View Full Version : Strangest Headache Ever

04-23-2013, 01:05 AM
Hi all,

So I started getting this headache yesterday which only hurts when I move my head. It started around my forehead and right side. Then as the day went on I started getting quite bad tension around my neck. I tried to tilt my neck to one side to bend and click my neck. I haven’t done this in years and it felt like I then pulled something.

As since then every time I move I get the forehead pain and pain at the base of my skull along with general aching in my neck on occasssion.

It’s a bit of a strange one I must admit. I’m going to start taking ibuprofen. I wanted to avoid munching on pills again as I’ve only recently finished a 6 week course of antibiotics.

A night’s sleep was undisturbed and it feels slightly less painful today, nevertheless the pain remains.

Anyone ever had headaches which only hurt when you move your head? In general my head feels a bit heavy and slightly off.


04-23-2013, 01:24 AM
You could easily have pulled a muscle somewhere in your neck or shoulders which can cause headaches like this. If you think it is something physical it is best to get it checked by a doctor to make sure it is not something which needs treating.
If you do not think it is physical you can get headaches like this from stress and anxiety, or too much caffeine or not drinking enough water.
If it is from too much caffeine just stop the caffeine and take painkillers and if from not drinking enough water, drink some water throughout the day and take painkillers. If it is from anxiety or depression then you need to try and relax as well as taking painkillers - go for a walk and get fresh air, meditation, have a nice warm bath.
So lots of things you could try to get rid of it.

04-23-2013, 02:34 AM
I've drank plenty of water the past 48 hours. I took 2 ibuprofen and it's helped the pain no end. I rang dr yesterday because i've been having dizziness which i associated to antibiotics but he said that'd never happen. Then we pieced together the evidence and traced it back to the anxiety. In general symptoms have been getting worse recently which is annoying. Now i'm just left with the dizziness i've been feeling on and of for several days now. At least the headache isn't as severe though.

Thanks for the reply


04-23-2013, 07:47 AM
Hang in there Ed. I know youve beat this once before. First thing, don't let your physical symptoms dictate your happiness. Allow the thoughts of physical ailments cross your mind without judgement. Acknowledge them, recognize them, and allow them to exit. You will be fine. Believe what you've been told before. Trust it. Good luck my friend.

04-23-2013, 10:11 AM
Here lately I have been getting alot of headaches and strange feelings! Sometimes in my forehead it feels like my head is vibrating! And today tension is all in my neck wrapping to my forehead! I unfortunately bury myself in ibuprofen too much and know its not good for me. I also have been getting dizzy spells lately but I think it could be due to the tension. Sometimes i'm just sitting at the computer and my ears start ringing. Tension def causes some weird feelings.

04-27-2013, 04:39 AM

THanks for the replies. Thankfully the headaches easing up now. But unfortunately the mild dizziness I'd been feeling before and during has stayed put and is now permanent. It's nothing new though. I had a bout of dizziness that lasted over 2 weeks. it's always been quite subtle though. It's never affected balance or being able to function day to day. It's almost a very slight feeling of dizziness, but it's constantly there. It's never caused nausea or vomitting and it's not bad vertigo like symptoms or feeling like the world is moving around me when i'm standing still. The dizziness feels more pronounced when I move around.

It's pretty much the same as the last time I had this dizziness. That time, when it lasted 2 weeks I went to A&E and the Dr said it was mild vertigo. So i'm not really too phazed about this symptom even though it is one of the more unnerving anxiety symptoms.

The fact it's not better or worse than last time it happened provides comfort I suppose. I'm just going to ride it out. I tried some travel sickness tablets yesterday as apparently it helped some people who suffered from vertigo. Unfortunately for me it's had no effect whatsoever. Hopefully it clears up soon, if not I might see my GP on Monday just to have my ears checked out to see if that could be the cause.


04-27-2013, 09:09 AM
Hi Ed,

I feel the same way since October last year. I miss a lot of work already. I feel lightheaded and when I lie in bed I am fine. Off balance feeling all the time. It made me panic especially when I am by myself. I feel my ear hurt and forehead so I think it is sinus but because I have anxiety it exxagerate more. Mine come and go like in 1 month I only have 1 week of not dizzy. So depressing

04-27-2013, 02:14 PM
The fact it comes and goes probably confirms it's due to anxiety. Maybe an ear nose and throat specialist doctor can confirm if the ears are causing the problem.

Today I did an hour of gardening and felt virtually no dizziness whatsoever. Since I've stopped the dizziness has felt somewhat more intense.


04-27-2013, 06:17 PM
Could be anxiety but last year I suffered with sinuses being blocked and it gave me headaches and dizziness, so could be something like that too. Dr should know when you see him. Dizziness really bad if you blow your nose when sinuses playing up!