View Full Version : health anxiety

04-25-2013, 02:08 AM
Hi, for the past few months I have been suffering from sore joints/muscles and lack of energy. My anxiety has flared up because I have been told I cant go back to my normal exercise routine until everything eases. I have also had a death in the family which sent me into a deep sadness/state of stress. My doctor has conducted all blood tests looking for autoimmune diseases and any inflammatory in my body (all healthy) however the only tests she hadn't done were hiv or hep test. I have been with my husband for 11 years and neither have been un-faithful. So im wondering should I request these tests? I am scared and anxious over the possibilty that it might come back positive. I know I wouldnt have it as I have always used protection previously but im still scared to get it done. Could all my issues be from anxiety?

04-28-2013, 05:35 PM
Willo1982. All your symptoms can and probably are anxiety related. Given that there has been a recent death in the family ( very often a precursor to anxiety attacks). Your sore joints and muscles are most probably a result of the flight or fright response which sends messages to our muscles to tense in preparation of the imagined altercation. Being in this almost constant state of tenseness naturally make your muscles and joints sore ( think Work-Out) Your blood work would most probably be "off" especially your Liver Function Tests ALT and AST ( indicators that there is something amiss in your body) Your history of protection and monogamy indicate to me you most probably are negative for HIV and Hepatitis " but" if you feel comfort in getting results go for it. Isn't there a Home Test for HIV that just came out ? I personally do not feel you need these tests as Anxiety/Depression are the number one cause of feeling lousy (fatigued) I found it almost impossible to believe that I did not have Cancer ( given that I was scheduled for a surgical biopsy-lumpectomy and I was sooooo damned tired and weak) I was told then that anxiety and depression are the number reason for extreme fatigue. Anything and everything I post on this Forum is from life experience. Hang in there. This too shall pass. I am so very sorry for your loss.

04-28-2013, 08:12 PM
Have you asked to check that your hormones are not causing you a problem? Hormones throughout 28 years if married life have caused me so many problems - it might be worth asking them to be checked.
I have had post natal depression several tines and now problem because of menopause.
Gynae and Dr can help you if it is hormones, and opsych can give you meds to give you a lift to live with the problem easier until the hormones settle down again.
Just a thought if you have not had them checked,

05-06-2013, 07:48 PM
Thankyou for your responses. I have since gotten myself physically better. My muscle/joint issues were caused by bad posture and leg issues. As for the anxiety and the thought of having hiv or something so terrible well im getting tested with my hubby in the next wk. I am lucky to have his full support which helps me deal with these anxiety flare ups. I have good days and bad days but always have a constant feeling of being anxious. I have decided to go back to seeing a psychologist as cbt really helped me in the past. Thanks once again.

06-02-2013, 03:43 PM
Thankyou for your responses. I have since gotten myself physically better. My muscle/joint issues were caused by bad posture and leg issues. As for the anxiety and the thought of having hiv or something so terrible well im getting tested with my hubby in the next wk. I am lucky to have his full support which helps me deal with these anxiety flare ups. I have good days and bad days but always have a constant feeling of being anxious. I have decided to go back to seeing a psychologist as cbt really helped me in the past. Thanks once again.

That's wonderful, Be Well! Posture issues are present in many Anxiety Sufferer's as that defeatist feeling tends to creep in ( shoulders slump etc.. ) when we are battling anxiety/ depression. Sounds great on the Road to Recovery with a great support system. My husband is as well. We are lucky in that respect. Be Well !