View Full Version : Are mornings the worst?

07-24-2007, 05:37 AM
This morning I felt really really crap.

I thought I had a serious heart condition because I made the mistake of looking at websites for heart conditions, but yesterday I just ate too much and this last night and today I have slight pain.

Im trying to put a lid on this anxiety, but I am so bloody spaced out, weak, tired today, and because my heart was beating louder than usual it makes me worse.

Anxiety stress is a real bad deal, but I have just got to learn to deal with it.
If I am not around people, I then start thinking, and when I start thinking I then start feeling lightheaded, spaced out and thinking their are serious problems with me.

Is this to do with the chemicals in your brain? And are the morning worse for you guys?

07-24-2007, 03:44 PM
mornings are terrible for me. I throw up every morning i get into an attack...im usualy better by 6 pm it takes that long for me to feel not anxious anymore. I dread every morning i wake up it always happens

V for Victor
07-24-2007, 06:52 PM
Adrian, yes, it usually does have to do with chemicals in most cases. The good news is that means it can be targeted and dealt with effectively.

I've read a lot of posts from others saying the mornings are very difficult times for them, with lots of anxiety.

For me, it tends to be the opposite. I'm totally fine in the mornings and afternoons, but in the later afternoon and evening, things can get worse. But I've learned to welcome the night with my newfound love of astronomy.

I tend to be "backwards" in many of my problems. For instance, I suffer from anxiety and depression more in the summer than I do the winter! It's just the opposite for most: They're seasonal depression ALWAYS happens in the winter!

07-25-2007, 08:55 AM
i can of course have anxiety problems at any time during the day, but mornings are pretty much a given. it seems i always wake up feeling freaked out a bit, and it usually takes hours before i start to chill out.

whats almost funny is that on rare occasion i'll gain consciousness feeling fine and as soon as i realize that i am definitely awake, the anxiety kicks in. its like briefly catching my anxiety when it was looking the other way and didnt realize i was awake enough to terrorize again yet.

08-05-2007, 01:23 PM
I notice mornings are much worse as well - but what I don't get (I am just realizing now that anxiety is what my problem is, even though Ive been dealing with it for almost four years now) is that even if I am just in the house by myself, anytime of the day or night, but MUCH more so during the day and especially in the morning, that I am incredibly nervous and even if I go to get a bowl of cereal alot of the times my hands are shaky, its hard to eat, most of the time in the morning I cant even imagine going out anywhere social because I hardly feel awake even if I am completely awake its like my view is foggy and I feel like Im not myself, if that makes any sense. Quite frankly I am starting to feel like a friggin weirdo lol does anyone else feel like this or experience this kind of serious anxiety even when theyre on their own? I thought I had social anxiety but how come then even when Im by myself, especially right in the morning when I wake up in my bed my heart is pounding like 90 mph and I find it hard to breathe???