View Full Version : Found out what my headaches were....

04-25-2013, 11:18 AM
Well some of you may of seen some of my other posts about my head pains.

The type of headache i have are short sharp throbbing pains over the eyes. The pain last for a few seconds and can be anything from 5 seconds apart to 5 hours. I dont get them when i sleep nor do pain killers help.

Well to cut a long story short, i had my first bout of headaches in Oct 2011. I had them for about a month over my eyes, my left eye ached more and my right eye sometimes felt like it was straining at times. I was very stressed out at the time as there was a lot going on in my life so everyone put it down to migraine. Then within a few weeks it came back , i might have a couple of days where i could cope with it all but then out of the blue it would start again. I went to the doctors once again convinced it could be something quite bad as i have never had pain/headaches like this before and it wasnt going away. The doctor asked a few questions and said it was a tension headache try not to worry and go home. From then i suffered big time with health anxiety. Every niggle, ache, pain my mind would go into overdrive.

Fast forward to March 2013 my head pains started up again, i didnt feel i was worrying about anything but you can not always tell if your stressed. After a couple of days i knew this was not a normal headache. I went to the doc for some test results for another problem and told her about the headaches. She said because i had been worried about the results it had started my head off but as i the results were ok the head pains should clear up.

So now i have these had pains everyday, i cant concentrate , i cant focus on anything, i dont want to do anything, reading/ laptop/ lights can start it off or make it worse. Then comes ringing in my right ear, popping in my left. So back to the doctors to let her know that this pain just not going. Some days it feels like its getting worse i cant cope with it and my anxiety is doing overtime. So the doc looks into my ears and eyes and said it all looks ok. Listens to chest and heart , checks my neck for lumps and my head etc. All looks ok and asks me to go and get my eyes tested.

Today i go and get my eyes checked within 5 minutes i freaking out a little saying to the lady" you have found something haven't you? " her reply was "i will just do this other test now". Well after another 3 tests she says " well your eye sight is ok you don't need glasses" i was like thank god for that but she hadn't finished talking. She said i want to refer you to the hospital to go and have some more tests i think you have glaucoma. I started to get upset as the anxiety kicked in again.

To most of you Glaucoma may not be anything to worry about. My mum had this as well as diabetes, she ended up having strokes and heart attacks etc. I watched her slowly go down hill until she passed away. One of my fears is having any of her illnesses as its scared me to death having lived around it.

So im now saying to myself feel pleased that they have found it before it gets too bad. The anxiety tells me in my head that it might not be Glaucoma it could be something else. The hospital might find something different and i will have to have loads of tests, needles etc. or even an operation. It might be a blood clot / tumor in my head giving me the headaches and all this time i thought it was a migraine. There is so much going on and i cant think straight. I cant speak to my doc until Tue afternoon, i want her to ease my worry before i have to go to the hospital.

I know its nothing to most people and i know worrying about it will make my head pains worse. I just wish i wouldn't worry about my health i just cant cope.

Thank you for listening x

04-25-2013, 01:31 PM
Take a deep breath and try to relax. The good news is that they seem to have found what's been causing your headache witch is good because now you can get the help you need for it. I know what it's like to worry all the time and Iknow iit's not easy trying not to. But try to do something that will take your mind off of it for awhile just to give yourself a break mentally.

a l i c i a
04-25-2013, 02:51 PM
I don't know why they waited from 2011 until now to do something about this. An MRI takes 45 minutes. It's seems ridiculous to have just blown it off as nothing. I'm sure everything will be fine. Just try to stay calm. I know it's scary but freaking out will only make it worse! I hope your able to stay calm and feel better! :)

04-25-2013, 04:30 PM
My mom had early stages of glaucoma! But she was on alot of medications and some of the side-effects were developing glaucoma so i'm sure that is how she got it!!! At least you have a lead on your headaches, and I know how it feels to keep worrying about something. Easy to say "relax" than to actually do it!!

04-26-2013, 01:18 AM
Thank you all for your messages. Alot of the time i feel like nobody is listening to me, like im just going on again. I just want someone to listen to me and understand the way i think about things. I know not everyone will understand the way im feeling. Not everyone has health anxiety, i never used to have it, i never used to get stressed! Now i have these things.

Ive had a lot of stomach problems and im always told its IBS, well people cant see in to my stomach so how do they know. Ive had all these headaches i was told it was migraine but yesterday i was told glaucoma.

I woke up this morning saying please dont let me have a headache today. What if i go to hospital and they find its not a Glaucoma and its something worse. Ive already started to think ahead about the situation.

Thanks again x