View Full Version : What to look for (and red flags) in a good P-Therapist

04-25-2013, 03:24 PM
I found a new P-Therpist and would like some input pls in what to look for in a good one and of course signs that she may not be too good.

Had a breif conversation with her and she didn't sound friendly was monotone and was kinda like she was reading a script,which I am sure she wasn't. I guess I am afraid she is hard a$$ I don't want or need tough love.

So what questions should I ask her when I see her May 1st?
What would you looK for in a PItherapist?

As a whole we have such a wealth of experiences.

ThanK-you in advance :)

04-26-2013, 05:00 AM
Hi MoonStone, I think its great your seeking this kind of advise to many suffers just exept the first GP or Therpist they get me included ! i think some good starting questions would be,

Have you got comment book or a portfolio so that i can view peoples comments about your therapy?
The point of this is to establish what other people think. whilst its ture they could only pick the good comments or partentionally make them up
you will be able to tell weather their fake by just reading them this will give you a good sense of how good she/he is.

Do you have a success rate of helping your patients
by asking this your not nessercirly asking her how many people she may have cured but rather how many people leave her sestions after a month or so feeling better then when they came in.

Do you have a website?
Ask for the website take a look at it does it look overly commercial does it look like they are try to sell instant fixes?

Other key things to watch out for. in your sessions does she have a book infront of her all the time? Is she constanly typing on a laptop? Aswell as this will give you a lack of attention you deserve and need to get better this could be a sign she is having to look up certain things froma medical guide she should already know or have an opinion on. Note her tone of voice when she talks to you how professtional she is. Does she look zoned out liek your just another patient? Is she intrested in what you day? Does she ask you detailed questions or generic questiont hat could apply to everyone?