View Full Version : Neck throbs?? Anyone else??

04-23-2013, 04:21 PM
So I have been dealing with anxiety for a few years now. My symptoms come and go. I have had so many tests done its pathetic. Now a new symptom has started and its really affecting me a lot. A few weeks ago it started. The left side of my neck throbs. It's not painful but it's noticeable. My first thought of course is a blocked artery or something to that affect. ( I'm a very healthy 32 year old female.) When this happens my blood pressure is normal, I can feel a pulse and I have no other symptoms. Just a weird throbbing feeling on the left side of my neck.

Anyone else? Thoughts?


04-23-2013, 04:54 PM
Hi :) Sucks your dealing with this. I get bad headaches, neck pain, back pain and chest pain, so I know your frustration and how scary these things can be. Do you have a tight neck or back? It could be a pinched nerve or muscle sprain. It could also be a swollen lymph node depending on exactly where it is, do you suffer from and allergies or have had any infections or been sick recently? Probably the best thing to do is see a doctor to ease your mind.

04-23-2013, 06:55 PM
I have something similar, but I had always assumed it was something to do with a racing pulse. I'm a healthy, 21-year-old woman, so I never thought it was an issue.

04-24-2013, 01:42 PM
I get that too its like a tightness in my neck freaks me out it comes n goes :(

05-05-2013, 01:44 PM
I'm dealing with this on both sides of my neck. Did yours go away?

05-05-2013, 09:11 PM
I get this sometimes. I have aches and pains everywhere though and I assume its somewhat due to inactivity and tensing muscles.

05-05-2013, 10:00 PM
Anxiety sufferers often suffer from heart palpitations ( felt as a skipped heartbeat in their chest but in reality is actually a harmless extra heartbeat) . The feeling you have in your neck is a reflection of this same extra beat felt in your carotid artery pulse. No, your carotid artery is not blocked, this is harmless. People who suffer from Panic Disorder are acutely aware of normal body functions and quirks that others simply don't feel. These are just examples of the acute awareness of having. Highly sensitive nervous system. You just need to calm that system down. Think about going to a really horrifically violent movie, most people reacte, they feel like they are going to jump out of their skins. The way to handle that response is don't go to the movie. The way to handle Panic Attacks, just don't react to these bodily sensations, ignore them, dismiss them as harmless, they are. As you educate yourself remember what you have learned, a palpitation in your neck is harmless, a racing heart, harmless, light headed, you need to stop shallow breathing...deep breath in through nose, deep breath out through mouth..slow easy. Pains in jaw, chest, neck, legs all from contracting your muscles. Tell yourself this is all it is, nothing but a pain in the rear. Be well everyone, you are on your way !

05-06-2013, 10:51 AM
Always always always get neck pain it drives me mad

05-06-2013, 11:24 AM
Went to the chiropractor today he said my neck was in knots ;(