View Full Version : never een on one of these sites, need some advice

04-24-2013, 02:40 AM
hi! im abbey, ive been suffering from anxiety for a long time but its had a little bump in the road :/
im the sort who goes from one thing to the next, worrying about everything. at first it was that i felt like i wasnt breathing properly and that id stop breathing altogether, after i got over that i was extremaly conscious of my blinking and thought i was going blind. ive recently sorted that out, convincing myself im ok, but now...i have a weird feeling when i move my arms/hands. it feels odd. as if IM not the one moving them but i know i am. i can get on with my day, but its always on my mind, like all the time. havnt been to the doctors but have been given proprananol to calm me down, and it works well, i would just rather be able to calm down myself withought having to resort to medicine.i woke up this morning and my arms were a little numb, i was so scared they'd stop moving and id be paralyzed that it was one of those 'life flashes before eyes' moment.
EVERYTIME i get something new wrong with me i constantly wish it was the previous problem, just because i learnt to deal with them. i really need some help, im so scared ive never had anything like this before and for someone of just 17 i should be worrying about exams and what im gonna do after school, not this.
Thanks alot xxx

04-24-2013, 03:02 AM
I'd say its health anxiety. You feel a symptom and obsess about it and think its something serious when in all reality it's really nothing at all. I had a bit of this bit not anymore. I think after awhile you learn your body is just overly sensitive and you begin thinking rationally again after overcoming every new symptom. You're totally fine, you're just making yourself think negatively of what you're feeling . You'll get past this one too