pay attention to other things ( stress, depression) that you most likely aren't addressing because you in fact, being you are to busy concerning yourself with other's troubles. I sincerely hope that no one misunderstood my other posts saying that PanicCured had all the answers, he most definitely does not. Facing fear puts you in a position of control, often anxiety is a result of being made to feel " out of control" Often anxiety surfaces after a death of a loved one, a divorce, issues like addiction pertaining to those you love. All of these situations put you in a state of extreme stress and complete loss as to what to do. There are many " personality traits" that are commonly shared by others. They are all "positive" attributes" for which you should all be proud...responsible, creative, intelligent,giving to name a few. The problem is anxiety sufferers often take on too much, ignoring symptoms of stress and in fact ignoring themselves. When we do this our minds begin to work with the body to produce symptoms that will literally force us to take notice of the stress/depression/caffeine sensitivity that has gotten us to this point. I stand by saying PanicCured is accurate in standing up to the anxiety but his techniques ( sadly) may be what got some of you here in the first place ( Bullies are masters at this ) In fact everyone I know that suffers from panic has been bullied and belittled at some point in their lives. No one deserves this..no one ! Often bullying comes at the hands that claim to love us, this without a doubt is the most destructive form. For we believe those we love. I support you all and sincerely hope that I can help you with my life experiences. No more arguing, we will instead join forces. PanicCured most probably was a victim of bullying himself and has not addressed that anger. SUNNY today Enjoy all ! BE KIND TO YOURSELVES !

Thank u to u aswel .... :-)

04-27-2013, 01:01 PM
Locksey, I'm not sure if you read before, but if you're ever bothered you can put certain people in your 'ignore list', which means you won't see any of their posts.

Jus don do it to me looooool :-) (Was that a good locksey impression? :-P)

04-27-2013, 01:17 PM
Locksey, I'm not sure if you read before, but if you're ever bothered you can put certain people in your 'ignore list', which means you won't see any of their posts.

Jus don do it to me looooool :-) (Was that a good locksey impression? :-P)

Lol, Jesse!!!!

04-27-2013, 01:29 PM
U guyz are funny .... :-p

04-27-2013, 06:07 PM
Why do any of you spend time on anything other than getting yourselves better? Most of you are completely out of line! Before you haters say "I thought you said you weren't going to post anymore." I have to respond with something. Post 666 was the perfect way to exit though.

This is about someone that is so arrogant that they see no one elses point of view . That there is no other way than his way , that his way is the only way that things can be done and that if you dont then you are in his words just a stupid fool .
This is not true. I have never said do my way or you are stupid fool! Where are you getting this? I called people stupid after they spent hours abusing me and trying to show they are right, for trying to help them. I do not have some secret way. I just summarized the ways that are already out there. I am not arrogant. When I see people feeding their anxiety over and over again, I simply try and break their cycle.

This is about some one that thinks it is fine to go around belittling people because they don't agree with him.

I didn't belittle anyone. Look at the posts. They have been down right bullying and abusing me for a week! What is wrong with you? They are allowed to attack me over and over again as much as they want but I can't say a few things in defense? I did not go around disrespecting people. I said somethings out of defense and frustration from me giving them sound advice and just arguing everything I say defending their position.

If someone says, "I can't be cured. Anxiety is uncurable. I have no part to play in my disorder. How dare you say I am causing this?" And I tell them this is not true and you need to look inside yourself and see what part you play in it. That is not some far out crazy theory, and you must agree with me or you are a stupid fool. That is simply the truth! You guys act like I came on here with some super crazy ideas and if you didn't do everything I say I went on an insult tirade full of insults. This is not what happened at all! All some of you just want to be RIGHT! and being RIGHT is more important to some of you than being happy! It's pathetic! Just a bullies in disguise. They feel low about themselves so want to put me down to make themselves feel better. They also can't stand that someone makes it like their anxiety, which they have made a part of their identity, is bullshit! They think by saying anxiety is bullshit and can be cured, its like me saying their whole lives are bullshit and they have no meaning to their lives. They believe that I am downplaying what they hold so important.

I honestly think that if you think that the way panic has reacted to some people with name calling is fine then maybe you need to take the rose coloured glasses off and see things a bit different .

Do you know how to read? Is your English fluent? Can you even understand what I write? I am not insulting people. These people have been insulting me! And I called people who insult me and yell at me when I tried to help them, and knowing if they just did what I said instead of fighting with me they would be a hell of a lot better, then I say that is a stupid thing to do. That is not just going on some rage insult campaign. To not simply focus on how to get better, but going on and on about how it was said it just plain stupid!

This is all utterly ridiculous. Say anything bad about me, anything. Insult me in any way. They will team up like its some super gang nerdfest and support each other, because they only care about bullying and being RIGHT. Stand on your own for gods sakes! They are just bullies who want to prove they are right. They don't care about insults or or any content, just to prove they are right. It does not matter what I say, it would be the same reaction.

If they simply would rather argue and attack me, then simply just do the methods I laid out, that is stupid. I do not say I am a Panic Cure God or my way or the highway. I just say I laid out a map that can help most people. Whether you can accept this or not, the truth is it helps people who just do what I said, because it is the same thing everyone else says. No big invention here. I just summarized the methods out there. Do you guys get this? Clearly not. If I say listen to Claire Weekes, is that some crazy method that will only work for me? If I say if you hyperventilate go buy Patrick McKeown's book, is that me saying my way or the highway? When I posted my Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks and tell you to do exactly this when it happens and see if it helps, is that me being so arrogant? If I see someone who struggles with anxiety everyday but does nothing to help themselves other tan taking meds and cry about it, should I just tell tis person I sympathize or is it my duty as someone who has overcome this disorder to simply tell this person how they can get better? DAMN RIGHT IT IS MY DUTY! Sometimes people are freaking out so much causing themselves to go down a whirlpool you have to tell them to shut up and just stop and listen to good advice!
all that maters is people get better. Why does anyone care about anything else?

But I was such a lab rat to myself that I can sift through what worked and what didn't work. I was trying to save you time and give you the direct approach. This is not I am angry because you did not listen to what I said. I am angry because of the non stop attacking, abuse and bullying against me and the thick headed stubborness that serves no other purpose than just to convince yourself and others that you are right and I am wrong!

What crime did I commit to be treated like this? What crime? What did I do that was so damn awful to you all? I tried to get you to stop freaking out and focus on your healing? I tried to get you to stop wasting time doing things that won't help you and do the things that will help you. is this the crime I committed? Did I not deliver my advice in the softest and sweetest and hand holding loving way and wipe your tears and cry with you so this bothers you? I came here to help out of the goodness of my heart with ways that can help you. This idea that it worked for me and everyone is different is utter nonsense. Doctors treat everyone with anxiety the same exact way yet you don't tell them that? Some of you treat me like I am this criminal that should be nailed to a cross. The problem is in you! Why is typing with absolute perfect delivery so damn important to you people anyway? Who cares about this stuff? When I had anxiety, all I cared was getting better. Why would I care how someone said something? I just wanting techniques I could use on my own to get better. I don't know wHy peoplE care so much how things are said rather than the content. I didn't realize you wanted to just sit and have a tea party. I thought you wanted the most direct and simplest approach to see results. I didn't know I ad to waste time sugar coating everything.

This is all nuts! Absolutely nuts. I spent all this time trying to help you by writing very detailed notes of what to do, with no ulterior motive but to give complete guides for people so they can get better like I did. NO OTHER REASON!

You act like I take over the forum. Many threads I do not even post on.

Those of you who supported what I say, thank you and I appreciate it. You are right, I will start a new website. And it is not a website where people can just cry to each other and yell and scream and attack people who come to give advice on what to do. It will be a website based on people with anxiety and how to get better. Just people curing people. I don't get even this nit pickiness towards me of the way I say cure. I just mean anxiety gone. Whatever! Who cares? You people care about the wrong stuff. This whole business that you need to get to the absolute root cause, etc., I was anxiety free before I knew the exact fundamental cause of why I even had anxiety. Anxiety has a very organized behavioral pattern and if you just do the steps to reverse it you are better. Simple as that! Its not rocket science and not everyone needs a completely different method. Oh I am so arrogant to say this. You guys are truly unbelievable! If you are interested in being part of a site or community that is pro-active and not just a pity party, that I will run, then PM me.

Don't be like these losers. Those of you who get what I am saying, you can see clearly the difference between why you are getting better and they are not. They simply just don't get it! Now you know why doctors have no choice but to dish out meds.

Why anyone with anxiety cares about anything other than how to get better, is something I simply can't comprehend! I laid out my techniques how I did it in very detailed notes. I simply thought people would read it, and be inspired to create their own healing path based on what I wrote. Not exactly, but their own story based on what I wrote. They could take away and add things as they like. It was just to inspire you to create your own. I was so pissed off at the doctors and all these people that didn't help me, that I thought I could help people who were just like me. Someone who does this for you, this is not the person you attack. This is not your enemy. Because if you don't go on a healing path to heal yourself you do not get better. Why is this so hard for some of you to get?

Now continue ganging up and attacking me some more. Go ahead. Round 2. But remember, proving you are right and I am wrong, and arguing with me and simply not just trying the techniques I told you to try, does not help your anxiety one bit! And why you care about anything else other than overcoming your disorder, is simply stupid!

04-27-2013, 07:17 PM
Panic, panic, panic. I wanna say a few things, as we've gone back some time, we joined around the same time also.

What to do with you. You're a frustrated chap, I feel that. I know what it's like to spend a long time posting something, something I know will help someone, only to have it ignored. I know how tiring it can be hearing the same anxiety stories over and over -- But you choose to be here. Being a healer doesn't just mean healing the symptoms, it means healing the person. And with that person comes everything; their fears, their doubts, even their laziness sometimes!

People here have no problem with your advice. Not one problem. I've never heard a single person criticize the bulk of your message.... People have a problem with your character. The purpose of a debate, on a forum like this, isn't to be right. It's to make progress. People are getting you mixed up, because it seems to them, you are more interested in being right, than helping them make progress. It seems to them that you tell them what to do, and then if it's not received, you become rather insulting. You could be a forum LEGEND, if you would only take a little time, and organize a strategy in which you can relay the message to certain vulnerable people, in a way that they can accept, and understand.

This isn't a personal attack on you. You say you're cured of panic, is that all your cured from? What about your ego? What about your temper? Because those things dont seem cured to me... Perhaps you need to take a look at yourself internally, and ask why your message isn't being received the way you want it to. You can't blame the audience for these things, a degree of responsibility lies in the way you carry out your teaching. If you enjoy a controversial style of teaching, then great, but don't be surprised when certain people are against that, as thats the whole idea of a controversial, tough teaching style.

When you resort to attacking the person, and not their process, you've lost the debate, and you make yourself look bad. If you want to tell somebody that their way of approaching anxiety relief is futile in your eyes, that makes great debate. When you choose to attack the person, and call people jerks, or stupid etc, you've completely over ridden the point , and truthfully, you cover yourself in a less than favourable light, and I actually expected better from you.

The point of this forum is to encourage debate, and allow the person to become enlightened themselves. Not to simply supply information which some people are not in a position to process.

You achieve far more in life with sugar, than with salt.

You will have far more success reaching out to the people that do respond to your style. I've a long history in web design and web promotion, if you want any help or advice with that, hit me up. And the best of luck man.

04-27-2013, 07:26 PM
Jessed some of these people are extremely frustrated to deal with and just do not get what healing is. They have made anxiety their identity and can't look at themselves. I am not here to hold peoples hands. I was just posting stuff people can use if they want to or not. I am fine. Just sick of some people on this forum.

Where did I attack someone? Where did I disrespect something? Belittle? Why do you guys say this? Were did I just start attacking anyone? Seems I have been defending other people attacking me for days now. But attacking or abusing me is acceptable and encouraged here obviously.

04-27-2013, 07:34 PM
Can I have your account PanicCured? <33 :)

04-28-2013, 12:21 AM
Panic, when I came to this site I went through all the stickies and I have to say yours were some of the most helpful. One of them had a link to CBT worksheets that I worked on for months and I was able to get off of all meds mostly because of them:) Thank you. I understand that people with anxiety are highly sensitive even if they don't think so and I understand how frustrating it is to tell someone a simple way to help themselves & they just keep chasing their tails. All of that plays into this but I think the one thing you're missing is that people have to be READY to be helped. Everyone is at a different place in their "anxiety journey". When I first had panic attacks, health anxiety, etc. etc. I was a tail chaser for a long time so I completely understand that frantic feeling, no matter what advice I got it went in one ear & out the other. I simply COULD NOT focus on getting myself better & going to docs & trying different meds only made me more anxious. I had to be babied along at that time. Your head would have split trying to deal with me:D By the time I found this site I had been through almost everything & I was ready for "tough love". Now that I am better I see posts from frantic tail chasers and I feel so bad for them but I just have to skip over them and only respond to the ones I can really give helpful advice to, or if they seem ready - do you understand what I mean? Anyway, thank you for the help - it saved me a lot of searching and I am very sorry this has happened:(

04-28-2013, 02:16 AM
I have sat back and just let things go over this issues but i really think that i need to say something .

This has never been a argument about weather anything paniccured has said has worked or not.

This is about someone that is so arrogant that they see no one elses point of view . That there is no other way than his way , that his way is the only way that things can be done and that if you dont then you are in his words just a stupid fool .

This is about some one that thinks it is fine to go around belittling people because they don't agree with him . And don't kid yourself i have been on the end of his poison on more than one occasion. I believe that panic has issues , maybe not anxiety but issues .

I honestly think that if you think that the way panic has reacted to some people with name calling is fine then maybe you need to take the rose coloured glasses off and see things a bit different . Answer me this would you stand for someone carrying on calling your mother , sister , child such names for no reseaon other then they dont agree with what they have to say . I tell you now that if this was said in any way for any reason to my wife or daughters then i would tear him a new asshole . Bullying is not on , and a person that turns away from it is no better than the one dishing it out .

Have you stopped to think the impact that it would have on some one in there deepest hour to be told that they are too stupid , too dumb to help themselves , that it is just their fault and they should just get their shit together.? Pull up their socks .

Telling someone that is in their deepest hour , someone that is holding on for life with every single thing that they can , someone that might have thought over and over how much better off that they would be if they could just die and be done with it , that they are just stupid , dumb and that it is all their own fault is just bullshit .

Did panic cure himself ? Maybe maybe not , but really i don't care . This forum is about helping others , its not about him and his way of doing things . Its about helping people that come here and ask for help. He says that many do not ask how to fix their problem but if you have a bit of compassion for people and can read between the lines this is what people are here for no matter what they say .

As someone that cured there anxiety i understand where panic is coming from but.

His method worked for him because it is him . There are many people that could use some of the things he talks about and then there are others that will get no benefit from it . It is not about his way but about finding your way . and there are not HIS way any way , they have come from many programs and much research. Just as mine way did.

There is a huge amount of things that can cause anxiety and these things are different in each and ever person . Some one with a dieing mother , a distance partner and and few children is going to have different problems to deal with than a young person that has no one to care for other than themselves .

This forum is meant to be about connecting with people that understand where you are coming from , that may have been there and can help by suggesting what they have tired . Yes panic is doing this but again he is not some all mighty anxiety cure god that can wave a wand of his methods and cure everyone . The fact that he thinks that his method is the only way and that anyone that does not do it his way is a stupid fool that needs to be tossed to the curb as a waste of time is nothing more than sickening .

Again i ask would you let your mother , sister , child be called such names and be belittled. Everything in life is about compassion , understanding and love and even though panic thinks that he is the bees knees that know it all i beg to different that he has a lot to learn .

Very well said :-)

04-28-2013, 02:35 AM
Why do any of you spend time on anything other than getting yourselves better? Most of you are completely out of line! Before you haters say "I thought you said you weren't going to post anymore." I have to respond with something. Post 666 was the perfect way to exit though.

This is not true. I have never said do my way or you are stupid fool! Where are you getting this? I called people stupid after they spent hours abusing me and trying to show they are right, for trying to help them. I do not have some secret way. I just summarized the ways that are already out there. I am not arrogant. When I see people feeding their anxiety over and over again, I simply try and break their cycle.

I didn't belittle anyone. Look at the posts. They have been down right bullying and abusing me for a week! What is wrong with you? They are allowed to attack me over and over again as much as they want but I can't say a few things in defense? I did not go around disrespecting people. I said somethings out of defense and frustration from me giving them sound advice and just arguing everything I say defending their position.

If someone says, "I can't be cured. Anxiety is uncurable. I have no part to play in my disorder. How dare you say I am causing this?" And I tell them this is not true and you need to look inside yourself and see what part you play in it. That is not some far out crazy theory, and you must agree with me or you are a stupid fool. That is simply the truth! You guys act like I came on here with some super crazy ideas and if you didn't do everything I say I went on an insult tirade full of insults. This is not what happened at all! All some of you just want to be RIGHT! and being RIGHT is more important to some of you than being happy! It's pathetic! Just a bullies in disguise. They feel low about themselves so want to put me down to make themselves feel better. They also can't stand that someone makes it like their anxiety, which they have made a part of their identity, is bullshit! They think by saying anxiety is bullshit and can be cured, its like me saying their whole lives are bullshit and they have no meaning to their lives. They believe that I am downplaying what they hold so important.

Do you know how to read? Is your English fluent? Can you even understand what I write? I am not insulting people. These people have been insulting me! And I called people who insult me and yell at me when I tried to help them, and knowing if they just did what I said instead of fighting with me they would be a hell of a lot better, then I say that is a stupid thing to do. That is not just going on some rage insult campaign. To not simply focus on how to get better, but going on and on about how it was said it just plain stupid!

This is all utterly ridiculous. Say anything bad about me, anything. Insult me in any way. They will team up like its some super gang nerdfest and support each other, because they only care about bullying and being RIGHT. Stand on your own for gods sakes! They are just bullies who want to prove they are right. They don't care about insults or or any content, just to prove they are right. It does not matter what I say, it would be the same reaction.

If they simply would rather argue and attack me, then simply just do the methods I laid out, that is stupid. I do not say I am a Panic Cure God or my way or the highway. I just say I laid out a map that can help most people. Whether you can accept this or not, the truth is it helps people who just do what I said, because it is the same thing everyone else says. No big invention here. I just summarized the methods out there. Do you guys get this? Clearly not. If I say listen to Claire Weekes, is that some crazy method that will only work for me? If I say if you hyperventilate go buy Patrick McKeown's book, is that me saying my way or the highway? When I posted my Quick Guide to Stopping Panic Attacks and tell you to do exactly this when it happens and see if it helps, is that me being so arrogant? If I see someone who struggles with anxiety everyday but does nothing to help themselves other tan taking meds and cry about it, should I just tell tis person I sympathize or is it my duty as someone who has overcome this disorder to simply tell this person how they can get better? DAMN RIGHT IT IS MY DUTY! Sometimes people are freaking out so much causing themselves to go down a whirlpool you have to tell them to shut up and just stop and listen to good advice!
all that maters is people get better. Why does anyone care about anything else?

But I was such a lab rat to myself that I can sift through what worked and what didn't work. I was trying to save you time and give you the direct approach. This is not I am angry because you did not listen to what I said. I am angry because of the non stop attacking, abuse and bullying against me and the thick headed stubborness that serves no other purpose than just to convince yourself and others that you are right and I am wrong!

What crime did I commit to be treated like this? What crime? What did I do that was so damn awful to you all? I tried to get you to stop freaking out and focus on your healing? I tried to get you to stop wasting time doing things that won't help you and do the things that will help you. is this the crime I committed? Did I not deliver my advice in the softest and sweetest and hand holding loving way and wipe your tears and cry with you so this bothers you? I came here to help out of the goodness of my heart with ways that can help you. This idea that it worked for me and everyone is different is utter nonsense. Doctors treat everyone with anxiety the same exact way yet you don't tell them that? Some of you treat me like I am this criminal that should be nailed to a cross. The problem is in you! Why is typing with absolute perfect delivery so damn important to you people anyway? Who cares about this stuff? When I had anxiety, all I cared was getting better. Why would I care how someone said something? I just wanting techniques I could use on my own to get better. I don't know wHy peoplE care so much how things are said rather than the content. I didn't realize you wanted to just sit and have a tea party. I thought you wanted the most direct and simplest approach to see results. I didn't know I ad to waste time sugar coating everything.

This is all nuts! Absolutely nuts. I spent all this time trying to help you by writing very detailed notes of what to do, with no ulterior motive but to give complete guides for people so they can get better like I did. NO OTHER REASON!

You act like I take over the forum. Many threads I do not even post on.

Those of you who supported what I say, thank you and I appreciate it. You are right, I will start a new website. And it is not a website where people can just cry to each other and yell and scream and attack people who come to give advice on what to do. It will be a website based on people with anxiety and how to get better. Just people curing people. I don't get even this nit pickiness towards me of the way I say cure. I just mean anxiety gone. Whatever! Who cares? You people care about the wrong stuff. This whole business that you need to get to the absolute root cause, etc., I was anxiety free before I knew the exact fundamental cause of why I even had anxiety. Anxiety has a very organized behavioral pattern and if you just do the steps to reverse it you are better. Simple as that! Its not rocket science and not everyone needs a completely different method. Oh I am so arrogant to say this. You guys are truly unbelievable! If you are interested in being part of a site or community that is pro-active and not just a pity party, that I will run, then PM me.

Don't be like these losers. Those of you who get what I am saying, you can see clearly the difference between why you are getting better and they are not. They simply just don't get it! Now you know why doctors have no choice but to dish out meds.

Why anyone with anxiety cares about anything other than how to get better, is something I simply can't comprehend! I laid out my techniques how I did it in very detailed notes. I simply thought people would read it, and be inspired to create their own healing path based on what I wrote. Not exactly, but their own story based on what I wrote. They could take away and add things as they like. It was just to inspire you to create your own. I was so pissed off at the doctors and all these people that didn't help me, that I thought I could help people who were just like me. Someone who does this for you, this is not the person you attack. This is not your enemy. Because if you don't go on a healing path to heal yourself you do not get better. Why is this so hard for some of you to get?

Now continue ganging up and attacking me some more. Go ahead. Round 2. But remember, proving you are right and I am wrong, and arguing with me and simply not just trying the techniques I told you to try, does not help your anxiety one bit! And why you care about anything else other than overcoming your disorder, is simply stupid!

Just can't help yourself PanicCured!! I've read your nasty post's and your still blaming everbody else on here??? Go away Im sick of reading NEGATIVE ANGRY POSTS. Why are you such an ANGRY person?? As of now no more take your anger somewhere else please!! Thx Beverley :-)

04-28-2013, 02:42 AM
Just can't help yourself PanicCured!! I've read your nasty post's and your still blaming everbody else on here??? Go away Im sick of reading NEGATIVE ANGRY POSTS. Why are you such an ANGRY person?? As of now no more take your anger somewhere else please!! Thx Beverley :-)

P.s ... So much for it been his last posts... I see more this morning :-/

04-28-2013, 02:44 AM
Answer me this Panic .

Your frustrated but do you honestly think that coming across as you do at times does your cause any good ?

What is your need in order to heal someone ? What is it that you get from this ? Is it feeding something inside yourself that you need in order to feel happy with yourself? You know the old saying happiness comes from within , not from the outside .

Your not dumb , in fact i think we are pretty much the same on many level . But look, you cant help anyone that does not want help . I don't mean that in that as your think that some people just don't want to get better . They have anxiety of cause they want to get better. Their anxiety itself is the biggest feeder of that anxiety but it is not the only feeder.

Do you not think that i read post here and think all they need to do is this or that and it would help them? . I might even post it but it is just bushed over . But unlike you i dont take it personal and just think that they will learn one day . Of course its frustrating but mental health is on so many levels for both the person going though it and the ones around them . I will tell you now as i know your young but before you have kids you better learn to accept that people often do what they want not what is right . You think this is frustrating , wait until you have to have a logical conversation with a 4 year old on why there are no monsters under her bed . You cant just say no there is not and toss them in bed . You need to play the game to the out come you want . The one where every one wins.

Look at the problems in this world ,do you not think that there is a answer out there for every problem ? Of course there is. What, we can land a man on the moon but we cant get phone service in Australia 20 klms from towns . But the problem is that some people are not ready to hear that answer. So what are you going to do ? Are you going to stand there and beat it into people . As Jess said above you catch more flies with sugar than sh*&.

Post away , you have some good things to say . But look upsetting yourself and then taking it out on others is not on. Go read that other post . Yes some had a go at you but not to the overall extent that you did .They are being watched now also and those post will also be removed. And this is not the first time is it panic ? Remember that nice private message you sent me that time .

If someone does not want to hear what you say then look at it as their loss. Move on and go and help someone else but don't drag their problems onto you . Accept life , accept people are different and that they will do different things and that they are in different places in their growth in life.

On a personally level if this is the way that you react to someone not listening to you and it upsets you this much then i think that this might be something that you should work on . I have no doubt there is a reason behind why this may be the case . I am a lot the same and i know the reason and have learned to change it . Its a good trait to have if keep in control and used when needed.

So lets just all go and have a nice cup of what ever floats your boat , chill the hell out and get on with sharing the wealth of knowledge about anxiety that everyone has here . When it comes down to this forum is simply about helping one another and nothing else .


04-28-2013, 02:48 AM
why do any of you spend time on anything other than getting yourselves better? Most of you are completely out of line! Before you haters say "i thought you said you weren't going to post anymore." i have to respond with something. Post 666 was the perfect way to exit though.

This is not true. I have never said do my way or you are stupid fool! Where are you getting this? I called people stupid after they spent hours abusing me and trying to show they are right, for trying to help them. I do not have some secret way. I just summarized the ways that are already out there. I am not arrogant. When i see people feeding their anxiety over and over again, i simply try and break their cycle.

I didn't belittle anyone. Look at the posts. They have been down right bullying and abusing me for a week! What is wrong with you? They are allowed to attack me over and over again as much as they want but i can't say a few things in defense? I did not go around disrespecting people. I said somethings out of defense and frustration from me giving them sound advice and just arguing everything i say defending their position.

If someone says, "i can't be cured. Anxiety is uncurable. I have no part to play in my disorder. How dare you say i am causing this?" and i tell them this is not true and you need to look inside yourself and see what part you play in it. That is not some far out crazy theory, and you must agree with me or you are a stupid fool. That is simply the truth! You guys act like i came on here with some super crazy ideas and if you didn't do everything i say i went on an insult tirade full of insults. This is not what happened at all! All some of you just want to be right! And being right is more important to some of you than being happy! It's pathetic! Just a bullies in disguise. They feel low about themselves so want to put me down to make themselves feel better. They also can't stand that someone makes it like their anxiety, which they have made a part of their identity, is bullshit! They think by saying anxiety is bullshit and can be cured, its like me saying their whole lives are bullshit and they have no meaning to their lives. They believe that i am downplaying what they hold so important.

Do you know how to read? Is your english fluent? Can you even understand what i write? I am not insulting people. These people have been insulting me! And i called people who insult me and yell at me when i tried to help them, and knowing if they just did what i said instead of fighting with me they would be a hell of a lot better, then i say that is a stupid thing to do. That is not just going on some rage insult campaign. To not simply focus on how to get better, but going on and on about how it was said it just plain stupid!

This is all utterly ridiculous. Say anything bad about me, anything. Insult me in any way. They will team up like its some super gang nerdfest and support each other, because they only care about bullying and being right. Stand on your own for gods sakes! They are just bullies who want to prove they are right. They don't care about insults or or any content, just to prove they are right. It does not matter what i say, it would be the same reaction.

If they simply would rather argue and attack me, then simply just do the methods i laid out, that is stupid. I do not say i am a panic cure god or my way or the highway. I just say i laid out a map that can help most people. Whether you can accept this or not, the truth is it helps people who just do what i said, because it is the same thing everyone else says. No big invention here. I just summarized the methods out there. Do you guys get this? Clearly not. If i say listen to claire weekes, is that some crazy method that will only work for me? If i say if you hyperventilate go buy patrick mckeown's book, is that me saying my way or the highway? When i posted my quick guide to stopping panic attacks and tell you to do exactly this when it happens and see if it helps, is that me being so arrogant? If i see someone who struggles with anxiety everyday but does nothing to help themselves other tan taking meds and cry about it, should i just tell tis person i sympathize or is it my duty as someone who has overcome this disorder to simply tell this person how they can get better? Damn right it is my duty! Sometimes people are freaking out so much causing themselves to go down a whirlpool you have to tell them to shut up and just stop and listen to good advice!
All that maters is people get better. Why does anyone care about anything else?

But i was such a lab rat to myself that i can sift through what worked and what didn't work. I was trying to save you time and give you the direct approach. This is not i am angry because you did not listen to what i said. I am angry because of the non stop attacking, abuse and bullying against me and the thick headed stubborness that serves no other purpose than just to convince yourself and others that you are right and i am wrong!

What crime did i commit to be treated like this? What crime? What did i do that was so damn awful to you all? I tried to get you to stop freaking out and focus on your healing? I tried to get you to stop wasting time doing things that won't help you and do the things that will help you. Is this the crime i committed? Did i not deliver my advice in the softest and sweetest and hand holding loving way and wipe your tears and cry with you so this bothers you? I came here to help out of the goodness of my heart with ways that can help you. This idea that it worked for me and everyone is different is utter nonsense. Doctors treat everyone with anxiety the same exact way yet you don't tell them that? Some of you treat me like i am this criminal that should be nailed to a cross. The problem is in you! Why is typing with absolute perfect delivery so damn important to you people anyway? Who cares about this stuff? When i had anxiety, all i cared was getting better. Why would i care how someone said something? I just wanting techniques i could use on my own to get better. I don't know why people care so much how things are said rather than the content. I didn't realize you wanted to just sit and have a tea party. I thought you wanted the most direct and simplest approach to see results. I didn't know i ad to waste time sugar coating everything.

This is all nuts! Absolutely nuts. I spent all this time trying to help you by writing very detailed notes of what to do, with no ulterior motive but to give complete guides for people so they can get better like i did. No other reason!

You act like i take over the forum. Many threads i do not even post on.

Those of you who supported what i say, thank you and i appreciate it. You are right, i will start a new website. And it is not a website where people can just cry to each other and yell and scream and attack people who come to give advice on what to do. It will be a website based on people with anxiety and how to get better. Just people curing people. I don't get even this nit pickiness towards me of the way i say cure. I just mean anxiety gone. Whatever! Who cares? You people care about the wrong stuff. This whole business that you need to get to the absolute root cause, etc., i was anxiety free before i knew the exact fundamental cause of why i even had anxiety. Anxiety has a very organized behavioral pattern and if you just do the steps to reverse it you are better. Simple as that! Its not rocket science and not everyone needs a completely different method. Oh i am so arrogant to say this. You guys are truly unbelievable! If you are interested in being part of a site or community that is pro-active and not just a pity party, that i will run, then pm me.

Don't be like these losers. Those of you who get what i am saying, you can see clearly the difference between why you are getting better and they are not. They simply just don't get it! Now you know why doctors have no choice but to dish out meds.

Why anyone with anxiety cares about anything other than how to get better, is something i simply can't comprehend! I laid out my techniques how i did it in very detailed notes. I simply thought people would read it, and be inspired to create their own healing path based on what i wrote. Not exactly, but their own story based on what i wrote. They could take away and add things as they like. It was just to inspire you to create your own. I was so pissed off at the doctors and all these people that didn't help me, that i thought i could help people who were just like me. Someone who does this for you, this is not the person you attack. This is not your enemy. Because if you don't go on a healing path to heal yourself you do not get better. Why is this so hard for some of you to get?

Now continue ganging up and attacking me some more. Go ahead. Round 2. But remember, proving you are right and i am wrong, and arguing with me and simply not just trying the techniques i told you to try, does not help your anxiety one bit! And why you care about anything else other than overcoming your disorder, is simply stupid!

shut up for gods sake cant i come on here without reading your horrible posts!

04-28-2013, 02:51 AM
Very well said :-)

Indeed, well said and to the point.

Ppl with abusive behaviours usually turn the table, after they see someone is calling them out as being abusive, and say 'they' are being abusive, 'they' are bullying...all the meanwhile the 'sick person' keeps spewing verbal insults and put downs. Words that can easily be seen from some of panic's posts, such as "dumb dumb dumb! Stupid! Jerks!" Etc. Some of us are saying that this is not right or acceptable, that it is abusive language.however, instead of taking responsibility-panic goes 'down the denial river'. But denial panic, is not a river in egypt. But of course you know it all.

04-28-2013, 04:28 AM
indeed, well said and to the point.

Ppl with abusive behaviours usually turn the table, after they see someone is calling them out as being abusive, and say 'they' are being abusive, 'they' are bullying...all the meanwhile the 'sick person' keeps spewing verbal insults and put downs. Words that can easily be seen from some of panic's posts, such as "dumb dumb dumb! Stupid! Jerks!" etc. Some of us are saying that this is not right or acceptable, that it is abusive language.however, instead of taking responsibility-panic goes 'down the denial river'. But denial panic, is not a river in egypt. But of course you know it all.

lol :-)..........

04-28-2013, 08:41 AM
You guys are hilarious. Quit reading his posts if you don't want to see them. Why're you coming on this thread and taking 5+ minutes to read what he says if you're tired of it? Cackling hens. You like it!

04-28-2013, 11:08 AM
You guys are hilarious. Quit reading his posts if you don't want to see them. Why're you coming on this thread and taking 5+ minutes to read what he says if you're tired of it? Cackling hens. You like it!

Seriously! I'm still seeing complaints about not wanting to have to read his posts anymore. You DO NOT HAVE TO! Even after a few people have pointed out how easy it is to block someone, some members are still complaining about his posts. It almost seems like you're looking for his posts so that you can continue the drama.

If you're sick of it, why are you still reading it and adding to it?

04-28-2013, 03:54 PM
Hello everyone. First post, sorry to butt into a long standing argument but I just wanted to say something to Paniccure. Don't go away. Your post about how you overcame your problems really helped me. I don't know about anyone else but I think for me the only way for me to beat this is to get pissed off and say screw it and go do everything that I'm afraid of. Maybe its just because I am a guy but it helps to have someone to tell me to quit whining and get on with it. I hope you stick around Paniccure because I could use your help because you have experience with beating it and it helps to have someone who has gone through this hell tell you to buck up and get over it yourself! Thanks

04-28-2013, 04:45 PM
Hello everyone. First post, sorry to butt into a long standing argument but I just wanted to say something to Paniccure. Don't go away. Your post about how you overcame your problems really helped me. I don't know about anyone else but I think for me the only way for me to beat this is to get pissed off and say screw it and go do everything that I'm afraid of. Maybe its just because I am a guy but it helps to have someone to tell me to quit whining and get on with it. I hope you stick around Paniccure because I could use your help because you have experience with beating it and it helps to have someone who has gone through this hell tell you to buck up and get over it yourself! Thanks

Cool, go to his new webpage so you can become one of his cult followers. Lol....I'm kind of kidding, but kind of not. I personally don't see his posts anymore because I decided to block the BS from my life, but, I have seen some decent advice from him in the past, and each of us takes our own road to recovery. I have been doing really well recently and it hasn't been due to taking a boatload of vitamins from the Vitamin Store, just by increasing exercise, sleep, eating better, meditation and Mindfulness. That's just me though. I'm not going to jump down anyone's throat because they don't go about their recovery the same way.

04-29-2013, 05:00 AM
Thank you bshull2 and others like you. But I obviously can't be on here with this disgusting behavior from these people towards me. I won't post here anymore, but I am just following up with this thread to answer some questions. This is appalling how they are treating me here. I didn't do anything this cruel to anyone. A gang of 5-7 people here following my posts around hurling massive amounts of cruelty towards me is absolutely sickening. What these people do not understand, that my goal was always to break someone out of anxiety and help get them to get better. I don't post here for me, I do it to get people better.

Those of you who are sane, I am sure you see just how this is a classic case of internet bullying. There are teens out there who kill themselves over situations like this. A whole gang of internet bullies attacking me is far worse than anything I ever did. Luckily, I am not a teen and I can see this is their problem. This is a reflection of themselves. They have an entire forum here I have not even touched, and they chose to go to my posts just so they can join together to hurl abuse at me. They don't even see what they are doing to me is 10 times worse than anything I have ever done to anyone here. Not only that, they are too clueless to see that I have helped hundreds of people. So a few haters is of no consequence to the countless ones that I have helped show how to beat anxiety. They come here just to fight me. Nobody forces them to take my advice or read my post. But they just want to fight. They gained comfort in joining each other in their misery having a pity party, and now they gain comfort by joining in this fight against me. They are pathetic losers!

I did not go around abusing and disrespecting people here. This is false! Some people misinterpret what I said or what I was doing. I was simply trying to get people to be anxiety free. Not some ulterior motive. After banging my head against a brick wall of stubbornness I got frustrated. I got frustrated trying to help someone, and all they kept saying was they had no responsibility in their anxiety and that they can't be helped. This is what I said exactly that set these people off on this massive campaign:

"Oh please I am completely frustrated by the stupidity and stubbornness here. Many sick people do not want to get better subconciously although consciously they might. They identify with their disease and they do not want to lose it. You guys that don't follow what I say and keep arguing with me are absolutely ridiculous! I tried helping people with a nice tone and after many tries of beating my head against a wall I am sick of it. While you worry about my tone or how things are said you still have anxiety. Just follow what I said and stop harping on that I didn't caress you and hold your hand and coddle you. Has any coddling and hand holding cured anyone's anxiety? I am telling you directly what you need to do for free and trying to help and you guys just jeep arguing with me.

You know best but you are not better! Ungrateful jerks you guys are! Dumb dumb dumb!"

Now is that abuse? I got pissed off, but this is not so unbelievably horrible warranting all of this negativity at me. That is just me frustrated. This is not so unbelievably horrible. They will say it isn't this post, its other things, but but this was the meanest thing I posted. And frankly, it's no big deal. They just do not get my mesage. And let's be real, it isn't so bad. Let me show you what REAL abuse is.


From Scared 44:

"Your an arsehole Panic Cured and your posts are horrible!! If you were really trying to help ppl you wouldn't come on here pulling ppl down.. Go away thank you!!"


"Bugger off you low life and STOP ATTACKING GOOD NICE PEOPLE!! "

She does not get any criticism, no warning, nothing! Nobody cares that she says these things to me. This is abuse and far worse than anything I said without any substance at all. At least what I said had good content. ! I always have good content but these people now, offer nothing positive to the forum. They are about 6 or 7 of you that just are so obviously looking for a fight.

It is really a huge joke that the people crying abuse or disrespect have become the most direspectful cruel people I have ever witnessed before on a public internet forum. I got a bit frustrated, but if these people who are fighting me just did what I told them, they would be a hell of a lot better. This is not from my ego, but it is true. For some reason, telling people what they should do to be anxiety free triggers them to get defensive and counter attack. If it was me, I would just eat that information up and do what the person told me. I don't post out of ego, I post in a way that gets people better. So if it doesn't work for some of you, then simply ignore it and find your own way. No need for this insanity. They can simply just ignore me and do their own thing if they want to. When I had anxiety, all someone ad to tell em was they had anxiety and now they don;t and tell em how they did it and I would have happily done it.I wold have not analyzed their exact delivery and made sure the tone of voice was perfect and did all this nonsense they are doing to me. I was trying to get them to see the reality behind the anxiety bluff, and sometimes they need a slap in the face to wake up. They completely misinterpreted everything I said.

I have seen this before. It doesn't matter what I say at this point, these haters will continue this ad infinitum no matter what I say. They are too damn stupid and stubborn to see I post here for them, not me. I was trying to help people by waking them up. If they weren't interested, all they had to do was ignore me. But this is not about me anymore. This is coming from them. They can't fool me. I am not an abuser like they claim. They misinterpreted anything and everything I ever wrote. They are now looking for reasons to fight.

Watch the attacks come in. They will now attack what I wrote here. When all I was trying to do was help people.

If you are in the grips of anxiety, agoraphobia or panic, remember this: you can get better. Maybe 100% maybe not, but much much better where your life is normal. The best thing you can do is get on the healing path and stick it out. If you take meds or do not take meds, you still will need to heal naturally and do the work. If you need meds, then they may be something you may want to take, and while you are on them, use this time to get yourself better so you can then get off the meds. I have conflicting views about medication, so I'll just leave that up to you. Just don't get addicted to Benzos. But meds or no meds, the healing path will be the same for you and you will need to heal on a much deeper level if you want to be truly better.

The problem is how you look at it all. The more you understand anxiety and what it is, the more it becomes demystified and the less important you will place on these symptoms. The more you see the part of you that feeds it, the more power you will have to stop feeding it and stop making it worse. I know it is hard to see sometimes, but if you look deep within, you will find that you are causing a lot of your problems. That is good news because if you are the disease that means you are also the cure. Many people spend their entire lives never owning up to anything and blaming everything on outside forces. There are people married for decades that only defend and counterattack. Some people just can't look within. They never improve in life. You need to see your faults in order to grow. As Dr. Phil says, "Would you rather be right or would you rather be happy?" After all, don't we all just want to enjoy life? We want to feel content and at peace so we can feel the magic of existence. So we can feel the beauty of life. Shouldn't that be our goal?

I like how Claire Weeks puts it, kind of like, you feel nervous illness, but then you add 2nd fear to that and that is what keeps the whole thing going. Maybe you had a bad break up, maybe you stressed yourself out or did something that caused your nervous system to get all off set and be on high alert, so it's giving you these symptoms. Maybe like some type of nervous exhaustion or something. Maybe you googled until you thought obsessively and just brokedown. You can heal your nerves. You can heal trauma or exhaustion. I always recommended herbal products like Eastern Essentials Calm and Relaxed and Magnesium Glycinate for just this. Of course, yoga, exercise, health diet, positive thinking, calm breathing exercises, going out and facing your fear little by little, etc, can greatly help heal this. But the part of you that adds that 2nd fear. That is the part that is coming form you and is feeding the problem. Once you can stop the part that you are doing, everything gets much better and much more manageable. The more you heal the body and mind the more it will heal.

It is a physiological fact that the body at every level way down to the cellular level is constantly in a state of trying to maintain homeostasis. That means the body is naturally at all moments of the day trying to heal and balance itself. It is the nature of the body to heal. You have to allow this to happen and at the same time help facilitate it. Use some of the techniques I wrote about in the sticky above. If you don't want to do what I did then you can use someone else's techniques if you like. There is so much one can do to heal their body, heal their mind, and heal their life. Life is one big healing path if you think about it. Just stay with the healing and you will find your way home.

04-29-2013, 10:24 AM
Cool, go to his new webpage so you can become one of his cult followers. Lol....I'm kind of kidding, but kind of not. I personally don't see his posts anymore because I decided to block the BS from my life, but, I have seen some decent advice from him in the past, and each of us takes our own road to recovery. I have been doing really well recently and it hasn't been due to taking a boatload of vitamins from the Vitamin Store, just by increasing exercise, sleep, eating better, meditation and Mindfulness. That's just me though. I'm not going to jump down anyone's throat because they don't go about their recovery the same way.

I also have blocked so won't see them anymore

04-29-2013, 11:13 AM

I have nothing against you I m actually very great full that you shared some of your tips with me
I do think that there is a little bit of abuse in what you said
I don't want to judge you but you re giving the impression that you re an impatient short temper person( might be wrong)
I do understand your drive and concern to help others to get better which is wonderful
But you can not force people to follow what you are preaching it s their choice whether to take it on board or not
You need to remember that every person is different and function at it s pace
I can't believe the reaction you met
I think that just shows their low level and if I were you I would not care and if I do
That will just prove how vulnerable I am and how important they are
This my opinion take it or leave it I think you should just exhibit your ideas in the forum ( if you leave the forum that would be a victory to them and show how weak you are)
If people are interested they will ask you for more
If they re not they ll ignore it

04-30-2013, 04:02 AM
Sometimes, too much frustations is another way to shield from a Panic Attack. Because when youre angry, frustrated, you wont care about anything and i am very sure you wont feel the anxiety. I tried to pm you Panic Cured but since you ignored. Anger is a quick way to get your anxiety off you. I had anger issues and they were helping me with the anxiety but at the same time, is that how you want to be? Angry all the time, angry over everything. It didnt took me long to not let my anger be my shield, my anxiety came back. Anxiety is inside every human being. what we are experiencing is too much anxiety, and theres 2 types, either you experience too much anxiety or you dont at all. Im not an expert but trust me, i fight hard to control my anxiety. They still come once awhile but so what? That doesnt mean i cant rant or seek support online. And especially women, we have hormones, these can set your anxiety on anytime youre in the hormones wave mood. Anyways, im not against anyone, just saying, Panic Cured could be suffering still without him knowing. And his kind of male species can never see anything until he experience it, so in another words, if hes cured, he is as good as a normal human not understanding. Yes he went through it but he forgot how miserable his journey was. And if he hasnt, then probly he still needs to seek help. Anyways, i will give credit to his ways of 'curing' anxiety. But honestly, there is no cure. Without anxiety, you wouldnt feel the rush when youre happy, excited and so on. Anxiety doesnt have to be only a moment of darkness but during happy times it will come out too, because we need to know how to manage a stress body or mind or anything. This is my opinion though. Being here with people judging is hard because thats what we are facing outside of this forum. I shall leave this here for now.

04-30-2013, 05:47 AM
Not everyone deserves help. Trying to be overly helpful is also a vice.

04-30-2013, 07:15 AM
Sometimes, too much frustations is another way to shield from a Panic Attack. Because when youre angry, frustrated, you wont care about anything and i am very sure you wont feel the anxiety. I tried to pm you Panic Cured but since you ignored. Anger is a quick way to get your anxiety off you. I had anger issues and they were helping me with the anxiety but at the same time, is that how you want to be? Angry all the time, angry over everything. It didnt took me long to not let my anger be my shield, my anxiety came back. Anxiety is inside every human being. what we are experiencing is too much anxiety, and theres 2 types, either you experience too much anxiety or you dont at all. Im not an expert but trust me, i fight hard to control my anxiety. They still come once awhile but so what? That doesnt mean i cant rant or seek support online. And especially women, we have hormones, these can set your anxiety on anytime youre in the hormones wave mood. Anyways, im not against anyone, just saying, Panic Cured could be suffering still without him knowing. And his kind of male species can never see anything until he experience it, so in another words, if hes cured, he is as good as a normal human not understanding. Yes he went through it but he forgot how miserable his journey was. And if he hasnt, then probly he still needs to seek help. Anyways, i will give credit to his ways of 'curing' anxiety. But honestly, there is no cure. Without anxiety, you wouldnt feel the rush when youre happy, excited and so on. Anxiety doesnt have to be only a moment of darkness but during happy times it will come out too, because we need to know how to manage a stress body or mind or anything. This is my opinion though. Being here with people judging is hard because thats what we are facing outside of this forum. I shall leave this here for now.

No genius. I was simply trying to talk sense into people that believed anxiety is for life and they had no part to play in it and could not get better and wanted someone to fix it for them. I was telling them things directly they did not want to hear and they got in survival defensive mode. I simply got angry and frustrated and said things somewhat harsh but really, not that big of a deal. My life is not this forum. This is not like my entire day and it doesn't represent my life. Then I spent days trying to explain what I meant to people that ganged up to attack me for days on end. And I stand by what I said that to fight me instead of trying out what I was trying to say is plain STUPID! I as saying the simplest stuff it's a joke. That is not abuse. Their actions simply just defies logic. The fact is how they were acting is stupid. So what? I got a little frustrated with some people. Big deal. They follow around my posts when they have an entire forum, just to say they want to ignore me and whine I should get banned. I should be banned for what exactly? Totally lame. I have posted some of the most effective posts here the past couple of years and to cry out to ban me over some petty arguments over stupid stuff is retarded! It's fuckin mental! Who carries on in this way to someone who was trying to help them? They simply could have just ignored me. The things they said to me were far worse.

From Scared 44:

"Your an arsehole Panic Cured and your posts are horrible!! If you were really trying to help ppl you wouldn't come on here pulling ppl down.. Go away thank you!!"


"Bugger off you low life

Do you see one person call her out? I did not say anything like this to anyone. My posts always have good advice and substance.

But fuck it. I said fuck it to anxiety and I will say fuck it to this stupid website. If you learn what you need to learn to heal anxiety then my guess is this website's only purpose would be if you need someone to talk to when you;re freaking out. When I had anxiety I followed people that told me they had anxiety and now they don;t an dI did what they said to get better. I just assumed other people were in the same boat. God helps those who help themselves. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I know in my heart I may have helped hundreds of people overcome their anxiety from this website. Screw these 6 haters. I know there are people much better off now with my tips and I am happy about that. So it wasn't all in vain. I like helping people. But I won;t take abuse like this. There is no point for me. Anxiety is behind me, so I don't need this site. I only came here to help others.

The whole thing of attacking me non stop this past week is just ludicrous. They act like I ran my car over their dog or something. Whatever. Who cares? Fuck it!

04-30-2013, 08:43 AM
From Scared 44:

"Your an arsehole Panic Cured and your posts are horrible!! If you were really trying to help ppl you wouldn't come on here pulling ppl down.. Go away thank you!!"


"Bugger off you low life

They definitely did treat you worse. I think no one said much to them about it because we all know they have pea-brains. I find it sort-of ironic that they complain about how "u cum acros" and "wat u sed" when they did the same thing, except while coming across as morons and bullies. They enjoyed ganging up on you, it showed plain as day. They came on here looking for your posts just so they can whine about you. I found it to be very amusing, but I know for you it was very unbelievable and frustrating.

You should stay because it's over now. They're not going to cackle about you anymore. Anyone else who posts on here complaining about you seems to be people who just joined, so who cares. :P Don't waste your energy on them. Stay and have your critics, but you know what you do for people. Why leave when you obviously have fans, too? Stay for them. Ignore them other bitches!

Edit: Yeah, to anyone who wants to complain about this...I already know what you're going to say! That I am a bully too! But there is a difference between me and you...I'm not serious. :) I know what I do, and I admit it. Will you? Nope.

04-30-2013, 09:07 AM
They definitely did treat you worse. I think no one said much to them about it because we all know they have pea-brains. I find it sort-of ironic that they complain about how "u cum acros" and "wat u sed" when they did the same thing, except while coming across as morons and bullies. They enjoyed ganging up on you, it showed plain as day. They came on here looking for your posts just so they can whine about you. I found it to be very amusing, but I know for you it was very unbelievable and frustrating.

You should stay because it's over now. They're not going to cackle about you anymore. Anyone else who posts on here complaining about you seems to be people who just joined, so who cares. :P Don't waste your energy on them. Stay and have your critics, but you know what you do for people. Why leave when you obviously have fans, too? Stay for them. Ignore them other bitches!

Edit: Yeah, to anyone who wants to complain about this...I already know what you're going to say! That I am a bully too! But there is a difference between me and you...I'm not serious. :) I know what I do, and I admit it. Will you? Nope.

I agree 100%. Ditto. What she said. :)

04-30-2013, 09:11 AM
Fine, I admit it, I bully you.... But you bullied me too..! You called me fat... and say I eat haggis.... Thats Scotland dude, not England!!!!!

As for calling other people bitches...

Pot... Kettle... Black janey ;)... Pot-Kettle-Black
Pot-Kettle-Black Jesse!! Shall I quote what you called me YET AGAIN!! Shuup you eejit and go eat your haggis and crisps while drinking your fizzy drink! WHILE EATING YOUR BISCUITS....WHICH SHOULD REALLY BE CALLED COOKIES...

04-30-2013, 09:25 AM
Pot-Kettle-Black Jesse!! Shall I quote what you called me YET AGAIN!! Shuup you eejit and go eat your haggis and crisps while drinking your fizzy drink! WHILE EATING YOUR BISCUITS....WHICH SHOULD REALLY BE CALLED COOKIES...

A drink is fizzy, whats wrong with calling it a fizzy drink. Americans call American Football, football, when it's played with hands. In Britain we like to call things by what they ARE! A crisp is also a crispy potato... DUH!

And I have never eaten haggis, so I can't go back to eating it. Complaint being made. Ban coming your way janey! :)

04-30-2013, 09:36 AM
A drink is fizzy, whats wrong with calling it a fizzy drink. Americans call American Football, football, when it's played with hands. In Britain we like to call things by what they ARE! A crisp is also a crispy potato... DUH!

And I have never eaten haggis, so I can't go back to eating it. Complaint being made. Ban coming your way janey! :)
There are several drinks that have carbonation, not just soda. How do you differentiate between them?
Crisps...What a loser name. They're CHIPS. Crackers are crispy. Some chips are crunchy. Do you call them crunchies then, cause that's what we call cat food here!

Ass kisser?! You kiss EVERY girl's ass on here. I swear, you breath must be so foul. Probably smells worse than haggis...

04-30-2013, 09:43 AM
We call the drink by it's name... Coke, pepsi, fanta, sparkling water etc etc etc!!!!! But they are collectively fizzy drink, so we call them either carbonated drinks, or fizzy drinks.

Potato chips go crispy... Hence they are crisps. Why should they be called chips? What if they arent chip shaped like Doritos's? And how can you call them potato chips, when some crisps are made from Corn, or wheat? Huh? Think it trooooo. Crisps refer to everything baked or fried made from whatever. It's a word that encompasses all variety of the snack. The same way fizzy drink does....

So... 1 point Jesse! BOOM...

And by the way, it's called being likeable... you should try it sometime when you get back from your weeks ban!!!

04-30-2013, 09:46 AM
And what goes Huh? Click, huh? Click, huh? Click...

Janey, closing threads because she doesn't understand much XD

04-30-2013, 09:56 AM
I'll bet people want to smoke after eating all that junk food, ay?

04-30-2013, 10:05 AM
Is this the first time a man has ever silenced a woman? :D

04-30-2013, 10:05 AM
Sorry! I couldn't hear you over the CRUNCH of my CHIPS!!!!
You call french fries chips....ARE THEY CHIP SHAPED? NO!!!!
Only POTATO chips are called potato chips. CORN chips are called CORN CHIPS. WHEAT CHIPS ARE NOT CHIPS! THEY ARE CRACKERS!!!
You dunno whatchu talkin' 'bout. Forgetta-bout-it!!

Edit: No, you didn't silence me. I was making soup and quesodillas. Or you do you call that something weird, too?!

04-30-2013, 10:06 AM
Is this the first time a man has ever silenced a woman? :D

Clearly not Jesse. Such a feat is impossible!

04-30-2013, 10:54 AM
No genius. I was simply trying to talk sense into people that believed anxiety is for life and they had no part to play in it and could not get better and wanted someone to fix it for them. I was telling them things directly they did not want to hear and they got in survival defensive mode. I simply got angry and frustrated and said things somewhat harsh but really, not that big of a deal. My life is not this forum. This is not like my entire day and it doesn't represent my life. Then I spent days trying to explain what I meant to people that ganged up to attack me for days on end. And I stand by what I said that to fight me instead of trying out what I was trying to say is plain STUPID! I as saying the simplest stuff it's a joke. That is not abuse. Their actions simply just defies logic. The fact is how they were acting is stupid. So what? I got a little frustrated with some people. Big deal. They follow around my posts when they have an entire forum, just to say they want to ignore me and whine I should get banned. I should be banned for what exactly? Totally lame. I have posted some of the most effective posts here the past couple of years and to cry out to ban me over some petty arguments over stupid stuff is retarded! It's fuckin mental! Who carries on in this way to someone who was trying to help them? They simply could have just ignored me. The things they said to me were far worse.

From Scared 44:

"Your an arsehole Panic Cured and your posts are horrible!! If you were really trying to help ppl you wouldn't come on here pulling ppl down.. Go away thank you!!"


"Bugger off you low life

Do you see one person call her out? I did not say anything like this to anyone. My posts always have good advice and substance.

But fuck it. I said fuck it to anxiety and I will say fuck it to this stupid website. If you learn what you need to learn to heal anxiety then my guess is this website's only purpose would be if you need someone to talk to when you;re freaking out. When I had anxiety I followed people that told me they had anxiety and now they don;t an dI did what they said to get better. I just assumed other people were in the same boat. God helps those who help themselves. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I know in my heart I may have helped hundreds of people overcome their anxiety from this website. Screw these 6 haters. I know there are people much better off now with my tips and I am happy about that. So it wasn't all in vain. I like helping people. But I won;t take abuse like this. There is no point for me. Anxiety is behind me, so I don't need this site. I only came here to help others.

The whole thing of attacking me non stop this past week is just ludicrous. They act like I ran my car over their dog or something. Whatever. Who cares? Fuck it!

Never said im a genius but thank you for the thought. You should make an appt with a psychiatrist my dear. You need help still and youre in denial. Im just trying to help you realise youre not 'cured' yet. Youre blocking it with your anger. And you thrive with every person jumping onto your post. You love the attention. Which is why you cant bother reply to my pm but reply in the open. Everyone that is bothered by anyone else is still not 'cured' youre obssessed. You thought youre cured because anxiety is gone? Thats it? Im just telling you what you need to hear. People know you try to help but why is it so difficult to understand that people come here to vent, or for support or whatever reasons not just to be 'cured' by you my dear. Why cant you open your eyes and see that everyone is diff? And most importantly my dear, helping with sincerity always makes the most beautiful moment. Have you once ask if youre sincere? Or youre wanting attention or maybe forcing people to follow your way? you cant force anybody to anything. You did your part, now if they dont listen then walk away not call them names or whatever. Time, Dr Weekes said with time it will pass. You cannot expect immediate response. Why cant you see that? I am not gonna argue with you but how does it feel to deal with someone who thinks they know it all? =) have a wonderful day or night Panic Cured.

Its ok to be humble and let your guard down sometimes. Its ok not to be perfect my dear Panic Cured. I just want you to know that.

04-30-2013, 11:33 AM
Oh my days! You are all so childish! Arguing over the correct enunciation of food types? Please!
PanicCured, if you're still on here I would love if you would private message me because I really do appreciate your advice.
Thank you

04-30-2013, 11:44 AM
You are all so childish! Arguing over the correct enunciation of food types? Please!

I'm not childish.... She started it... ;)

04-30-2013, 11:57 AM
I love how people think we're serious. It's a direct reflection of their own sense of humor.
Someone definitely shouldn't try to join law enforcement! It's not hard to conclude that we're friends, with such obvious clues around.

You started it, actually!! :P I ended it. Get it right.

04-30-2013, 01:16 PM
I love how people think we're serious. It's a direct reflection of their own sense of humor.
Someone definitely shouldn't try to join law enforcement! It's not hard to conclude that we're friends, with such obvious clues around.

You started it, actually!! :P I ended it. Get it right.

U guys make me laugh with yr msgs to each other ... Brought a smile to my face tonight :-)

04-30-2013, 02:30 PM
I love how people think we're serious. It's a direct reflection of their own sense of humor.
Someone definitely shouldn't try to join law enforcement! It's not hard to conclude that we're friends, with such obvious clues around.

You started it, actually!! :P I ended it. Get it right.

Aw....I love the playful 'fights' you guys have.......

04-30-2013, 07:30 PM
I have my theories on Panic Disorder, the whys, the hows, the catalysts all of it. But one thing I don't have is the presumption that I have all the answers. In life assuming you have all the answers parallels the assumption that you have nothing to learn , that is stagnation. Have I helped others with anxiety and other issues ? I certainly would like to believe that I have. My experience with anxiety is that it is triggered by stress, anger, depression and often low self esteem. I think this theory is supported by PanicCured's over the top reaction to some people disagreeing with him. I am puzzled why someone would care so damn much whether he had in fact succeeded in curing others ? When you are helping others gratification and awknowledgement should be irrelevent as it is about others not yourself . I don't believe that it is all about this " presumed bullying"but rather a damaged ego that needs recognition for his efforts. I sincerely get this and by no means am I criticizing PanicCured's anger. Most likely he, like perhaps many of us,have worked hard for others and not been recognized or even worse criticized or abused for our efforts.That constant need for approval by others will get you in trouble, God knows it has me. What matters most in life is what you think of you, not what others have decided you are. For above all else only you know your thoughts, your actions, your feelings. People sense vulnerability, it is human nature ( The Survival Of The Fittest) so strengthen your own identity, stop beating yourself up, you are you, there is no other and that is magnificent. Now here are some facts to boost your self esteem and calm your anxiety. People who suffer from anxiety are above average intelligence, creative, strong, selfless, responsible and most importantly the one you want in your corner if anything were to go wrong. The one thing these people don't have is a strong belief in themselves or their attributes. PanicCured is most probably cured of anxiety attacks but I believe the catalyst behind the attacks is still there. It takes work, everything that truly matters in life takes work. Be kind to yourselves. Anxiety will not harm you, it is there for a reason so that you will take notice of something that's troubling you,that's all. Everyone makes it about the Anxiety, make it about the reason for the anxiety.

05-01-2013, 03:16 AM
Hopefully someone is getting some good advice from this thread and ignoring the arguing which is no good for anyone. I agree that you only need to see what you want on the forum so block anything you don't want to see - definitely helps.
Just read what is good for you as lots of good advice from people on here.

03-30-2014, 09:32 AM
Just read this thread again.

I wonder what happened to PanicCured.

Anybody out there seen or heard of him?

03-30-2014, 10:42 AM
Just read this thread again. I wonder what happened to PanicCured. Anybody out there seen or heard of him?

Hey Jesse,

Just spent 15 minutes reading this thread.....wow!

You my friend are the LEGEND! Glad you're still around!


03-30-2014, 10:53 AM
Just read this thread again.

I wonder what happened to PanicCured.

Anybody out there seen or heard of him?

Yeah, his threads helped me alot with my panic attacks. And this thread was just as awesome as all the others.