View Full Version : Simple tips on overcoming contsant anxiety.

Kaspar Põlluäär
04-25-2013, 04:32 AM
So I've been suffering from anxiety for a couple of months now and for weeks I felt pretty terrible and constantly had to battle anxiety at nights and sometimes even during the days. First off, I'll describe my symptoms so if you feel the same I did, my tips are probably going to help more.

Symptoms -
1)In the evening I got really anxious and it affected my breathing. I got enough oxygen and stuff but I'm too aware of my breathing, which discomforts me.
2)For almost a week I felt this strange feeling in the left part of my chest. I was almost the same feeling as butterflies in your stomach but in the left part of my chest. It's not a serious condition or anything but it makes you even more anxious and scared.
3)Whenever I felt anxious, my stomach muscles would feel really tight and my stomach felt bloated.

Tips -
1) Now I'm not sure about your doctors but my doctors never mentioned that a medicine named Validol helps you relax a lot. It especially helped me with the 3rd symptom but it also helps with the 1st and 2nd. Though it only affects my 2nd symptom for a short period of time. But nontheless, it can create a window of time for you to fall asleep if the 2nd symptom is bothering you at night. The medicine itself is very safe and easy to use. You just have to suck it in your mouth, under your tongue until it's dissolved. It can be used again a few hours after the 1st use and it has no side affects (that I've experienced at least). Granted this will not help you in get rid of anxiety indefinitely but it will help you at night and after a usage, anxiety does not usually come back.

2) My 2nd tip is really easy but not for everyone. Just go and visit your doctor. Trust me on this, knowing that you're perfectly healthy (or at least there's nothing wrong with your heart etc) helps fight anxiety a lot. Before I visited my doctor after my anxiety attack, I felt anxious almost every night and as I said, sometimes also during the day and even several days in a row. Granted, my 1st visit to the doctor did not drive away my anxiety but my doctor sent me to give blood tests and test my heart by running on a treadmill (I don't know what's that treatment called in english). So I did those and pretty much the day I got my blood test results back and learned that I was perfectly healthy I felt a lot better. My 2nd symptom vanished in hours and in a long time, I could sleep peacefully. And after I got the results of the 2nd test, I was feeling as if nothing ever happened, even though I just felt horrible a couple of days before.

These are my 2 tips. They're not anything special but they helped me and hopefully they'll help anyone who feels the same way as I did. Often times, peace of mind is the best cure when it comes to anxiety and doing tests that return with great results certainly gave me that. So far I've not felt anxiety anymore but I'm pretty sure it's not gone anywhere, so don't take this as a cure for anxiety but just a way of overcoming it for the time.