View Full Version : Having alot of trouble dealing with this.

04-26-2013, 10:23 AM
I'm all over the place right now. I believe i have an underlying health condition setting off my 2-3 panic attacks per day. I only feel "normal" when im on medication. I can completely understand where the doctors are coming from, but it seems as soon as i mention that i have panic disorder, they immediately figure that's my only issue besides GERD. Is misdiagnosis of panic disorder common? My gut is telling me something else is wrong but everyone says its not. I've had 3 ekgs, 1 chest xray, and blood work done twice. Also i have had this heavy heart feeling like my heart will stop functioning at any given moment, even when im not having attacks. Is it normal to feel a multitude of symptoms when no attacks are going on? I feel like i'm just sitting here dying.

04-26-2013, 10:40 AM
That s anxiety unfortunately

You need to relax and let go
You would probably say this to me 'take your own advice'
I think I have a pretty bad health anxiety
Which causes me physical sensations everywhere I try to convince my self it s anxiety but I fail 99% of the times
There is always that doubt that something is wrong
Right Now i m on edge and very anxious
I had this shooting pain in my stomach that keeps coming and going every now and then
I told my therapist and she said it s anxiety
But something inside me telling it s not
So today I went to see my doctor hoping she would say that there is nothing wrong
Instead she gave me a stool test to do
I have not done it yet but I m so scared of the results already
I can predict that they re going to find something very dangerous may be fatal I m gonna need to do more tests scans stay in the hospital etc
To be honest thinking about all this is very frightening

04-27-2013, 05:02 PM
I have GERD, but usually it doesn't bother me and I wasn't on meds for it. In the beginning of March I started getting really nauseous, had no appetite, dry heaving, wasn't eating, lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks, and literally thought i was dying. Went to my Dr. and a Gastroenterologist... had EKG, bloodwork 2x, urine tests, CT scan of my abdomen with iv contrast, chest and stomach xrays and an upper endoscopy.. THEY FOUND NOTHING! not a single thing! lol My gastro dr. told me it's all anxiety induced and now I am on meds for anxiety. I was still not convinced that anxiety could do that to me, cause all of those intense physical symptoms, and I'm still having a hard time accepting it. But I am now on protonix of GERD and Klonopin for anxiety and I don't feel the nausea anymore and am now able to eat normally. I have other new symptoms, but I am at least able to function, where before I thought I was dying and could not even get out of bed or take a shower. Now I feel this heaviness in me, very tired, and my breathing is a little off. It's probably the meds though.

I never once had a true "panic attack" through all of this.. no heart palps or rapid shallow breathing... just a feeling of extreme sickness.. so I know how you feel and what you're going through.