View Full Version : Anxious as hell today...

04-26-2013, 07:37 AM
So I'm on 15mg mirtazipine and take 2mg diazepam as and when required(what the doc said) now i usually take them in the evening to help sleep, but proper anxious today it's 14:30 pm, is it ok to take one now to calm myself down, and if so will it still be OK to take one at night should I need it? A reassurance more than anything is needed heh. Please don't hesitate to move this thread if you don't think it should be in general.

04-26-2013, 07:43 AM
Don't worry about where you post threads Chris. They'll get answered usually. More people do congregate in General Discussion, so it's better for quicker answers, but threads in the sub-groups do get answered too. We're quite a lawless bunch here. It's a little like the Wild West.

I've taken that double before, the Mirtaz and Diazepam, and to answer your question, it really is fine yeah. As long as you have enough. Some doctors give out 3 at a time, but if you have enough until your next prescription, taking 2mg twice twice today is perfectly OK. 2mg is a rather low dosage anyway. I know most other tabs some people use are the equivalent of 10mg a day, and they take 2 or 3, so 2mg as you can see is a really safe dosage, even when taken a couple of times a day.

04-26-2013, 07:49 AM
Ah thanks, you know what it's like when you think something is OK by reading up on it but still need to hear it to reassure yourself! Thanks and will give it ago, as for how many he gave me, a pack of 28, thanks again Jesse!