View Full Version : New Here

Robert Tressell
04-23-2013, 01:45 PM
Hi I'm new on the forum though I did post in 2008 briefly;I am a 47 year old male who has suffered alone
with anxiety since childhood;I experience many difficult symptoms and am really struggling to come to terms with this the older i get.I work in sales and cover my feelings well,even from family and friends,all of whom think i'm a great guy but inside i feel like nothing.I have resisted medication and had less than sympathetic doctor consultations,maybe i hide it from them also!!
Hope to get some advice on how others cope. Recently I've been having panics and health anxiety. Another set of blood tests results due tomorrow and I suffer from GERD which doesn't help my health anxiety as chest pain is quite frequent. Seems to be getting worse, targets up at work, moving house and two recent deaths in the family haven't helped!
I've been offered Cipralex but am reluctant to begin this, i'm interested to know of any experiences with this drug, does it help?
My mothers family suffered from "terrible nerves" as they used to say and sadly my eldest daughter has anxiety and depression and is on Prozac. There must be a strong genetic link in this illness.

04-23-2013, 03:29 PM
Robert I'm new here also but not new to anxiety. Your story sounds very familiar to mine. I hid my anxiety for years and also have a strong family history on my mother's side. My brother has also had anxiety problems all his life. About ten years ago I admitted my problems to my wife. Fortunately she was understanding and I began to see a psychiatrist. I began to take citalopran. Which works and generally helped a great deal with daily problems. Occasionally, things will flare out of control. For panic attacks I take zanex. This gets me through. The best way to deal with things is to talk about them not bottle them up.

Right now I am fighting panic and depression related to work problems. I joined this forum to communicate with others and try to move on. I'm also struggling with how much I can take. Things will get better but you can't do it alone. Glad to continue this discussion as a thread. Maybe others will join in.

04-23-2013, 09:13 PM
I have had bouts of depression through hormone problems since 1985. I only get anxiety or depression when hormones wrong like after had son, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy or pelvic inflammation disease (PID) or age.

Usually these bouts have lasted 5- 6 months until hormones settle down, during which time i have tablets which give me a lift, have suicidal thoughts so go in mental hospitals or on retreats, have got over it and have no depression between bouts and no treatment.

I have struggled this time since march 2011 because age has made the hormone imbalance last longer abd can't find a solution, body has rejected the two main groups of anti depressants, had 5 months off work, then back full time for a year to a stressful job and acting 'normal' every day, two knee operations after putting stones back on, a hormone operation yesterday, no social life even when back at work, and won't go to shops, cafes, Tesco, or go watch local football although got life time season ticket holder unless really push head.

In past have tried no tablets, lots of different tablets, herbal remedies, alternatives like reflexology, acupuncture, crystal gem therapy, essential oils, hospital, retreats, nhs courses on mindfulness, mental health courses, peer support group, and meditation.

At moment i am taking 3 different tablets for anxiety and depression, 3 lots tablets for knee pain , two things for hormones. Had 2 knee operations, a hormone operation yesterday, 5 months off work, worked full time again, and now up to 8 weeks off at moment.

This time i will never try to stop trying to find tablet to help depression and anxiety, will not stop going into hospital or on retreats when need complete break from life and can't stand suicidal thoughts , have regular support from mental health nurse to offload and get advice, try to find resolution to hormone imbalance, go to courses on anything to learn techniques to help and meet people, talk on this form, go to reflexology, go to three meditation groups and now trying to help set up an evening peer support group.

So i believe that everyone is individual, each bout of depression can be very different, and at different stages of depression you need to try whatever will work to get you through the next day!

Sorry rambled on, but just think you should listen to everyone's advice and support, if only get little bit of help from each one, and try whatever help your GP can access for you, until it gets easier to cope with or if lucky it goes away for a while.

04-23-2013, 10:39 PM
Hello, I'm new here. 29 year old female living with anxiety, health anxiety and depression. I have lived with these for most my life, depression came about around six years ago. The health anxiety is the worst, I spend my nights and day thinking I have a deadly illness.

04-23-2013, 10:45 PM
Keep on this forum and some very kind, helpful people will help you with advice which might help you. Just talking to people on here can help.

04-23-2013, 10:59 PM
I'm a newbie to this forum. I too have lived with anxiety most of my life and now that I am retired and live in S.E. Asia, I am now finding that anxiety is again becoming an issue. Had my first bought with major depression/anxiety in 2005 and have been off medication for about 5 years. I have no support system here in Thailand, except for my partner, but Asian's seem to feel that depression is punishment for past life sin's. I have 2 good frineds in the U.S. and Canada who helped me through the depression and severe anxiety in 2005. So here I am living in Asia, feeling great anxiety and not having a forum to express my feelings and get some support.

04-24-2013, 10:48 AM
I'm a newbie to this forum. I too have lived with anxiety most of my life and now that I am retired and live in S.E. Asia, I am now finding that anxiety is again becoming an issue. Had my first bought with major depression/anxiety in 2005 and have been off medication for about 5 years. I have no support system here in Thailand, except for my partner, but Asian's seem to feel that depression is punishment for past life sin's. I have 2 good frineds in the U.S. and Canada who helped me through the depression and severe anxiety in 2005. So here I am living in Asia, feeling great anxiety and not having a forum to express my feelings and get some support.

Well, if you have made it through your episode in 2005 then use that to feel confident that you can get through this episode too. As you know talking about how you are feeling and not bottling things up is very important. You know you are not being punished in any way... that's what they thought in the dark ages. My Dr. told me once that "you may not want to be on the medicine, but you need to be on the medicine". I'm guessing that may be where you're at. I understand your point about living in Asia, but there must be someone who can prescribe anti-depressants for you. I take citalopram (20mg) and it has helped me greatly with my anxiety. Another thing I used with some success is a mediation app on a mobile device. I'm not trying to sell anything. What I used was an app called "Don't Panic" by Andrew Johnson. There are many other things like this available as you probably know. You know if you just hang in there things will get better. They always do. Hopefully participating in this forum will help.

04-24-2013, 10:52 AM
Hello, I'm new here. 29 year old female living with anxiety, health anxiety and depression. I have lived with these for most my life, depression came about around six years ago. The health anxiety is the worst, I spend my nights and day thinking I have a deadly illness.

You don't have a deadly illness! Someone needs to tell you that so I'm telling you that. If you are reading or listening to any medical programs stop right now. Go take a walk instead. Are you seeing a professional?

04-24-2013, 10:54 AM
Feel free to ramble on. We're all listening.

04-24-2013, 01:57 PM
Hi Robert Tressell. I'm going to go right on ahead and jump back on topic to try an answer some question you have asked. The drug you have named i have not been on i was on a different type citalopram but after some research they seem like similar drugs both are SSRI's. When i took medication it helped allot i feel anxiety is a cycle of sorts you need to first break the cycle for a while to give your self some rest before you can start recovering. I would advise you to start taking it if it has been offered to you ASAP. The only negative i had with it is that it made me too happy like falsely but this is not a major thing in the grand scheme in getting better and may not even apply to you as everyone reacts differently. In my opinion i think you need to change your doctor if you can i don't think he/she is right for you from what you have described. Lastly i am unsure weather there is a strong genetic link i personally have the opinion that it is behavioral have you ever thought you may not be as good at hiding it as you think? Maybe your daughter has copied your negative thinking patterns and as a result suffers from a similar thing. Just food for thought.

Robert Tressell
04-25-2013, 05:29 AM
Hi Robert Tressell. I'm going to go right on ahead and jump back on topic to try an answer some question you have asked. The drug you have named i have not been on i was on a different type citalopram but after some research they seem like similar drugs both are SSRI's. When i took medication it helped allot i feel anxiety is a cycle of sorts you need to first break the cycle for a while to give your self some rest before you can start recovering. I would advise you to start taking it if it has been offered to you ASAP. The only negative i had with it is that it made me too happy like falsely but this is not a major thing in the grand scheme in getting better and may not even apply to you as everyone reacts differently. In my opinion i think you need to change your doctor if you can i don't think he/she is right for you from what you have described. Lastly i am unsure weather there is a strong genetic link i personally have the opinion that it is behavioral have you ever thought you may not be as good at hiding it as you think? Maybe your daughter has copied your negative thinking patterns and as a result suffers from a similar thing. Just food for thought.

I probably should give the meds a try, but fear the side effects and dependency.

My doctor is convinced they will work and may even ease my IBS and GERD.

I do desperately want to control this panic and anxiety before I get much older. I worry about the strain on my heart.

Robert Tressell
12-09-2013, 02:28 PM
ok, some time since I posted....Anxiety very strong currently, but what a year! Moved house, 2 family deaths and a recent job loss!

Managed to get through interviews and start my new job in January. But guess what? Scared stiff of starting again with a new company.

Been prescribed 10 mg Citalopram, for the third time, but very reluctant to take them, especially as Insomnia would kill me ( I have no problems sleeping generally ).

Looking at 5 HTP as an alternative, ordered some, anyone pass on experiences with this, seems like a good compromise if your anxiety is more general like mine than severe or completely debilitating?

Try this for a few weeks first before the life changer ie going on Citalopram?

BTW Found my doctors knowledge of SSRIs wanting, didn't even know about Citalopram / Omeprazole interaction or citaloprams recent heart issue news!

12-09-2013, 04:19 PM
My turn :) I have suffered with depression and some sort of mental problem majority of my life. Abusive father towards my mother, he got my high at the age of 2, mum and him divorced and I spent every year birthdays Christmas sitting by the phone wishing he would ring, let down every year. Found out I had a half sister, he was heavily into drugs.. Age of 16 he rang insisting I have a threesome with his gf and him and complimenting my breasts etc. that was the last straw havnt heard from him since. Grew up as a bigger girl, bullied, struggled at school etc. graduating year at high school I had a trauma happen, diagnosed with PTSD depression and anxiety 4 years ago(graduating year) on and off meds, and therapy.. In and out of jobs.. Always broke and in debt.. Went through drinking everyday, anorexia, bulimia, smoking pot etc began having seizures.. Nothing can be found as to why.. Multiple personality. Phantom pregnancies, miscarriages.. Then one day I changed my ways completely. I began being positive everyday.. Doin things I loved, looking after myself.. Met the love of my life on a holiday in Hawaii.. Came back to Australia.. Went through depression.. Long distance is hard work, none the less made it! Visited him in November for 3 weeks.. While there sister had a similar trauma happen to her, my nan had an operation, I got sick, believed I was pregnant, and finally my father died. All in three weeks.. Anxiety hit bad, I couldn't go in a car without panic, shops, out if the house.. Tryed pushing past it.. Massive panic attack on a bus.. Walked back to the house after hauling ass out of that damn bus, even during sex. My partner also suffers with PTSD and anxiety so he is a heaven sent <3 the day I left to come back home.. On the way to the airport I began panic.. Really bad.. Couldn't breath, limbs stiffened, pins and needles chest pain faintness the works.. Only went down hill.. I spent 2 hours with my man at the airport vomiting almost fainting just pure fear and panic.. Yes, this is it i cant do this, i need to get back to the house with my partner.. i cant leave.. i just cant. i needed to soeak to my mum so we walked into the airport to fet wi-fi.. Finally I got asked by a staff member if I needed help. They got me a wheel chair, and checked me in.. That's it, I have no choice now.. My partner wheeled me around, did everything he could to calm me.. I felt ok. Then it was time.. Panic hit hard.. As soon as my partner let go of my hand it was the end of me.. Medics got called.. They insisted I go to hospital.. But no there was no way I was missing my dads funeral.. The medic helped me talked to me, finally I was calm.. More exhausted than calm but I couldn't do it anymore.. I let go.. And got wheeled to the hate where I was met by the captain and manager of cabin crew who insisted I don't board. I began crying.. I explained my fathers funeral was the following day, that changed their tune. I got 1st class treatment on that flight, although it didnt make the pain go away.. It helped ease my mind.. I didn't sleep, consumed myself in like 5 movies and couldn't sleep.. I was finally home after 12 hours of being in the air. Seeing my mum was amazing.. Since then I've suffered pretty bad anxiety, can't shake it.. But hell I will, you just watch me!

Terre Nova
12-09-2013, 04:38 PM
Hello, I'm new here. 29 year old female living with anxiety, health anxiety and depression. I have lived with these for most my life, depression came about around six years ago. The health anxiety is the worst, I spend my nights and day thinking I have a deadly illness.

My story is basically the same Tmc..
I'm here if you ever need to chat :)