View Full Version : relapsing.. this is awful

04-24-2013, 03:51 PM
Ugh so I went a whole month feeling nauseous, no appetite, dry heaving, smells bothering me, barely eating, lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks... Felt good for about 4 days, I was actually able to eat normally again and feeling normal.. and now today it's all coming back full force. I am so tired, and overall feel so sick. I've had bloodwork, urine, xrays, ct scan with iv contrast of my stomach, an upper endoscopy and they didn't find anything wrong. Why is this coming back!!! I'm on protonix for acid reflux, have been taking vitamin d, and occasional klonopin... I haven't taken it in like 2 days, could that be why???

04-24-2013, 04:56 PM
Well I took a klonopin right after I posted this, its now an hour later and the nausea has slowly gone away and I'm feeling better. So it's obviously anxiety right?? Ugh I just wish someone could drill it in my head so I can stop worrying that it may be something else! It's so hard.

My husband was making steak before I wrote any of this and I manage to choke it down because I knew I had to eat. I refuse to lose my appetite again. I'm going to continue the klonopin faithfully until I see my Dr. next week. I had stopped taking it for 2 or 3 days because I thought I had broken the cycle and was getting better.. I really want to stop the meds because my husband and I want to try and have a baby. This is so frustrating, but I am determined to not let this continue to interfere with my life!

04-24-2013, 05:04 PM
Don't be in such a rush to stop the meds. The meds will help you collect yourself.

Let your mind rest for a bit before putting more pressure on yourself