View Full Version : new to the forum...looking for opinions on anxiety symptoms

04-22-2013, 07:48 PM
Hi everyone!

Will try to keep this short. About two years ago, I had a horrible allergic reaction to Benadryl(yes, Benadryl) while on vacation. I had hives all over my body, extreme agitation/restlessness, nausea/dry heaves, and experienced an awful panic attack while on the subway. Prior to this, I had never had a problem with panic attacks. Ever since this experience, I've had problems with persistent anxiety and occasional panic attacks. It's been very upsetting to deal with, because prior to this, I had fantastic life with not much stress. I was socially active, had a lot of friends, great marriage, and travelled a lot. One of the biggest parts of my anxiety is being afraid of throwing up in front of people, and mild nausea. I tend to get most of my panic attacks in restaurants, which is frustrating because going out to eat and trying new restaurants was one of my favorite things to do. Initially, I was able to get over the first anxiety episode in a few months. It never completely went away, but I wasn't having panic attacks and that was good enough for me. Then, last winter, I got another panic attack in a restaurant(I was hungover, which is probably why this happened), which led to an extreme exacerbation in anxiety and a deep depression. I wanted to be dead and didn't feel like going anywhere or doing anything. I eventually realized I couldn't let myself live like that, so I used CBT methods on myself and pulled myself out of the slump(I work in psych, so I'd like to think I'm pretty knowledgeable about certain behavioral techniques). I didn't have a panic attack for 7 months, but continued to have mild anxiety. I then made the mistake of having a caffeinated coffee..then had another horrible panic attack and went downhill again, but was able to pull myself out of it relatively quickly. Since December, I've been having a few very mild panic attacks, which I believe are limited symptom attacks. They still exacerbate my anxiety just the same, and cause me to feel depressed and frustrated. I seem to be able to pull myself out of the anxiety, but always go downhill again once something seemingly small happens. I have eliminated all caffeine from my diet, and have for the past 8 months. I'm just tired of being afraid of things that I used to enjoy.

Here is my question. I've wanted to get through all of this naturally...but is there really any hope for me without taking meds? I seem to get myself to a really good place, then go downhill again easily...even if I have just one panic attack. I'll even walk into a restaurant not feeling any anxiety at all, and then all of a sudden it's like I get an adrenaline surge that I can't control, which is leading me to believe that this is truly a chemical imbalance. My OB/GYN prescribed Fluoxetine for me...which I haven't taken yet because I'm scared of having a reaction. I'm afraid it will make me worse and put me in the psych ward. Also, in my research I've learned the Fluoxetine was derived from Benadryl...which scares me because now I'm worried I'll be allergic due to my past experience with Benadryl. What does everyone think? And do I have Panic Disorder, PTSD, GAD...what? My insurance sucks and I would prefer not to see a psychiatrist if I can help it.

04-22-2013, 08:47 PM
In answer to your first question yes Meds are essential in my humble opinion. This is because anxiety feeds anxiety and your first priority should be to break the cycle Meds will help you achieve this objective. Furthermore to comment on your statement you made " which is leading me to believe that this is truly a chemical imbalance " this is potentially a self-destructive way of thinking this is because it is foolish to think anything as complicated as anxiety/panic disorder regardless of what specific disorder you might have is just down to one linear thing. It is down to a combination of things. If i were to take an educated guess your anxiety stems from the first experience two years ago on holiday combined with some pre-emtive anxiety thinking patterns you had before the experience as-well that you properly didn't even relies you had. Do not be worried taking Meds will not make you worse your Doctor would have prescribed you with a very low dose to start off with and it will help you relax you can always ween your self off it after 4 weeks if any symptoms present there self that you don't like. I am sure your aware of all that anyway since you said you worked in psych. As for the reaction i can not help you there i have no knowledge on that. An health insurance altogether seems difficult to deal with. for me i live in the UK. I hope i have helped a little.

04-23-2013, 12:09 AM
I won't take meds as I don't believe in them. This is my personal opinion but then I prefer to do things natural. Try hypno therapy I found it helped me

04-23-2013, 12:26 AM
Amino acids. It's been talked about a lot. It seems meds are most popular though. I don't take meds. But then again idk if my anxiety is as severe as some others on here but I used to be a lot worse than I am now. I read up on amino acids and mental Health and anxiety. Google it along with this woman named Julia Ross. Apparently you don't need meds. Check out this link as well


04-23-2013, 12:27 AM
I've been on medication twice in my life and both times weaned myself off them wen I've started to feel better ... I now only take one if I really had a bad attack ( which defeats the object ) as for my tablets 2 wrk they need to be in yr system 4a few wks :-/

04-25-2013, 01:19 PM
MMA_Matthew: Thank you for the response. I definitely have always been more of an anxious person. When I was a kid, I had issues with OCD, but grew out of it. Panic attacks were never a part of that deal. It makes me wonder if the anxiety issues I had as a child have just morphed into something different now that I'm an adult...my obsessive nature probably doesn't help because when I get panic attacks I just can't stop thinking about them afterwards. I think you're right about "breaking the cycle." I've been having these unhealthy thoughts for so long, I just don't know if they can be reversed naturally. I feel like my whole body has been "re-wired" since the day I had that allergic reaction. I've also noticed that since that day, every morning when I wake up, the muscles in my arms and chest are trembling. I don't necessarily feel anxious when I wake up, but the trembling thing is weird. It's like my body just has an excess of adrenaline or something.

alfred24: Thanks for the suggestion. I actually saw a Naturopath about a year ago about all of this, and she had me taking Omega-3 fish oil amongst many other supplements. I don't feel like they really did much though. I have been hearing promising things about Magnesium Taurate though, and have been thinking about trying it.

locksey: Your comment brings me to my next question. How do people feel about going on an antidepressant temporarily until they feel better, and then discontinuing it? Has anyone been on an antidepressant once, discontinued it, and never had to go back on it again? A nurse at my work encouraged me to start taking them for a temporary time(3-4 months)and then go off once my thoughts are better in control. She says that she does this for her panic attacks and it works for her. Whenever things get bad, she goes on them and then discontinues and feels fine again.

04-25-2013, 01:36 PM
MMA_Matthew: Thank you for the response. I definitely have always been more of an anxious person. When I was a kid, I had issues with OCD, but grew out of it. Panic attacks were never a part of that deal. It makes me wonder if the anxiety issues I had as a child have just morphed into something different now that I'm an adult...my obsessive nature probably doesn't help because when I get panic attacks I just can't stop thinking about them afterwards. I think you're right about "breaking the cycle." I've been having these unhealthy thoughts for so long, I just don't know if they can be reversed naturally. I feel like my whole body has been "re-wired" since the day I had that allergic reaction. I've also noticed that since that day, every morning when I wake up, the muscles in my arms and chest are trembling. I don't necessarily feel anxious when I wake up, but the trembling thing is weird. It's like my body just has an excess of adrenaline or something.

alfred24: Thanks for the suggestion. I actually saw a Naturopath about a year ago about all of this, and she had me taking Omega-3 fish oil amongst many other supplements. I don't feel like they really did much though. I have been hearing promising things about Magnesium Taurate though, and have been thinking about trying it.

locksey: Your comment brings me to my next question. How do people feel about going on an antidepressant temporarily until they feel better, and then discontinuing it? Has anyone been on an antidepressant once, discontinued it, and never had to go back on it again? A nurse at my work encouraged me to start taking them for a temporary time(3-4 months)and then go off once my thoughts are better in control. She says that she does this for her panic attacks and it works for her. Whenever things get bad, she goes on them and then discontinues and feels fine again.

Hi..... I was out on propanalol ( slows heart rate dwn ) and is used for anxiety and sertraline ( is an anti-depressant , but also used in anxiety ) .... I was on these years ago and wen my attacks became less severe I weaned myself off them ... About 5yrs later I went thru a really bad patch and got put bak on them both but again I've now really weaned myself off them in the last few mths and only take them now & then ( which defeats the object as they need 2b in yr system for so long b4 they start 2 wrk )

Hope this helps :-/

04-29-2013, 09:32 AM
Thank you everyone for your help. I decided to get started on the Prozac today. It freaks me out a lot, as a reaction to medication is what started me down this whole road in the first place. I'm prescribed 10mg daily, but I'm deciding to play it safe and start out with 5mg daily. I'm feeling a little weird today and maybe slightly more anxious, but some of it could be in my head...not sure. Get ready to maybe hear a little more whining from me this week....I hear the first couple weeks on this medication are the hardest because your body is trying to get used to it. I just became kinda fed up with the whole situation...I tried meditation, supplements, CBT techniques, and exercise. The anxiety would get better(but it would take MONTHS to get better naturally), and it still never fully went away. I just want to know what it feels like to be normal and be myself again. Maybe eventually I will just have to accept that I have a disorder and this is how I am.

04-29-2013, 10:42 AM
I'd say start and hold at 5 mgs and go to 10 mg if you do OK after a couple weeks. Then take it from there slowly. If prozac doesn't agree with you, try 5-HTP. Alankay

05-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Today is Day 6 of Prozac. The first few days I felt like a total zombie, yet still had anxiety. The zombie feeling pretty much resolved by Day 4, but my feelings have been like a rollercoaster since then. I've been going between feeling pretty good and wanting to make social plans, to feeling so depressed that I can't get enjoyment out of anything, to feeling really anxious and restless. I'm assuming all of this is a normal part of starting this med. No physical side effects really, which is good. My hope is that since sometimes I feel really good, that eventually once things level out I'll be feeling really good all the time. No panic attacks, but sometimes have to deep breathe to get myself to calm down in some situations. I was invited to a get-together at someone's house tomorrow. I don't know everyone that would be there, and they're people we haven't hung out with in a long time. This is the type of thing that normally sets me off anxiety-wise. I'm seriously considering skipping this event. I don't normally believe in doing this, as it's an "avoidance" behavior. Will I be making my anxiety worse in the long-run if I don't go? I'm just tired of constantly forcing myself to do things that make me anxious..I've been doing this for the past two years and now I finally feel like I need to be assertive and just tell my husband I'm not going. I've already done a couple different social things this week...so it's not like I spend all my time holed up at home. Just wish this could all go away. *sigh*