View Full Version : Hi guys, I'm a hypochondriac!

04-25-2013, 07:52 AM
Hey guys I'm 17 years old and I've been suffering from anxiety for a whopping 7 years!

I joined because although my anxiety has been suppressed for the last few years I'm starting to have very heavy panic attacks these days accompanied with random symptoms (which I somehow associate with cancer every time.)

So I'm hoping I'd be able to get some help on this problem on a site with like minded people.


04-25-2013, 07:53 AM
Also would that be "an hypochondriac" or "a hypochondriac"?

04-25-2013, 11:31 AM
Hey and welcome, join the club! I been thinking I had every disease for years now!!

04-25-2013, 11:40 AM
That s exactly what hypochondriasis about

You have random pain everywhere and anywhere
You feel that you are or going to get ill
And when I say ill that means fatal terminal illnesses mainly cancer
You are afraid of death of hospitals meds simply anything to do with your health

04-25-2013, 11:41 AM
The good news though is that you are not crazy yet and you are not the only one

04-25-2013, 02:18 PM
I have extremely bad health anxiety. I caught a cold a few weeks ago from my son and Ihave my self convinced that I have lung cancer. I even convinced myself one time that I had aids even though there was no way I could. It drives me crazy

04-25-2013, 03:38 PM
I know how it feels I do the same as well

Sometimes when I blow my noes there is a little bit of blood
First time I completely freaked out because I thoughts it must be lung cancer so I went to see my GP and she said to me that we have these little pockets in our noes that burst sometimes especially if we blow our noes a lot which explains the blood in the snot
I used to feel light headed every time I wake up in the morning and I instantly convinced my self that is a brain tumour
Nowadays I have this shooting pain in my stomach and I strongly believe it s stomach cancer so I m going to see my doctor tomorrow
To get check out
I m sweating a lot so I automatically think I have an infection or some next disease
And so on and on and on...
The point is if I don't do anything about it it s just going to carry on because I m stuck in the vicious circle of my thoughts
Imagine how many flues headaches tummy aches sore throats etc i m more likely to get and how I m going to interpret each one of them and most importantly how I m going to react?
I can t go to see the doctors every day ( which I kind of did in the past few months)
How many blood tests scans (I already done a lot) I need to undertake just to convince my self I m fine
I was in A&E for few times so I could get blood test ECG scans done and my husband got fed up with me so he suggested that I should purchase my own X-ray machine it sounds ridiculous but at that time I thought that s not a bad idea at all
My advice to you do something about before it gets worse

04-25-2013, 07:05 PM
Welcome!! Story of my life. I am always self diagnosing or googling every symptom I have. I always think of the worst thing possible. It sucks!!

04-26-2013, 03:40 AM
Glad I'm not alone in this. I get anxious because I think I have a serious disease which means i get more random symptoms like finger tingling because of the anxiety which means i get more anxiety because of the symptoms of anxiety. Its a vicious cycle. I hope i can have rational thoughts one day.

04-26-2013, 08:19 AM
Please try to not google because it just makes the anxiety shoot up the roof

04-28-2013, 09:19 PM
There's been a few instances where i'll find something wrong with me, google it, somehow find a way to make it cancer, get anxious which causes my stomach and head to hurt, along with the numbness in my fingers/toes, which cause me to find more "cancer". Next thing I know I'm curled up in a ball in my bed unable to sleep. It's a never ending cycle...

04-28-2013, 11:07 PM
My husband is rarely ill but when he does get something he always thinks it is organ failure etc. Once he thought his whole body was shutting down and did not believe it was gall stones and he had to have his gall bladder out. He went on internet and found a site which sent him into a terrible state because of what complications it said having your gall bladder out could cause. He believed this stupid website rather than the word of a specialist or leaflets from the hospital.
Not a good idea to look at internet unless website is one recommended to you by your Dr or consultant.

04-29-2013, 12:59 AM
Online is where I found not all lung cancer can be seen on xrays. That's what has me flipping out.

04-29-2013, 02:48 PM
Easier said than done. I use Google for everything. It takes massive restraint not to google it!