View Full Version : Upset stomach, can anxiety do this?

04-26-2013, 11:45 AM
Last couple of days been under a lot of anxiety and my stomach feels so rotten. Can anxiety do this? And if you've ha d this, what can I do to make it better and avoid this in the future?

04-26-2013, 04:05 PM
Anxiety can definitely upset your stomach and can cause irritable bowel syndrome and other things.
My son gets terrible stomach problems when he is under stress from exams etc
But it is always best to get any symptoms checked by your Dr to get the right diagnosis and the best help for it.

04-26-2013, 04:13 PM
Yes. Alankay

04-26-2013, 04:15 PM
Yes it can cause tgat ...
I norm get upset stomach straight after I've had an attack ( never use to tho )

04-26-2013, 07:05 PM
I've had stomach issues for 2 months and had so many tests done, and I've been told it's all anxiety. Hard go me to accept because the physical symptoms are so strong. Nausea, sour stomach, tightness in my stomach muscles. That's what I'm experiencing

04-27-2013, 04:58 AM
I too had IBS symptoms lasting 2 months. Doctors said it was IBS and made worse by anxiety. Tried 5 meds and nothing worked. After numerous GP visits and a visit to the hospital I told myself and accepted it was anxiety and NOT IBS. 48 hours later the pains disappeared.

I firmly believe the more you understand anxiety and accept it, the less power it has. After all it feeds off the fear and worry you bestow upon it. That's not to say that even when you don't feel anxious that your body can't kick out symptoms. It seems to take a long time for the body to recover.

Anxious people will still often react to stresses and situations a lot less rationally than more grounded types. Not sure if that's the best way to describe it. But i'm sure most of us know all too well how quickly we can panic, fret, assume the worst or obssess over a situation. It doesn't do our mind or bodies any good.


04-27-2013, 11:39 PM
Thank you everyone!!!
I have a colonoscopy and endoscopy dated for June 13th

I was hospitalized in January cause it could be chronz (sp) or Ulcerative Colitis

SO adding anxiety to the mix.....guess that's not so good ...

04-28-2013, 01:46 AM
Just think positive about hospital because they might solve all your stomach problems and then only anxiety to get over! Try to keep positive about hospital, believing things will help and will help your head too. Hope it goes well for you. We are all here to talk to if you need support before hospital etc.

04-28-2013, 04:10 AM
Anxiety can Cause many mental and physical symptoms.
It affects us all differently